The Pixel Fold 2 has leaked and it’s wild!

The Pixel Fold 2 has leaked and it's wild!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Pixel Fold 2 has leaked and it’s wild!”.
I’M not going to beat around the bush here. We just saw some significant leaks for the upcoming Google pixel fold 2 and I’m going to tell you all about everything we know so far. So, let’s Dive Right In in the interest of full transparency. I want to make sure that you guys know that all the leaks, I’m about to tell you about in this article related to the pixel fold 2 – are based off an engineering validation test device.

The Pixel Fold 2 has leaked and it's wild!

So when you’re developing a new smartphone, you start off with a prototype which most of you are probably familiar with the next stage after that is the engineering validation test device. And then there are a bunch more steps before you get to the final device, which then heads to the manufacturing phase, so in other words, this device that we’re basing our leaks off of is pretty early on in the development cycle. That means anything I’m about to tell you, could change right off the bat we can tell that this engineering sample of the Google pixel fold 2 looks very different from the Google pixel fold.

The Pixel Fold 2 has leaked and it's wild!

The outer display of the pixel fold 2 looks to be a lot Slimmer than what we saw on the pixel fold. If you remember, the original pixel fold had a very wide aspect ratio on the outside making it look a lot like a passport. Meanwhile, something like the Galaxy Z fold 5 had a very slim outer display, making it look a lot more like a candy bar when it’s folded, so the pixel fold 2 appears to be sort of in the middle of these two types of displays very similar to What we saw on the OnePlus open still, this is a big departure for Google when it comes to the way that its displays look on its foldable phones. This aspect, ratio change is really interesting because one of the problems we saw with the pixel fold was that apps had trouble with that really wide display.

The Pixel Fold 2 has leaked and it's wild!

A lot of apps aren’t optimized for tablets and other large screen devices, and so the display of the pixel fold had a lot of trouble with that. So, with the pixel fold, 2, looking to slim up the experience a little bit, it’s likely that you’ll see a lot more app compatibility like we saw on on other devices in the foldable sector, including once again the OnePlus open and the Galaxy Z fold 5. Unfortunately, we didn’t get a photo of the inside of the display, but The Source Who provided this photo did tell us that the outer bezel is a lot Slimmer when you unfold the device – and there is now a display cutout for the interior selfie camera instead of Google, putting the selfie camera into a thick bezel in the top of the phone. That’S a good decision. It’S going to make the pixel full too a much more like its competitor devices on the market, but it’s also going to be a bit of an eyesore for people who got very used to the completely uninterrupted display of the original pixel fold. Of course, one of the most significant differences we can see with this photo is a new camera module on the back of the device. If you’ll remember, the pixel fold had a very similar camera bar to what we’ve seen on every other pixel smartphone, that’s launched since the pixel 6, but the pixel fold 2 appears to abandon that design. Now, once again, this is an engineering sample, so things could change significantly between now and when we see this actually launched to the public.

But the fact that Google didn’t use a camera bar style for this engineering sample seems to suggest that we’re not going to get a similar camera bar as we’ve seen on other pixels. We can’t tell you anything about the hardware of the camera on the back of the phone, but we can see clearly that it is a quad lens system. We assume that’s going to be your standard, wide angle lens, as well as an ultra wide and then a periscope telephoto. This is what we saw on the pixel fold and what we’ve seen on other highlevel pixels in the past few years. There is that fourth lens, though, which we’re not quite sure what it is. It could be a temperature sensor like we saw on the pixel 8 Pro. It could be something else, we’re not really sure, but we will probably find that out in the coming weeks and months.

Our source also gave us some information about what’s going on inside the sample most notably, this sample is running on what we expect to be called tensor G4. Now this is a big deal, because if you’ll remember, the original pixel fold came with tensor G2 and then only a few months after it launched the pixel 8 series came out with tensor G3, meaning people who spent all that money on the original pixel fold. Only a few months later found out that their phone was not as powerful as the latest pixel on the market.

Hopefully that means that won’t happen this year, because this phone appears running on the same processor. We expect to launch in the pixel 9 series if the pixel fold 2 does come with tensor G4 instead of tensor G3, that dramatically changed when we expect to see the pixel fold 2 actually launch to Consumers. If you remember the original pixel fold launched at Google IO in May of 2023, so one would Hazard to Guess that the pixel fold 2 will also launch in May of 2024 once again at But Google probably wouldn’t launch tensor G4 at at Google iio and then launch the pixel 9 series with that same processor in October later in the year. This heavily suggests that Google might launch the pixel fold 2 and the pixel 9 series at the same time. In October, all with the same processor, of course, we can’t say that for certain it’s possible that Google could change its mind and launch tensor G3 with the pixel fold 2 and launch that in May, but considering this engineering sample is so far behind the trajectory. We’D expect for a phone, that’s only coming out in a few months we’re going to go ahead and go out in a limb and say that we won’t expect this at Google IO this year. Finally, our source told us that this engineering sample is running with a whopping 16 GB of RAM.

That’S the most Ram that we’ve ever seen in a pixel device. But what is all that Ram going to give you, in the case of the pixel full 2 running? All those apps on two displays is something that takes a lot of horsepower and having a lot of ram could help with that, especially with smooth transitions from opening and closing the device and apps jumping from One display to the other, and also multitasking with all those Apps open on your taskbar on your pixel fold, 2. Having all that Ram will be incredibly helpful for giving you a smooth experience. That’S all.

I can tell you so far about the pixel FL 2, based on this image and the information given to us by our anonymous source. Of course, we can expect a ton more leaks to come on the coming weeks and months, because Google runs a pretty leaky ship when it comes to these kinds of things, so get excited for more information about the pixel full 2. The pixel 9 series, The pixel 8A and all things pixel that we expect in 2024. Of course, in order to see all that you’re going to have to stay tuned to the Android authority channel. So I’ll see you in the next video .