I Need Help

I Need Help

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I Need Help”.
Okay, everybody: it’s been a long time since I’ve made a video and well. There are some reasons why so, let’s talk about it so, first of all nice to see all you guys again, um haven’t seen me much because almost the entire year of 2023 I had been sick. There was an infection in my foot that I didn’t really know that was there and it ended up making me really really sick and a lot of things happened and basically, my foot finally just exploded so check this out real quick. This is a picture of my foot yeah. This is what my foot looked like.

I Need Help

It looked like a gunshot wound and from that I ended up in the hospital yay in the hospital having fun actually we’re in the same dang shirt, cuz uh. Well, that’s just how it is when you’re stuck in your bed for a long time, um. Well, they finally did the surgery they had to amputate my foot. Now you can see a picture right here this a little picture of my stump, and you can see this little box right here and this is a like a wound vacuum.

I Need Help

I got that thing right here, so I have this thing around me. That’S constantly going yep! It’S still going and what it does is it like sucks all of the blood and everything thing away from my wound, probably see that there and there you know, but that’s what’s going on with me, I’m in a really bad state right now can barely even talk Just got out the hospital, I still have tape wounds all over me and everything else, and so this video is pretty much like. I had to start a GoFundMe Channel because, like I have huge medical bills, I’ve got no money and I’ve got to survive for the next few months as I’m down. No, I don’t have bad gas.

I didn’t need like a terrible burrito or something, and it’s coming out – that’s this little machine, sucking all the blood away from my foot, which it’s just crazy anyways. So I started to GoFundMe Channel because, like I’m, basically in a really bad place, I’ve never actually gone on anywhere and promoted and harass for anything ever on here like. But now I really have no choice because there ain’t no cash and no finances and I just have to to survive plus I have to get a new prosthetic and everything after this and there’s just the deductible after the deductible after the deductible after the deductible. So it’s just totally utterly crazy.

Uh at the moment, my life is a mess also um. I can’t even see anymore. Hardly so I had pancreatitis it got me really sick. Also, last year I lost 30 % of my vision. I can only drive during the daytime yeah just honestly man, so I’m going to go sub story, but it’s it’s it’s it’s just been.

It’S been a really rough rough rough year and I didn’t want to go into the next year being completely broke, not having anything. No money for food, no money for nothing and just trying to just survive on trying to sell any kind of extra thing. I had anywhere to make money for one thing I can’t get around, you know this is just preventing it.

I Need Help

This is the only way I’m even able to get around it. All is a stick, my stump in this little thing and go around in this little Walker right here and make crap happen. So that is what is going on um. I appreciate all of you guys.

I want to come back to YouTube and do stuff I’m trying to work things out with the people who, edit my videos, because things have changed over on their side and it’s just hard to get the things done like we used to get done. I’M trying to get back into it and doing it. Um I’ve never been an editor. I’Ve just been a YouTuber. I’Ve always had a cool guy. Gu had Jesus for years. He was great. Travis did my videos for a long time. Maybe he’ll continue to do them in the future. I mean right now.

It just seems like uh things are up in the air, but I’m hoping for the best, so I’ll have a link down below anything. You guys can donate would be awesome. Great anybody who’s poor. Please don’t give me anything if you have extra stuff this this holiday season and you can help.

That would be absolutely great. God bless you. That is just absolutely Wonder: ful, but if you’re poor, something do not ever take away from from you if you’re suffering, to give to me, because I’m suffering like that’s just not right.

If I had money believe me, I would give it to you. I’Ve donated all kinds of crazy stuff in my lifetime, so you know pretty much Merry Christmas happy holidays to everybody out there, I’m going to be down for at least probably three months as I wait for this to heal. They put a skin graft on my stump.

We got to make sure that it’s going to take I’m not even supposed to be up even doing this video I’m supposed to be in my bed, but I was just like I. I got to probably promote this thing, one way or another to let people know. What’S going on so I made this video, but once I get healed and everything I will start making videos again because media MZ, the company that I used to work for, which is it’s been all kinds of things. You know the the the latest one was your CD key.

You know I’ll be working with them again, probably next year doing that stuff. So I’ll try to be back as best as I can. If you can help me and regardless, I wish you guys the absolute best and for anybody else out there who’s suffering. I will pray for you in my prayers as well. Thank you guys very much I’ll see you guys back here on YouTube One Way or Another peace. .