9 Why Does This Keep Happening

9  Why Does This Keep Happening

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “9 Why Does This Keep Happening”.
Ubiquity customers, trade security cameras starting early Wednesday users of ubiquity networking devices have been reporting that they can see and receiveed notifications from other users devices through ubiquity UniFi Cloud portal. This was flagged by a Reddit user, whose wife received a notification from a uh UniFi, protect alongside a picture from someone else’s security camera, another user logged into the UniFi site manager and found 88 devices. That’S a lot uh that did not belong to them. Yet another user logged in and found that they had full access to someone else’s udm Pro. Once the users refreshed the portal page, they were shown only the devices associated with their own accounts.

Following investigation, ubiquity has issued a statement saying that this bug was caused by a misconfiguration in an upgrade to the UniFi Cloud infrastructure. According to ubiquity, only 12 accounts were inappropriately accessed and affected users will be contacted. The problem has been fixed but is still under investigation. Again, that is uh ubiquity statement um.

This is bad yeah discussion question: how big is the risk of our security devices getting compromised and use against us? Why do we use them? Anyways um? The risk is Big they’re, a huge Target, um yeah and we’ve talked a ton of times on the show about how you should never really consider um anything that goes on the internet, 100 % yeah like you, can try to do whatever you can to resist against It, but if it goes onto the internet, there’s a way that other people can get it realistically, someone’s probably seen my ding-dong at some point Dennis oh yeah, I mean well, I mean, aside from Dennis hey lldd, we know lonus has cameras in his house lonus, that’s Creepy uh lonus. What went into your decision to include them uh? Did you have discussions with the family about privacy, keep up the great work, um yeah. I mean the decisions to include them. I think when we first installed them was when we first got a nny like a like an outside of our family Nanny um, and we were very upfront with them that we had them when we hired them. We got them in advance of hiring the nanny so that it wouldn’t be a weird change, a surprise, but we we just wanted the Peace of Mind of knowing what the heck was going on in our house um, and it’s been so useful for everything from figuring Out which cat is peeing on things to uh, where I left my keys to what actually happened when two kids come to me with different stories that I just don’t see how I would ever go back at this point, I thought it was going to be super. Weird, when you first set it up and then I was like whatever I don’t know like realistically you’ve, probably hm. How do I say this you’ve probably said things in my house that if they leaked on the internet, you wouldn’t be happy about it, probably and yeah.

9  Why Does This Keep Happening

That could mean anything yeah um, but at the end of the day I mean I think we have enough Mutual trust that that doesn’t matter um and I think that’s probably a pretty big part of it. Like I don’t know, I don’t know how I’d feel like if I just went over to someone’s house and they like didn’t, tell me about it and I, like noticed partway through oh interesting, yeah, or if it’s someone that you don’t know and you’re, not exactly yeah. Okay, um yours, I think something that helps is they have that blue thing, yeah they’re like very like they’re, not hiding yeah.

9  Why Does This Keep Happening

Whenever there’s motion they yeah they’re, like very much like hey reminder that I’m here like they’re, not it doesn’t feel like you’re trying to sneak the cameras um. But if I figured out like way into a night of hanging out that, like this person, had a recording of the entire thing – and I didn’t really know this person all that well and stuff – that might be weird yeah – it’s technically legal here – yeah we’re we’re a Single party consent, um territory yeah, but it’s still considered uh. I don’t know if I would say taboo, but it’s it’s still itely considered odd. Um to just you know, be recording, pull out your phone and record a conversation like it’s. It’S clear. You expect something to go down. Um, I don’t know man, I it’s it’s. It’S mostly just a convenience thing for me, the the reality of it is that cameras don’t do anything to protect you from theft. The only the only outcome, the only somewhat positive outcome.

9  Why Does This Keep Happening

We’Ve had from um a break-in that we had at the office a number of years ago was that they ultimately did catch the guy, but we didn’t get anything back, yeah uh. We we still had to pay out our insurance, because everything They confiscated was evidence like K, cool, so they’re like yeah. You should probably just like go through your insurance because it could be years before you get this stuff back cuz.

The court move slow. It’S like. Okay, thanks for that, that’s really great super cool uh anyway. .