I Don’t Know What to Say… – Nvidia RTX 4070 Super, 4070 Ti Super, 4080 Super Review

I Don’t Know What to Say… – Nvidia RTX 4070 Super, 4070 Ti Super, 4080 Super Review

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I Don’t Know What to Say… – Nvidia RTX 4070 Super, 4070 Ti Super, 4080 Super Review”.
480 super more, like 480 wow super paint job in 4k gaming. We found next to no difference across our entire Suite of games between our two topend cards. In fact, our super card performed a bit worse in cyber Punk compared to our nons super. Despite having more cores and higher on paper, clock speeds now that doesn’t mean that the super is a worse card. Overall, we just released a video demonstrating that modern processors can have measurable difference from one to the next. All it means is power, limits are big and this whole launch Shenanigans could have been an email so rather than waste your time, trickling out, LT review videos every couple of weeks with o one more line on the graph. We combined everything into one super video between the price cuts and the new cards, though the GPU Market has officially been shaken up a lot here. Dollar, four frame, the 4080 super, presents virtually the the same value as the Beloved 3080 at its original MSRP and while the other super refresh cards, don’t get lower prices they’re at least more Winter Soldier super than Nick Fury super. Finally, the 470 gets a price cut down to $ 550, which makes it actually still kind of a bad value. Uh we’re not going to spend too much time on 1080p gaming, because even the weakest card in this kind of price tier delivers an excellent 1080p Ultra experience. It is impressive to see the 3080 sinking so low on our charts, though, and the 470 super is really impressive, beating out even the 3090, despite retailing for less than the historically low pricing on that card. If you’re an Esports player, the good news is any card on this chart will do you well, but the bad news is the word. Super can mean basically anything from a sizable performance increase to me.

So what exactly did they change with these cards? Let’S go through it after this message from our sponsor build: Redux: hey! Do you like gaming, the folks over at build Redux, do as well, and their mission is to help you build the gaming rig of your dreams. Pick your BS and let them take care of the rest check out, build Redux at the link below to learn more. The 470 super uses the same 0104 silicon that’s found on its nons super and TI cousins, man, these names I’ll, but it comes with 20 %, increases in its functional units or Fus for short just about across the board, and it got an especially big bump in Level two cache. It, however, got no increase to its memory, interface width or its 12 GB of vram, a move that seems entirely designed to ensure that this, otherwise, actually pretty solid value card, won’t last for the rest of this generation of console games, many of which already perform best With 16 gigs of vram or more so, if that’s a concern, you’ll have to look to the 470 TI super.

It now shares the same 8103 silicon as the 480 family, but it’s clear that this move is less about providing more value and more about Nvidia offloading. Some 8103 chips that weren’t up to Snuff. As for the 480 super, the modest increase in Fus seems to offer a small benefit, sometimes but other times it’s clear that nvidia’s power limit for this card is doing exactly what it intended to do. Limit its power.

I Don’t Know What to Say… – Nvidia RTX 4070 Super, 4070 Ti Super, 4080 Super Review

You’Ll see what I mean at 1440p. The 470 TI super is another major disappointment here, despite the shift to the bigger die, we don’t really see a major increase in performance, at least not like. We saw on the 470 super and even at its new lower price. The 4080 super doesn’t seem to offer a great value proposition over amds, 7900 XT or nvidia’s own 47 ETI super, which now retail for 750 and $ 800 respectively. It offers only a singled digigit performance uplift for what are, in both cases, double digigit price. Bumps. A couple of bright spots for NVIDIA, though, are they took the lead in f123, a game series that has heavily favored AMD in the past and the 4070 super just kind of in general. That is an offer that is kind of hard to refuse, at least in the context of nvidia’s other 40 series cards say it with me guys.

This is the card. Nvidia should have released a year ago. Looking at games like cyberpunk, the Step Up from the nons super is pretty darn big and yeah. It’S $ 100, more than the 7800 XT, but the 4070 super outperforms it consistently by about 5 % and is compatible with Nvidia Fancy. Pants AI features like their new automatic SDR to HDR video playback Tom Foolery and dlss, with frame gen we’re going to get to frame gen in a bit.

But first, let’s move on to 4K raster gaming in Dota 2 at 4K. Every single super GPU will be able to produce as many frames as you can possibly. Output with display port 1.4a amd’s dp2, clad gpus, on the other hand, may end up being the go-to for high refresh rate 4K e athletes. Even if it comes at the cost of some performance in other games, the 480 super pulls pretty far ahead of the 7900 XT in Red, Dead, Redemption, 2 and atomic heart. As for the 470 TI super, it has fully caught up to the 7900 XT and extends its lead over the the 470 super to about 20 %, a point where its $ 800 price tag could almost be justifiable and the 470 super begins falling behind the 3090.

It appears to be being held back by that 12 gigs of video memory that we complained about before. If you were hoping that this refresh then would push the prospect of 4K Ultra gaming to a lower price bracket. I’M sorry, but that just isn’t the case and it appears to be by Design so with Nvidia cards having names that are too long long and traditional raster gaming performance that is at best competitive with AMD. The question becomes, are nvidia’s other features worth the price premium.

Let’S take a quick detour into productivity and find out now featuring I’m so sorry, you must be so tired of hearing about it. Ai benchmarks, The proon Benchmark, is testing the speed of inference of various AI models on this Hardware. Things like upscaling and object, recognition or generating images like with stable diffusion like it’ll, see, pixels and infer that those pixels form a stop sign, and naturally we see Nvidia dominate here. But this isn’t just some architectural failure on amd’s part. A big part of it is software. Cuda has been around for a long time now and basically, every AI program is accelerated by nvidia’s Cuda course, whereas AMD is stuck in direct ml hell in this test and just can’t keep up so we’re going to be working to build out an AI.

I Don’t Know What to Say… – Nvidia RTX 4070 Super, 4070 Ti Super, 4080 Super Review

I Suite that is more representative, as time goes on of note. This is the first instance where we see an actual increase in performance from the 4080 refres. Excuse me, 4080.

I Don’t Know What to Say… – Nvidia RTX 4070 Super, 4070 Ti Super, 4080 Super Review

Super. If AI is a major part of your workflow, then you can be thankful that you’re now getting even better AI performance for less money at the very high end. Similarly, in blender AMD is hamstrung by lacking software support and we see Nvidia dominate the rendering race, even without taking advantage of their Optics.

Rendering, however, that uplift, that we saw in AI workloads on the 4080 redu sorry sorry 480 super has all but evaporated. Let’S talk about how nvidia’s AI horsepower affects gaming. Now then, with dlss and frame gen, as we’ve seen in the past, an increase in AI cores doesn’t correlate to improved performance from dlss and frame gen.

You turn them on and they work or you don’t turn them on and they don’t work. You get roughly a 60 % increase in fps from enabling dlss with frame gen, regardless of which card you’re using that is assuming it’s green, which dramatically increases performance with. What has become a pretty small difference in visual Fidelity, the increase in latency is measurable, but outside of professional Gamers and enthusiasts.

I think it’s kind of reached the point where it’s like. Well. Why wouldn’t I turn this on? As for AMD, you might have noticed that, even though they finally launched their driver level frame generation, we did didn’t include it in our results.

We wanted to be as Apples to Apples as possible and in theory, it’s really cool. You just turn it on in the adrenaline control panel and it boosts your FPS in any DirectX 11 or directx12 game, though like with Nvidia, they do say you need decent performance already for it to work its best with AMD recommending 60fps. The problem is that we were not able to get consistent outputs such that we would be confident putting them on our graphs.

So we’ve got some screen capture here for you guys to to give you some idea of what you might expect in terms of a performance uplift, but I think it’s going to have to wait for a future video to see how their fluid motion frames. Compare to Nvidia when it comes to image, quality and latency another place. Speaking of latency, where AMD has lagged behind Nvidia, has been Ray tracing which doesn’t change at all. The introduction of these performance bumps and the new SKS will all but Force AMD to Discount.

Pretty much their entire current gen lineup, at least if they want to appeal to Ray tracing Enthusiast, Gamers, post price cut. The 4080 now competes directly with the 7900 XTX, with slightly better raster and much better raate tracing performance alongside other Nvidia waloff features, and the story is the same when it comes to power consumption, even with the bump to Total power consumption. Nvidia’S new cards, handily, outclass, AMD and overall efficiency, and if you were worried that the power bump would result in thermal problems, maybe on the 480 super, for example Le you can rest easy, knowing that thermals on all of these cards were very much in check. So you can rest easy and comfortably in our new collection of pajamas.

We have onesies and lounge pants now available at LTD. Store.Com now is anyone else getting a sense of deja vu by now. If you are it’s probably CU, you’re, pretty smart and observant. Nvidia is pulling from the exact same Playbook as they did with the 20 series seriously. Stop me if this sounds familiar, you release a generation of cards that is perceived as not offering a very good value and in fact not offering much in the way of a performance improvement over the last gen. Then you do a midcycle super refresh so that you can say yeah. We know this one was kind of a downer, but we’re listening well. That may have been a very long, 4 and 1/2 years ago, but I haven’t forgotten Nvidia and how is it that you thought that this was worth dragging out over a month plus long series of launch events? Did anyone else notice that they gave nothing to The Gamers, who already had the least this generation? What about people who have less than $ 500 to spend on a gaming accessory Nvidia is basically yielding that customer to Sony or Microsoft.

So I hate to say it, but unless Intel Arc battle, mage swoops in to save us apus might be the future that we have to look forward to for Budget PC gaming. As for the future of this video, it’s the segue to our sponsor ground news. No one likes to admit it, but we all kind of live in our own bubbles, thanks in no small part to internet platforms that feed us more and more stuff that they think we’ll like including news. But ground news wants to change how we engage with news by helping us break free from algorithms, see through media bias and better understand where we get our information from to do this.

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