A step in the right direction – Nvidia RTX 4070 Super

A step in the right direction - Nvidia RTX 4070 Super

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “A step in the right direction – Nvidia RTX 4070 Super”.
I think I can speak for all of us when I say that this GPU generation has been a little bit less than super, but not anymore. Look the RTX 470 super, it’s finally here and in a cool matte black finish that, I think, looks really really slick. Just like every other Founders Edition box, it’s really prone to uh, dropping the GPU and inside we get a fancy. Uh 12vt horsepower adapter as I like to call it.

A step in the right direction - Nvidia RTX 4070 Super

The H power stands for horse. Obviously, the very controversial connector that I really wish that they would just ditch at some point still sticks out. The side looks ugly as usual, but you got to respect sticking to your guns, let’s jump into the specs and see how this differs from its older brother. The new RTX 470 super will be using the same GPU chip, the a104 that can be found in the 4070 and in the 4070 TI. If you remember, the 4070 TI was originally going to be called the 40802 GB, and then everyone got really mad because it’s on a different chip than the 4080.

A step in the right direction - Nvidia RTX 4070 Super

This is the third C that they’ve released on this chip. So what does the 470 Super Brain? Well, it’s still cut down compared to the 4070 TI, but we see about a 20 to 22 % increase across the board and pretty much all cores. You got Cuda cores, tensor cores, Shader, cores R tracing cores. We got all of them.

We got more of them, which basically implies that Invidia has been able to improve their yields pretty substantially or maybe they’ve been struggling to make 4070 TI, because this is cut down from that. The new 470 TI super. Yes, I know that’s kind of a hat on a hat, for a name actually has been moved up to the 4080 die and will be cut down from that that’s the 8103. So now we’re never going to see a card that has a full Ada 104 chip on it.

Everything is cut down, which is okay, there’s lots of times where you have to disable cores to get better yields, but Nvidia hasn’t really done much in terms of increasing clock speeds. The base clock on the 470 super is 1,980 MHz, A Small Bump over the 1,920 MHz on the RTX 470, but nothing no increase to boost clock, which means that Nvidia is relying on the extra silicon on the chip for the performance benefit. They’Re also quoting an increased power draw over the 4070, but just by about 10 %, so not a huge increase and they didn’t bother to increase the cooler which is totally fine, cuz. It’S already a relatively low power card, and these pass through coolers that Nvidia made have been doing just fine, this entire generation keeping everything cool, and I actually like the size of these.

This is a nice dual. Slo is card and it isn’t crazy tall or anything. It fits into cases, which is what I appreciate, I’m tired of big, triple slot cards that don’t need to be that big, because they can be cooled by something this small man, the new, like sleek black, finish just kind of makes. The 4070 look kind of out of date.

I don’t know what it is. Maybe I’m just overwhelmed by the shiny, Noo-noo, really, there’s no difference to IO or anything like that. There’S very, very little difference physically about these cards outside of the cool colors yep, we’re good. There’S not going to be any bump to vram or anything like that, which is a little bit disappointing, because I still think that at the price point that these cards exist at you really should be getting 16 gigs.

Especially now that AMD has announced that they’re releasing a $ 300 card with 16 GB. It’S it’s ridiculous and it’s still stuck at that 192bit bus width, unlike the other supers that have been announced in the lineup. This is not replacing this. These will be sold alongside one another. The 4070 TI super will replace the 4070 TI and the 4080 super will replace the 4080.

These, however, are both going to remain in production. For now, if we walk down this act, we have the 470 super at $ 600. At $ 550, we have the 470, then at $ 500 we have the 4060 TI 16 GB, and then we have a $ 100 leap.

All the way down to the 4060 TI Knot Just 8 gig, and if you feels like there’s that’s where the big Chasm is like, why not lower the price of the 4060 TI 16 gig and then insert these into the price stack? That seems to make a lot more sense, because if this takes place of the 4070 in the product stack and there’s that much of a difference between the 470 and the 460 TI 16 GB, it kind of makes the 4060 TI. 16 GB seem even more stupid than it already does. It’S like truly got to be one of the worst values ever for PC Hardware. It’S it’s not cool.

A step in the right direction - Nvidia RTX 4070 Super

A 490 is kind of cool. It’S just bad! It’S like! Oh, what an insult and it’s crazy, that you go up two steps and you still don’t have access to 16 GB like Nvidia, come on. You have to get the 4070 TI to get 60. The 4070 TI super now to get oh man, I hate TI super. What a stupid name now that we understand the position in the product stack and the price of the card. We got just two things left to do: it’s called graphing and gaming baby. We got Labs data and graphs after this break from our sponsor. Thanks to motion gray for sponsoring today’s video, tired of back pain from prolonged sitting and staring at a screen all day, motion gray aims to provide ergonomic workplace Solutions at affordable prices.

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Let’S check the settings right now. What are we at the highest on Ultra? Basically, we no path tracing yet, but we can even turn on path, tracing and see what happens path tracing card. This is not, I mean even on the highest end cards in this game, like you only get like 20 frames per second okay and we’re getting like 23 frames per second. Second, with everything cranked: it’s cinematic, isn’t it Andrew it’s beautiful um, but if we just turn on go to dlss and you can really see dlss falling apart, like look at how like it gets nasty when we turn, we turn R tracing off we’re in, like the 40 45 region, which is honestly like completely this, is totally playable um, I’d, probably lower the some of the less wow I’d, probably order I’d, probably lower the things a little bit further. But honestly, this pretty impressive, like this uh, I’m pretty impressed.

I wonder what the thermals are like we’re getting like: 70 7ish de and I mean wow. You know it’s pretty crazy. I mean I’d, expect nothing less for like a $ 600 graphics card, but uh. Let’S uh see we got for Mark yeah, 99 100 %, 10.5 % power usage at The Hot Spot, we’re seeing 80 205 Watts, which is pretty much onpc for what they were.

Quoting it’s fun to touch hot Electronics. Don’T you agree? It feels surprising to me to see a 70 series card perform so dang. Well, they couldn’t have have really made it. Look more like a butthole wa overall in our games at 1080p, we’re seeing about a 14 % increase over the 470 on the 470 super and a 12 % performance improvement over the 7800 XT in our 1 % lows in 1080.

It’S a bit of a tighter race, but I’d say this is more of a 1440p card. So let’s look at what those results show in 1440p, we see that lead, especially in the 1 % lows increase over the 4070. This is probably thanks to the expand L2 cache. That’S on the 4070 super, so the 470 super is now performing more in line with that 20 % increase.

That Nvidia was quoting. When we go to dlss. We see the actual 20 % that Nvidia was talking and they were probably talking about dlss numbers the whole time CU. That’S all they ever want to talk about. We see another 20 % increase in rate tracing and in 4k. That’S where we see a the biggest increases over the 4070. That’S about all the analysis! We’Re going to do here if you want to learn more, just wait for the end of the month when we’re going to release a video on LT about all of the Super Cards um and for now enjoy these graphs, and you can learn a little bit more About these cards for yourself it’s a great card, it’s still too expensive, but you know what isn’t expensive, subscribing to Short Circuit thanks so much for watching uh.

If you want to watch more GPU videos on shorts, C, uh, Jake and lus have done them. .