Tech is Failing (Invest in Lego)

Tech is Failing (Invest in Lego)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Tech is Failing (Invest in Lego)”.
Well, let’s talk about the SSD shortage, that’s expected! This is not Financial advice but buy lots of ssds. There’S your next investment. Don’T don’t actually don’t that’s sell them on the street cor. I I I I I know they say it’s nonvolatile where’s, my ding, but don’t do that. Uh prices of high capacity ssds are projected to spike by 15 to 20 % due to a shortage of four and eight diand packages. While some of this price increase is already hitting retail, it may be 2 to 3 months before the impact of these supply shortages hit consumers fully. It is possible that this is a downline consequence of makers of 3D man.

Cutting production due to previously low demand, notably 2023, was a no good very bad year for sales of electronics. However, some oems have significantly scaled up their purchases of ssds. As of this quarter, meaning that well low supply high demand what happened to pricey, he go up um our discussion questions.

How should users looking for an SSD deal with these kinds of shortages? I would say that if you’re on the fence um, I would probably pick up an SSD now but understand that overall price for in general price goes down price for um price per capacity price for Nan storage, yeah generally go down, so I I would not actually Recommend it as an investment yeah, but if you’re like I’ve, been thinking about getting one and you feel like you probably will within the next X amount of months, maybe do it sooner than later speaking of Investments, it’s time to find out how much I made on My Lego roller coaster, what oh, nothing, what okay, it’s apparently still worth exactly what it was when uh when I bought it, I don’t understand. What’S happen happening well, Lego retired sets can do really well, oh okay, so you bought one right before it retired. Well, I bought one of these like 3 years ago. We only just finally finished building it because we lost a couple of pieces in the move. Well, we lost a couple pieces before the move and then it was exacerbated by the move anyway, we. Finally, it’s so cool this thing is so cool the cats love it like. You just do things actually like roll on yeah, it has a yeah, it has a it has two trains or cars or whatever, whatever they’re called it goes. Do the cats just like watch it, they watch it. Sometimes they bad at it.

Tech is Failing (Invest in Lego)

They Brownie and particular freaking loves it. You just you just sit there and it’s so fun. I’M watching him he’s watching the coaster and I’m just turning the crank like moving the bringing the cars up to the top and he’s just like like watch. He he’s like so into it like. Sometimes he like goes at the mechanism for the for the track that drags the uh, the trains. I guess what the heck are they what’s the word for that carts, trains, whatever trains uh drags, the trains up the hill and then sometimes he like like, and he goes, and he like stops it on the track. It’S great.

Tech is Failing (Invest in Lego)

I love it so much fun um. I don’t know, maybe in another 10 years the vehicle is called the train. All right, good, but yeah, Lego, Lego, retired kits, can be a can be a very strong investment uh.

I think that just collecting obest crap would be a really fun hobby. Sl investment. Do you think IP based ones would probably do better than like roller coaster it like there was like a the office set. I feel like that, might do pretty. Well, I don’t know man, I don’t know what I don’t know if the office is going to be.

Maybe not the office, maybe maybe there’s some like. I would say the kid ones are the stronger ones yeah. So kid today Nostalgia tomorrow. I don’t think you’re going to have the same kind of nostalgia for Michael Scott Lego, figurine necessarily, but then you never know because a big part of what makes something collectible is how many they sold, and maybe the office set was not particularly popular or maybe it Was I actually just don’t know uh, but no, I I would say the big ones are going to be the ones that are the hotest for kids right now there was a $ 3,500 Pokemon card for sale like it was insane uh. If you think that’s insane, you should look up Pokemon cards for sale that doesn’t even sound, very high Z biggy.

You can’t use it Linus that completely destroys the value all right. Well, I’m over it. I I I am having my like $ 500 worth of fun. With it for sure my kids are, my kids are enjoying it a ton.

I I am, I am very anti, collect it and put it on a shelf and never look at it and make sure it doesn’t have too much light and never touch it and never do anything with it. I’M not I’m not into that. I don’t like it. Yeah all of Luke’s collectibles are digital he’s big into nfts.

Tech is Failing (Invest in Lego)

I was like huh, remember: nfts, yeah, good riddance to bad rubbish. Oh my! I honestly, okay, when I found out how much the value of the like first tweet nft had gone down. It was like a couple $ 100. A part of me was like yeah sure you know like I like, I, the the idea of that it had been worth so much and that I bought it for so little was kind of amusing to me. Fun yeah and I was like I, I would consider – buying a couple of nfts for like $ 30 or whatever, like at at this stage in the game.

I didn’t end up buying any because it seemed like it’s a lot of work, dumb, you’re literally just like. I could burn $ 100 or a couple hundred or whatever yeah there’s no actual value. I I you you’ve heard me, give my Spiel to my kids now right, multiple times, yeah every single time we play Halo, oh really, yeah! No, I don’t think so. Uh, okay, fine, then you should probably be able to recite it uh.

Oh man, I don’t really pay attention. Remember we don’t do that. We don’t if, if you, if you can’t earn it whatever something see it clearly hasn’t sunk in okay I’ll have to do it more often for you, I don’t need it. It’S always in the form of a question: okay, yeah! Okay, do we spend money on things that that we can’t touch or even own, no, no okay, and then we’re? Is that a smart thing to do? No, why not? You know yeah like like it’s a it’s a whole, it’s a whole thing. It’S it’s a whole thing good, I don’t even I think it gets in my personal opinion.

I think it gets a little bit nuanced, sometimes because I look at like how much value I got out of the thing sure like I think I’ve talked about this before, but I bought some seasons passes for Rocket league, and I think that was a good thing To do because I got the game on some insane sale for like five bucks, and then I played the heck out of that game, so it like felt correct to contribute more to the thing yeah. That’S totally, I didn’t do it because I was like. Oh my God. I want my skins for my car and then pionic got bought by epic games. Yeah yeah. So I guess that worked out great for you.

Well, I mean cionic got more money or the valuation was potentially worth more whatever, whatever like I’m still fine with it yeah now you can’t buy rocket league on Steam, so good job Luke. I still have it on Steam, though it’s entirely your fault. Take it off of steam, if you already had it well yeah, but like okay, my son wanted to get Rocket League he’s like yo. How do I get Rocket League? I’M like well, didn’t you already have it yeah, but he doesn’t use my account anymore.

Oh yeah! He has his own account now and I was like okay, we guess we could put epic gam store on the computers and then I like explained how I didn’t really want to have like a bazillion launchers on these things and he was like oh yeah. Forget it then good kid yeah yeah uh! No, you do not have to have epic installed to play rocket league on Steam. Think so not not the last time I did it. It’S been quite a while.

I haven’t played rocket League okay, yeah. No, you don’t .