Please Don’t Buy New Graphics Cards

Please Don’t Buy New Graphics Cards

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Please Don’t Buy New Graphics Cards”.
Pc industry-wise there there wasn’t much like uh, I mean AMD, launched new am4 processors, which I think is pretty cool um. I got a little bit of inside baseball into sort of where these are coming, from which I don’t think was off the Record, but it felt like too much detail for the video um, so the 5800 X 3D they’ve been producing for a couple years now, right And in that time, they’ve had a lot of dies that uh die not die, but didn’t quite make the grade yeah for 5800 x3d. So why do we have a cheaper x3d? Cuz uh? Hey! I mean waste, not want not right. So 250 bucks gets you a chip that doesn’t hit the same clock speeds, but AMD is claiming, though we haven’t validated this, yet that a lot of what gives the x3d its strength is.

The cash itself is the is the latency advantage of the cash cash and you don’t necessarily need more core clock speed for that. So they’re saying that gaming performance should actually be quite similar to the 5800 x3d. So I’m I’m pretty excited for that, because there’s this enormous install base of am4 systems out there and if all they’ve got to do to be able to keep up with the latest generation gaming gpus, mostly right, like okay, not quite as good as a 7,000 series Or x3d 7000 series for that matter, or a 14th gen or whatever, but to mostly keep up with a current gen GPU, is pop a $ 250 chip in there they’re going to get some money back for the chip they just took out. Just flip it on eBay or whatever else, that’s really compelling, and I I I’m here for it I like to see it uh. I just thought it was really cool that we were seeing extra support for that platform.

I mean realistically amd’s main focus was their 8,000g series chips which are pretty much 7,000 chips, but the top two have like a neural processor on neural Processing Unit in them. That AMD didn’t really have any clear idea of what anyone was going to do with. Yet like there’s no real software that runs on it at this time that that that a general consumer would care about uh. But theoretically, you know, workloads will come and it’s much more efficient to offload to that compared to even using the GPU on them. And it’s the GPU, that’s really special, because they had demos. Obviously they were using frame generation and upscaling and all that kind of stuff, but they had demos where they were running AAA games at like 60 frames per second, like balers Gate 3 running on an on integrated Graphics, that’s actually pretty nuts, I I I I you Know back when we first started putting gpus right on the CPU package, you know back when Intel first launched their like 700 series, core processors, um Lindfield – I was like yo.

Please Don’t Buy New Graphics Cards

I don’t want this, give me more CPU compute. Why are you wasting dpace on this crap? Now, I’m now I get it if we, if ID known that this level of integration was going to give us AAA gaming yeah at low. You know 1080p, if you’re lucky right, it’s run running at a lower resolution, upscaling to 1080p um, but if I’d known integrated Graphics was going to reach playing AAA games at all, I probably would have been a lot more on board with it. It’S freaking awesome and it finally buries that category that you and I have both been trying to kill for the last 10 years.

Please Don’t Buy New Graphics Cards

The entry-level e-w graphics card yeah, I get it and it’s been, it’s been close. Some people buy them, I get it but like please. Please stop please stop, please stop onboard Graphics is literally a better option and okay, sometimes you have an older machine that you need to put better graphics in I get it don’t buy an entry-level card. I used get get get a used card that you could also just plug into it and would also be cheap.

Please Don’t Buy New Graphics Cards

Okay, don’t just stop. Ah, oh man! Oh boy here comes chat. Oh no, I have a gt510. I okay, all right! Oh no! Really! I use an entry level card to prop up my 4090. It’S a great seg pillar.

I, like my computer, to be an analog for society. Look, look, look, look look raging, aaru 1660! Super is not the problem. I’Ve never had an issue with that. I’M talking like GT 103s stuff that is just manufactured waste, um yep, yep yep. Why don’t we jump into oh here hold on notable Nona? Okay.

I already talked about Wi-Fi 7 being amazing. There’S the new AMD card with 16 gigs of vram. I can’t man nvidia’s lineup once again seems to be just purely designed to upsell you to the next one. I talked about this a fair bit when they launched the 4060 Series right.

You’Ve got the 4060 um 8 gig, the 4060 16 gig and the 460 TI. I think it is or is it that no the 4060 and then the ti both had 8 gigs and then the 4060 TI 8 gig or 16 gig. That’S right where the 4060 was like dog slow and then the ti was fast enough, but didn’t have enough. Vram and then the ti 16 gig was way overpriced. You know like it was just like entire lineup is just designed to extract more money from you. It’S like it’s like so blatantly obvious.

They just won’t. They won’t quite give you enough at every stage like it used to be. You could get kind of.

You know what was pretty much the whole experience um and like you could overclock it a bit and you could like get to that level like they. They are. So careful to make sure that that one cannot be as good as that one and you are leaving something critical on the table and I felt the same way with the 470 super 480 uh.

Excuse me, 470. Super 470 TI super and 4080 super lineup. The 4070 super has 12 gigs of vram.

It is a $ 600 card with 12 gigs and I get it. It has 192bit bus. So if they wanted to strap more RAM to it, they would either have to do some kind of like you know. Some of it would run at half of the bandwidth or something or they would have to double it entirely. They’D have to do 24, gigs of vram something wi bues for a long time, though. Well, that’s what I was going to say is uh I mean you could also make the argument that it is a $ 600 card with a 192bit bus that is equ would be equally outrageous. Yeah, not that so very long ago, yeah um. Then you step up to the 470 TI super, which has 16 gigs of vram, which is nice, but is an $ 800 graphics card. Then there’s the 4080 super, which is a great 4K High frame rate gaming card.

I was playing the new um. The new Call of Duty Call of Duty. Modern Warfare can, can we just again again again again. Can we not name things like this? I freaking hate it um.

So I played the new Call Of Duty, Modern Warfare and even without upscaling nonsense, it was, I shouldn’t say non sense. Cuz, it’s getting really good, even without upscaling. It was over 100 FPS at 4K, like it looked great, it just looked great and with all the Tom Foolery, it was like over 200, like like 220 230 240, like somewhere in that range um. So I was playing that on the 4080, which is 480 super excuse me, which was awesome, and it got a $ 200 price cut from $ 1,200 us, so the one kind of reason reasonably priced one. It’S like well hey, look at that Achilles tendon right there. You know um, don’t no don’t worry about the knife.

Just here give me your foot. Give me your foot. You know right because we’re we’re in the era where the PS5 and the Xbox series have 16 gigs of potential available RAM, and so it’s no secret that game developers are going to be trying to utilize that as efficiently as possible. So there’s the there’s the potential for games to need that kind of vram um, especially if you’re on PC, where you’re going to be running at a higher detail level than what is necessarily going to be available to a console.

That’S running what is essentially last gen GPU technology now, so, even if those consoles can’t dedicate their entire 16 gigs, because it’s shared right to vram on a PC it, it is very clear that that is going to that. Those kinds of overruns are going to happen and they have already been happening, so they they released this card for $ 600. That is not designed to last for this generation properly um and then it’s you know it’s 800 bucks to get one, but by the time you’re spend $ 800. Well, I don’t know, I guess you might as well get the ,000 one. They can do. 4K.

120. I don’t and I’m supposed to feel like this is a good deal, because the nons super was 12200. I it’s tough he’s he’s. He wants an out, that’s why he started searching for things on the table.

He doesn’t like the situation. .