It’s close! iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

It's close! iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “It’s close! iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra”.
I love making these versus videos, you take these Flagship heavyweights and compare them head-to-head, but I always hear in the comments. John. It’S not fair. This phone came out 6 months ago. This phone just came out, there’s not accurate comparisons. This is as good as it gets for flagships iPhone 15 Pro Max s24 Ultra, and they came out just about 4 months apart. Let’S put these heavyweights head to head in an AI camera, build everything else battle and, as always, I’m declare a winner, so you’re, looking at the s24 ultra and you’re like, doesn’t look all that different from last year’s phone um and I think that’s true, but Samsung. I don’t think wants you to focus us on that too much. Instead, they want you to think specifically about software in Galaxy AI. If you saw their keynote, it was like ai, ai, ai ai, just thrown at you, and I know AI is all the rage and it has been for the past few years, but AI is generally been relegated to like one or two interesting software features.

But Samsung is taking those one or two interesting software features and doing way more with it and actually giving you features and sort of utilities that I think are actually useful. So there’s a bunch of AI happening here, and some of it is what Samsung did some of it, what qualcomm’s done with their processor. Let me show you some of the three things that I thought were the coolest.

Some of these things we’ve seen in in Google Standalone app. This is all built into the phone if I’m in a website. For example, here I’m like reading about the Rams uh and I hold down it, be the home button or the bar at the bottom hold it down. You can Circle anything here so I’ll Circle, whatever like the Rams, logo and it’ll, do a full search on it. It’Ll also work inside of the camera app as well. So I got like an old anchor battery here.

It's close! iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

I’Ll turn. This around hold the button down Circle. It so if you see her out, you see something you want to buy it, you can go ahead and do it. I can buy it right here from eBay for 32 bucks, it’s an old battery uh, but it works really well. So, let’s go back to that same article, I’m in Samsung’s, uh browser here too. So here’s about article on the Rams player.

It's close! iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

If I’m like, oh it’s so long, I don’t want to read that I just go ahead and click this little button on the bottom. Little Stars I can translate to any language I want which is pretty cool, but I can also summarize it we go ahead. Read it for me: do some AI magic and give me like a real, quick summary uh on that article.

It's close! iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

It’S a pretty helpful feature to have if you’re trying to get through a bunch of Articles, there’s a ton of other cool stuff in here too, but one of the other things that was pretty impressive uh was in Samsung’s default audio recorder and again I have some Of these features you can get as sedone apps, but if I’m recording something so just testing this recording, seeing how it sounds, I don’t know what I’m going to say, but I just said something: super cool hit, stop save it. If you want to I’m not going to save it, I go ahead and click it hit play it’ll play back, obviously see it sounds, but I can hit transcribe. I can change it into any language I want which is pretty cool uh or I can transcribe it.

Just in English it’ll go ahead and take a little bit of time and it’ll. Give me the full text of what I just said: there’s a bunch for that can happen here and you can duplicate some of these features with standard alone apps from the Play Store. So not 100 % unique, but it is nice to see them all built in to what Samsung is doing with the s24 ultra on the iPhone side.

I know it’s kind of old joke, but we get this m year after year. Siri is feeling worse simply because it’s just not getting better. I think Apple gets a bad rap with AI, because Siri itself is bad, but with the iPhone 15 Pro Max latest version of iOS, there is a lot of AI features built into it.

Things like searching images and getting results based on what is in that image being able to tap and hold on an image to extract stickers. Those those are awesome not exactly like unique to the iPhone, so it does feel a bit like apple is falling way behind. But if rumors are to be believed, this is the year Apple will finally realize it and make Siri generally pretty good by integrating new AI features, to make it easier to talk to and smarter with what it answers, and hopefully that happens cuz. It really needs it, but this is not a future video.

I got to evaluate the iPhone based on what it’s doing right now and from an AI standpoint being able to make stickers, does not a candle to all the amazing AI features that Samsung’s got in the s24. So these phones obviously like have a lot of AI going on some generative AI, but you shouldn’t need ai4 is to look your best, especially with Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, and you can do all that thanks this video sponsor manscaped. If youve been looking at this beautiful beard and you’re like John, how did you get that beautiful Gray beard so clean I’ve actually been using the beard hedger Pro for now, almost 7 months? I think it’s the best for sure adjusting lengths. If you want different lengths on the sides versus where the beard is, it works perfectly. Also. I charged it once like 3 and a half months ago, and I really have not charged it since uh thing works.

Absolutely awesome, that’s you can you can buy all the stuff individually? They got packages that put it all together. However, you want to do it. Uh manscape has you covered, so you got the weed whacker 2.0. It’S for nose, hair, but also works well in ears, too got the lawnmower 5.0 Ultra uh manscape is known for making really high quality grooming products for men. You want to look your best. This Valentine’s Day got a link down below when you go to check out.

Use code ringer: not only will you get free shipping you’ll also get 20 % off so where Samsung is like very clearly leading with AI apple is clearly leading with design cuz. You look at the s24 ultra there’s like a lot of I’ve. Seen that somewhere, uh going on the most obvious one probably is the build of the phone. So now both sides are made of titanium similar to the iPhone and I’m not.

This is not like a copy. I don’t think Samsung saw what Apple did four months ago. It’S was like: oh, we got to change our whole design pipeline. These things were planned years in advance, but it’s definitely very reminiscent uh of what Apple has here.

I like Titanium on the iPhone like the titanium on the s24 ultra, helps the phone feel strong lightweight. At the same time, another design change, I’m pretty happy about, is the flat screen and I get it curved screens. They feel better in the hand uh, but the flat screen is just way more practical. It’S great to use! I’M really happy that Samsung finally made that choice with the s24 ultra when you’re using s24 Ultra.

You probably also notice that the glare you used to get is not there you’re using something called gorilla. Armor class can reduce the glare by 75 %. It is like a tiny detail, but if you’re indirect sunlight in a studio with a bunch of lights, all around you, it actually makes a really nice difference. That aside, the phone is very familiar and I’ve talked a lot about how I am a screen.

Snob and Samsung still makes the best screens industry this one’s just slightly better uh. It’S got the integrated S Pen for taking notes the frosted glass back again very similar to phone as last year with some really solid tweaks. I would imagine s25 Ultra is going to get a whole design change. What they’ve done here at the s24 ultra it’s kind of tweaked and fine-tune the design, and I think they’ve got it to Perfection and that same formula exactly what Apple did with the iPhone Pro? Not really major design changes either, but tweaks here and there that make the phone feel bit new, even if it isn’t uh inside this 24 Ultra is rocking the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 for Galaxy uh, which is a beast and is helping power.

A lot of this AI stuff, that’s going on for gaming, it’s got a larger Vapor chamber to keep temperatures down. It also has R tracing enabled so games, look really good on mobile and it’s also very comparable Benchmark wise to the A7 Pro on the 15 Pro Max Max, and these two phones are blazing fast and the processors enable the phone to tackle a ton when it Comes to processor there’s so much Headroom with these phones, the moral is you’ll, never have to think about your processor. You never have to think whether that can handle it can handle the game.

Cle multitasking, whatever you want to do. These processors are absolute beasts. Uh on the s24 ultra, you do have Wi-Fi 7 versus 6C on the iPhone somebody who just upgraded to Wi-Fi 7. That does make a difference. Uh biometric same story we’ve had for years.

You got a really good Inc screen, fingerprint reader on the s24 ultra and less secure facial, unlocking, where you’ve got really secure, very quick face ID on the iPhone 15 Pro Max. I’M not going to touch too much on battery life cuz, it’s so subjective to everybody are using a third party app, that’s killing your battery are using first party stuff. I will tell you the milli. It’S about 4400 is on the iPhone and 5000 on the s24.

Ultra in my test batteries and apps that I used last almost exactly the same, I was able to get through a full day. So there’s a lot of intangibles with both these phones and I think they’re pretty evenly match as a matter of which one of each you like – and I know I’ve done it in the past too. But a lot of these verses tend to come down to camera and I usually talk about camera first in these videos, but there is so much other stuff. I wanted to save camera for the end, so both these camera systems have taken a huge step forward from previous generations in ways that actually matter at least on paper. So what I want to know is whether or not you could tell from these photos – and I love this blind camera test. Look at these pictures side by side.

Look at black levels! Look at the sky! Look at the colors! Look how it’s handling portrait mode just give me a guess which one was which a s24 Ultra and B is the iPhone 15 Pro Max. So just on a spec standpoint, the s24 ultra has the same basic camera system as last year with one major difference. Instead of the 10 megapixel 10 times, zoom lens replac with a five times, zoom lens, but a 50 megapixels, and I get that might sound like a downgrade. But it is definitely not so little math stuff, but because the sensor is 50 megapixels it can use digital Zoom to reach that 10x and since the old camera is only 10 megapixels still look better than before.

So you kind of get two Zooms for the space of one and that’s something that I hope Apple actually does with the next iPhone, because the 5x 12 megapixel on the 15 Pro Max does feel we a weak point when it comes to Quality. The main 48 megapixel sensor on the 15 pro and pro Max is awesome, and I think it Rivals any of the top smartphones out there for just sheer quality, but again Samsung is applying software and AI to the camera system. With what they’re calling Pro visual engine, I think a lot of this is on the Qualcomm side, but there’s a sued of AI tools that hopefully make your photos better. It’S going to use AI for better space, Zoom night photos, you can detect objects in the scene and help with HDR.

These are things you shouldn’t ever have to think about they’re working in the background to give you better images and when you look at these photos, you’ll be able to tell they look really good apple does not have anything remotely close to these features, uh, which is A place, I think they really need to catch up on, and I imagine they probably will. The C system is still really solid on the iPhone software that goes with. It, though, is starting to fall behind, and the s24 ultra really drives that point home. There’S a lot to like about both these phones and the elephant in the room, I think, is iOS versus Android the whole ecosystem play or you in the Walt Garden you’re out of the Walt Garden.

I think there’s less reasons now to be sort of fully engulfed in Apple’s ecosystem. There’S ways out what Android’s doing is getting better and better people feel very passionate Gall up in their feelings about one or the other. But if both these phones are on a table – and I got to pick one to use for the next 12 months – I’m 100 % picking up the s24 ultra .