This is Sick

This is Sick

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This is Sick”.
Uh Disney’s Hol deck Disney has unveiled a working model of what they’re calling the world’s first multi-person omnidirectional modular expandable treadmill floor. Okay, I intentionally have not watched this video yet because it sounds too good to be true yeah and if I was going to be disappointed, I wanted it to happen in front of yall, so this is. This is not actually a this week thing. I’Ve already seen this this is from last week, but it’s sick, uh, okay, that looked amazing, uh yeah. Are you kidding me? No, how does it no? They also are they just all on bearings like what am I looking at? Well, it’s it’s always pulling. You kind of to the middle-ish, how do you stand still? Multiple people shut up, multiple people, one platform, and you can tell even just by how he stands and in an earlier portion of the video you see him walk into the room and some of uh his natural gate actually makes it look.

This is Sick

I think like it’s not working as well as it is just cuz, he’s a bit of a shuffler a little bit of a shuffler yeah, which makes you think that it’s maybe not doing as well. But you see him walking on normal floor beforehand and you can kind of see that happening um. I think it’s incredibly impressive, uh people say, can you run? I there’s uh Visual Evidence of that, but I think they say that you can.

This is Sick

They have a really yeah. They have a really cool demo somewhere in the video yeah. That’S okay! You guys should go watch it are you talking about him sitting on the chair and them rolling him around on it? Yes, what the heck! That’S at like 4 minutes and 30 yeah go check out the video. They also show not even a person which I think is incredibly interesting.

This is Sick

I think it’s like a a teaser at the end or something I don’t remember what it is, but they and you should watch it when he’s sitting on the chair, they’re like whipping it around he’s, moving very fast, which is also interesting um at one point in Time they just put an Apple box with no one on it and it just cruises around on it and they make it move. This is wild, which is incredibly interesting for a huge amount of applications. Cuz it’s omnidirectional conveyor belt.

At that point, I just hope Disney. Doesn’T patent it and then oh they’re, like definitely only use it in their Parks? Oh they’re, like definitely going to do that, and then they did say it has applications in other things. So I suspect they might try to patent it, but I also suspect they might try to like license it out to other people, okay, um, because they talked about how his has applications and a wide variety of things, not just their perks yeah. So I hope it just doesn’t end up so there’s like one ride yeah. You know some Star Wars experience and that’s the only place that ever exists.

You get like forced pulled or something yeah, yeah guys. Oh my God, I wasn’t done the sentence guys. I know they’re going to patent it um. I just don’t want it to only exist in one theme park experience and then nowhere else, .