Impressive new robot vacuums and mops from Narwal at CES 2024

Impressive new robot vacuums and mops from Narwal at CES 2024

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Impressive new robot vacuums and mops from Narwal at CES 2024”.
The energy is palpable at narwhal’s, striking booth at CES 2024, where excited attendees gather to witness the company’s revolutionary approach to home cleaning, hello everybody. This is Jonathan Feist for Android authority, we’re CES 2024 we’re at one of our favorite booths. Narwhal we’re here with VJ we’re checking out the specifically we’re checking out the Narwhal fro X, Ultra an amazing Robot vacuum. Thank you so much for spending time with us.

Thank you, J. Please uh! If you wouldn’t mind we’re all interested to here, like what was your Innovation, what what made you think of of building a robot vacuum, such as the the Frio exal TR, our communist mission is to Pioneer Innovation for lives with liberty and joys. So we believe that uh every day is boring and repetitive jobs just reduce people’s quality of lives and even so bring some conflicts to your families right yeah. Exactly so, we uh firmly believe that if we use new technologies and artificial intelligence, we can just reduce or even replace such tasks to free up our people’s time their minds and also to like allow them to have more time for the SC. They truly love, as you know, so, right now, we just bring the world’s first zero tangling floating brush, yes certified by tube and SGS after we figuring out uh. What is our customer Pino? The next step is to how to build a very strong, strong power about our R .