🔴The BEST Firestick Alternative for 2024 Tested !

🔴The BEST Firestick Alternative for 2024 Tested !

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴The BEST Firestick Alternative for 2024 Tested !”.
Okay, so it’s January 2024 – and you just want to know how good is the on streaming box versus the tried and tested Amazon, 4K F, stick which still even today, is one of the most popular devices available on Amazon. Now, let’s talk about those real life tests. Wi-Fi speed tests opening up the care application, browsing, speed tests, opening up the third party streaming, applications which ones you can use with a custom launcher. Can you expand the storage and really the stuff that you want to do on a day-to-day basis? Let’S find which one is the real Champion, so, okay, so test number one Wi-Fi speeds both these devices support 5 GHz Wi-Fi. So not the latest Wi-Fi 6 standard, but let’s see what kind of speeds we can get now, both these devices are fairly close to me and I have the internet, router or router downstairs. Okay, let’s start firstly with the on streaming box test number one: let’s, let’s see what kind of speeds we can get Downstream? Okay. So, as I mentioned in my previous review, I was actually very impressed with the quality of the the Wii speeds and we can see test number one. We received 406. The reason why I’m not doing the two devices at the same time is there’ll then be contention. Issues with both these devices trying to fight for bandwidth, so we can do them one at a time. Okay, test number one: on 4K streaming box, 406 Meg, let’s test that again test number two again we’re getting very cl to.

We have 428 Meg for test number. Two and for the final test, we have 385, so very impressive, very respectable speeds: okay, let’s now jump over to the trusty 4K fire Stig and just to confirm this is the Amazon 4K fire stick which is running fire os6, so not the later. 4K F. Stick Max which runs fire os7, okay, so test number one on the 4K F, stick not terribly far off so test number one little bit slower, so we have 351 on test number one. Okay, so test number two is also similar speed. So, okay! So that’s test number two nearly completed and we’ll do one more test, but it looks like we can say that the on streaming 4K box is going to be the winner in the Wi-Fi speed test and the final test again very similar.

🔴The BEST Firestick Alternative for 2024 Tested !

It’S good that it’s consistent! It’S 353 Meg down stream. So yes, the winner of the Wi-Fi speed test, is the $ 20 on 4K streaming box. Next up, we have the third party streaming test, so we can see. This is one of the most popular applications available, both for your Android TVs and your Amazon devices we can see both of them are running 251 and we’re just going to do an application launch speed test so which device launches these applications quicker, and I know that The application has been fully launched is once we can see all of the the movie banners or the thumbnails fully loaded. So let’s try that now.

So 3 2 1 go okay, so 4K F stick had the logo first and it looks like just a fraction of a second. The 4K fire stick was actually faster. Let’S back out of that, let’s for stop again for stop four! Stop, let’s launch again! So this is test number two. So ready steady, go! Okay, okay, so definitely we can see the 4K fire stick does seem to be a fraction of a second quicker at launching this application and final test.

Maybe I’ll show you guys the remote control, so you know that this is not sponsored or I’m being paid by anybody. So just so you can see it is going to be more or less at the same time. So 3 2 1 go come on. I think we can definitely say the 4K fire stick is a little bit far St. I mean we’re talking fractions of a second, but, as you can imagine, certain applications are more optimized on certain ecosystems. So maybe this particular one is just written better or more efficient. On the Amazon devices, but I mean hey: if this is the application you’re always using, then we can definitely say the 4K F stick wins on this one.

Let’S go back next up. We have official streaming so something like Netflix again, we can see both these have been for stopped. Let’S now do an application launch speed test. So 3 2 1 go.

Let’S see which one is quicker at getting to the profile stage. Uh looks quite close at the moment, but again we could say the fire stick is a little bit faster. Okay.

🔴The BEST Firestick Alternative for 2024 Tested !

So that’s test number one: let’s go back okay, so test number two for Netflix, so ready steady, go okay, so the logo was quicker on the onbox. There is that going to show the profiles first, no, it’s not so once again, we can see very quickly. It is just a a few seconds or moments quicker.

4K fire stick wins again on the application launch test and the final test. Is it going to be 3 out of three for the Amazon 4K fire? Stick Ready, Steady go so we can see. Logo always shows quicker on the on 4K streaming box, but it seems like the Amazon. 4K, fire stick seems to load the application that little bit quicker. Okay, so Amazon 4K fire stick won both in the third party streaming test and also the Netflix test. Let’S now do the K application? Okay, so we can see the same version of the K application.

🔴The BEST Firestick Alternative for 2024 Tested !

The latest version – this is a slightly bigger application, let’s see which one launches first. So 3 2 1 go okay, so the F stick: had the logo loging first, oh all right. So that was uh. I would say a little bit quicker again on the 4K F. Stick so let’s terminate that exit. Let’S do a full stop actually very interesting results so so far when it comes to application launching, doesn’t matter if it’s third party official it does seem well, let’s do test number two first, but it does seem like the Amazon 4K fire stick just seems to always Be a few Paces ahead, so ready steady go and we can see yeah now.

As you guys know, the Amazon devices run fire OS, which is a cutdown version of Android, cut down strip down or lighter version, and because it’s lighter it means it’s more optimized. It’S leaner, and it generally means that it can run on much less memory on Android TV. They do have lot more things enabled Bo, which we could say. Maybe it means that it’s a bit more bloated than the heavily stripped down lockdown version of fire OS, and that could be one of the reasons why we’re noticing these applications just tend to launch faster on fire OS versus Android TV. Next up, we have custom launcher now, as you guys know, on the Android TVs, we have lots of options. We can install button mapper from the Play Store.

We can install launcher manager from our website lots of different options and literally on those devices, I can press one button Ready, Steady, go in a few seconds. We are instantly taken to a custom launcher. So, just if that’s your thing, then it’s just so much easier running a custom launcher on these Android TV devices than the Amazon devices. So in that way, the on 4K streaming box definitely wins on the custom launcher test. Next up we have storage or specifically expanding your internal storage. Now, unfortunately, on the fire OS 6 devices, because they’re running Android 7.1, there’s no easy way for us to expand the storage on the Amazon devices without typing in some ADB Commands.

I mean I’ve covered this. Many times in the past, yes, it is possible, but it requires that extra manual configuration, whereas on Android TV devices I can literally just pop in a USB drive using an OTG cable but directly from the user interface of the Android TV devices. I can say I want to format the drive as internal storage and then very easily move Mo my applications over kind of like what we can on the newer Amazon devices like the 4K Max. Basically, if your device runs fire os7, you can also do this process. Very easily, but as we’re comparing this with the 4K fire stick, which runs fire os6 on those devices, the only way to expand the storage is Again by typing in some manual, ADB, Commands so again in terms of convenience in terms of e ofuse, we have to Give this point to the on 4K streaming box. Overall guys it was an interesting. You know few tests that we did. I was surprised that the Amazon 4K 5 stick won every single test for the application launching just because the device always just seems very sluggish. To me I mean maybe comparing that to the third generation fire tvq, but we can see um in these application launch tests. It won every single time and it goes back to my point about you know. These devices are very lean, they’re very cut down, and because of that, maybe this is why these applications Just Launch a bit quicker. Now, on the side we saw that the on device completely destroyed the 4K fire stick in every test around about about 50 meg or so so.

Probably it’s got a better wi-fi chip in there or just a better wi-fi signal, but it definitely beat the 4K F. Stick in every test, but really when it comes to the functionality, which is, if you want to use a custom launcher, as you guys have seen it’s just so much easier on the Android TV devices compared to the Amazon devices. It is very, very similar guys. I wouldn’t say one device completely destroys the other device. It is very, very similar, so it is going to boil down to personal preference, but the way I see it, especially if you can pick up the on 4K streaming box for $ 20. I definitely think everybody should have one of those if you can get it, maybe just as a backup device as a spare device, maybe for the kids’ room or maybe as a travel device.

I definitely think that device is very, very good, very, very capable it’s just a shame that you can’t get it in all locations. That’S pretty much for this video guys. Many thanks for watching do leave me a comment below. Let me know what you thought about the different tests that I did really appreciate. Your support do like and share this video and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon, thanks .