How is Electroboom still alive?

How is Electroboom still alive?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How is Electroboom still alive?”.
We did a tech upgrade for electroboom, oh cool, it’s that’s, probably sick. He hugged me. Oh that’s cool. The upgrade was that good. Did he do it while electrified? No, actually, oh wow, I mean he did that too.

How is Electroboom still alive?

Obviously, but no no, it was. He said this was this. Was this? This is crazy because I think it’s so easy to get stuck in our bubble of just you know we 3 FPS here and you know uh everyone, everyone. I don’t. I don’t know what bubble it is, but just the bubble where we live in breathe technology and it’s mindboggling to us that other people, don’t you know um.

How is Electroboom still alive?

He said to me. I thought leg was just part of life because uh he was scrubbing the timeline on his new pc and it was instant. It was just fluid and he was was like this is going to help me so much um he’s a he’s, a he’s, a he’s! A he’s an interesting character.

How is Electroboom still alive?

I love medy he’s just one of the most genuine people um so down to earth. You know he got 6 million subscribers like the guy. The guy’s huge right, like you, know, he’s the kind of guy where you know his kids friends come over and want selfies with their dad right, like you know, like he’s huge and he’s just un normal dude super nice dude super cool, dude uh, but sometimes he Does drive me crazy a little bit because he doesn’t make investments that to me as a technofile are kind of obvious, and he just you know, tolerates things not working and I’m just this one is constantly weird and confusing to me I’ll hear about some Creator. That’S like massive and it’s like: what’s their like data storage solution, it’s like eight USB hard drives and it’s like what yeah, what what yeah, because imagine this some people have a life outside of tinkering with their computers.

No, I know it’s illegal, but it’s so it’s so hard. I think for us and and I’m including myself and him – and you guys it’s so hard for us to imagine that other people don’t want to build a computer on the weekend, that that is just the last thing that they want to do. They want to go climb a mountain or they want to go uh for dinner with friends in person or they whatever right. They want a game on their PlayStation 5 on their portal, which is a perfectly legitimate product to buy if it solves a problem for you yeah right like there’s, there there’s there’s other things that other people prioritize other than doing things with their computers and with technology And so you know, but but that doesn’t mean that I don’t love it and that I don’t love sharing that excitement and that passion and seeing people appreciate the things that I spend. My time on.

Uh is really cool and you know hearing that was uh. It was awesome, it’s a great video. I think there’s going to be a ton of float plane exclusives.

Is it a AMD Tech upgrade? No, it’s just it’s just a Media Group. We felt like doing a tech upgrade from Eddie and we went and just got a random sponsor because uh it wasn’t $ 5,000. I think the computer tower was $ 5,000, oh wow, and we did man. We did everything we did like monitors, um, better filming equipment, uh, better networking he’s got a TV like we, we decked him out because we’re just like Med’s Med’s, a bro yeah he’s come out and collabed with us.

A couple of times asks nothing in return. Absolutely nothing other than the pleasure of our company and to hang out and make a video and you know, get out of the office for a little bit and and like he’s just a genuine dude yeah. And so we were just like you know: who’ be cool to just deck out medy, so we went for it um anyway. It was a really long day, though .