Ok Microsoft, This is Low.

Ok Microsoft, This is Low.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Ok Microsoft, This is Low.”.
You know Tech news, isn’t all fun in games and giving yourself little electric shocks for fun. It can have real consequences like finding out how good robots are getting so always do the tech news with a partner. If you don’t have, I I count as a partner. You’Re good Microsoft’s edge browser has been caught, stealing people’s Chrome tabs in broad daylight. When The Verge reporter Tom Warren started up his PC after updating Windows, he was meant by Edge automatically opening with all of his tabs open, which doesn’t seem that weird, except that he had those tabs open in Chrome, his default browser.

Ok Microsoft, This is Low.

Ah sorry, bub defaults changed and Tommy’s not alone. There have been a slow and steady buildup of reports from users complaining about their Edge browsers, just going ahead and importing browser data from chrome without permission, one person that this happened to even uninstalled Edge and deleted. All of its app data from Windows only to have it pop up having imported everything again after an update, and this time it was angry, got a bit of a single white female situation. You didn’t mean to do that. Did you turns out Edge? Has a little known feature that allows it to pull data from other browsers. So when Microsoft decides to push another update, that autol launches the app it’ll take longer for users to realize that isn’t their Grandma at all, it’s the wolf grandma! What great cookies you have! Privacy researcher Zach Edwards pointed out that when reinstalling Windows, a screen appears giving you the option to disable this feature, but it clearly nudges you towards keeping it on.

Ok Microsoft, This is Low.

But if you missed that, you can also disable it in edges. Settings who knows if that’ll stick, though, that’s half the fun speaking of browsers the company behind the unusual Arc browser they’re, called the browser company to make things less confusing, has launched Arc search an iPhone exclusive app with an AI powered feature called browse for me, because Laying on the couch with your phone like this is just yeah, exhausting AI, assisted search is nothing new, but instead of making you go back and forth with a chatbot Arc search will actually read six web pages and generate a summary web page for you, complete with Embedded YouTube, videos and verified quotes, which probably could do with some more verification afterwards, since generative AI is involved, but I can’t deny it looks pretty convenient but as with other AI powered tools heralded as the future of web browsing, this one sparking concern about how Publishers Get compensated when their content is scraped by a bot instead of a squishy human who can be lured into clicking a shiny ad for hot cheese, sauce ads like that, don’t work on robots. They hate that stuff, it gunks up their gears. Ah, what are we going to do? How do we sell cheese to robots? How Apple may have spit in the eu’s face with their iOS changes announced last week, but Amazon’s coones, apparently aren’t as large.

Ok Microsoft, This is Low.

The e-commerce giant has announced it’s cancelling its $ 1.4 billion agreement to acquire irot the company behind Roomba and, did you know, there’s a mopping Roomba called Brava with three A’s pretty cool. This is what Isaac azimov had in mind: opposition from European regulators and an active investigation by the FTC cooled, Amazon’s lenium cleansing Jets. Unfortunately, the same day the deal was cancelled. Iroot announced an operational restructuring plan involving 31 % of the company’s 1130 employees being laid off.

While its co-founder and CEO Colin angle is stepping down, take a good look: Europe, you did this Europe Euro, while there were concerns that the acquisition would lead to Amazon favoring its own products on its Marketplace, because they have done that many times before. Others have pointed out that iroots products are struggling while losing ground to many chinese-made competitor products, none of which have names that are nearly as simultaneously quaint and nonsensical. A Roomba.

Now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by Jawa the company that makes getting rid of your old graphics card easy. If you don’t want to go through the trouble of listing it, they’ll just buy it off you straight up. All you have to do is go through the steps on their site to get an instant quote and a free shipping label, most sellers will get paid within one business day after Jawa receives the part which isn’t as quick as quick bits.

But it’s a good effort. Each card that Jawa buys from users is carefully inspected and quality checked to make sure it’s in working condition, but it’s not just graphics cards, makes it easy to sell your old rig or buy one from an experienced Builder, so check them out using the link below Sell your old graphics card the easy way and offset the cost of your new card. Quick bits are the answer to what question. Indeed, last week, Apple announced its proposed changes in response to the EU.

Digital markets act to A Chorus of jeering and booze, because the company still wants to review every app on offer on iOS and they even added a potentially punishing new core technology fee for developers. When asked about Apple’s half-ass plan EU internal Market. Commissioner, tiar Breton didn’t comment on Apple directly, but told Reuters that company proposals that fail to go far enough will be met with strong action. It’S like how, when your mom doesn’t say, she’ll punish you. If your room is messy just that the house, it better be clean when she gets home, it’s a scary home to live in. Nasa has officially announced the end of the engine.

Genuity helicopters mission on Mars, according to NASA Ingenuity or Genny to its friends, is still functional in the sense that it’s upright and capable of communicating with NASA control back on Earth. But it likely damaged one or more of its rotor blades, meaning that it’s permanently grounded over the course of 3 years. Jinny managed 72 flights through Mars’s ultra thin atmosphere. Far beyond the original five test flights that NASA scientists expected, tragically despite over 2 hours of total flight time, this little helicopter was still unable to complete its ultimate goal and rescue Matt Damon, some say he’s still up there. Growing taters Kraken, wise fossil has officially thrown in the towel and will no longer be making SmartWatches, leaving them to an assortment of non-tech products.

None of us here care about they’re, basically dead to us. It’S a big deal, but it also really really isn’t. Fossil was possibly the biggest partner for Google’s we OSS platform, but despite launching nearly a decade ago, fossil SmartWatches still only made up 2 % of the Smartwatch market. Now this isn’t coming out of nowhere. Fossil’S last Smartwatch was a refresh of the fossil Gen 6 back in late 2022, and they hadn’t really said much since it’s like having your girlfriend ghost you for over a month. The eventual breakup text isn’t that much of a shock Canon the Japanese camera and printer company plans to start shipping chip making machines that use a new technology called Nano imprint lithography sometime this year. The tech involves stamping chip designs onto silicon as opposed to etching them.

Using euv lithography the technique used by industry, leader asml Canon says their stamping method, which sounds suspiciously like a printer, is significantly cheaper and uses up to 90 % less power than the way the Dutch company does it. But at this point we don’t care if they’re literally drawing the chip designs on with a pen. We need chips to get cheaper and for that to happen we need more chips and the Dutch have stood in our way for too long. Europe speaking speak of Japanese W’s. The Japanese government will no longer require companies to submit certain official documents in the form of CD, ROMs, mini discs and floppy discs, a media format that is the same age as Mark wallberg and also apparently, the quarter pounder. Okay, since 2022, Japan’s Ministry of economy, trade and industry has been begging, the other various branches of the government to modernize their submission protocols which apply to important sectors throughout the Japanese economy, including aircraft and weapons manufacturers. Unfortunately, this isn’t an issue exclusive to Japan. Many elderly planes and medical devices still require floppy discs and the US government only stopped using floppy discs to coordinate nuclear launches back in 2019, truly proving the power of nostalgia.

We have to move on and I know you have the power to come back on Wednesday for more Tech, news, you’re capable of so much especially clicking that Mouse on a video you got this .