AMD Knows When You Overclock

AMD Knows When You Overclock

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AMD Knows When You Overclock”.
Oh, we did the AMD overclocking thing. Should we talk about that or we didn’t do rather yeah? On Monday, Chinese Twitter user, David Wong posted a warning that popped up when he was enabling overclocking on his ryzen 7000 CPU, which stated overclocking mode, will now be permanently enabled for this processor effectively. Voiding warranty as previously stated, wow. That’S pretty brutal in response to user concern AMD published a affirmation that overclocking does not void a cpu’s warranties enabling overclocking does, however, blow a hidden fuse to indicate that overclocking has been used at some point in the Chip’s history and overclocking damage itself is not covered. However, an overclocked chip is still covered by warranty or repair for other unrelated issues.

Okay, okay, then, so, basically we’ll do it, but only if we say that the damage was not caused by over clocking, which realistically I can tell you, having seen the kind of equipment that these brands use to determine like a a low-level error in these CH. They are not pulling that out for every single stupid RMA, it’s a dead chip, that’s that that that’s it um so BAS. Basically, the only reason for this fuse to exist is an easy flag is if they will it’s. It’S like it’s like putting moisture sensors in your phone yeah and then saying, but it’s fine.

If you get liquid in it, we will honor your warranty um, I mean to be clear. I don’t think AMD has given us any indication yet that they intend to do anything with this flag with this fuse that can be blown, but the fact that they have it at all indicates that they felt they needed it and the fact that they felt they Needed it seems to indicate that they might feel they would need to use it at some point, and I just I have a hard time imagining how they could tell the difference between a clock that a clock, a chip that failed prematurely because it was overclocked or A chip that failed prematurely because it just failed prematurely the flag, would not change anything about that other than to tell them that you overclocked it at which point they could say at their discretion. It failed prematurely because you overclocked it um yeah, it’s a little sketch. Definitely a little sketch aralo says I think it’s fair.

It tells them to look for signs of overcurrent or over voltage damage and if they find it, they could void your warranty. But again I got to tell you they are not doing that level of analysis. On your, like $ 400 CPU to you, that’s a lot of money to a company like AMD. It is not it is. It is actually not worth the time to take a technician and do a a micro level analysis like Nano level analysis on this chip and determine, if you overclocked it or not, cuz yeah. If, if the there could be some visually very obvious versions of that, but there’s also a bunch of not yeah uh Hi D, given some of the messes AMD has managed to make even as the nice guy of the graphics industry.

AMD Knows When You Overclock

What would happen if Nvidia really does leave the graphics and Radeon becomes the big dog in town? They would do exactly what they did in CPUs and they would Stomp all over you and maximize their profits for their shareholders. I mean they’re a corporation right, that’s what they do and before you say it yes, lus Media Group Incorporated is also a corporation but there’s a very big difference between a company with many many shareholders and a and a complex corporate structure and one that has two Shareholders who sleep together, Ivon and I are pretty aligned on things and if we decide that our Corporation can just you know, make less money because we feel like it’s the right thing to do. Then we can do that, but that’s not something that a company with a fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders can do so. It’S not quite the same thing, but also corporations are not your friends any of them trust but verify. Is there any other sort of things that we should remind people of don’t pre-order, yeah yeah? No, I I think that one’s pretty good don’t buy PlayStation portal. If you don’t have aing PlayStation yeah, maybe yeah, maybe you’re right, it’s not for you. Maybe it is a bad product for you.

AMD Knows When You Overclock

Maybe it’s a a bad product. I don’t even know I I have no interest in it. Cuz I don’t have a PlayStation yeah.

So why do I care? But my job is to put myself in the head of someone who might be interested in that product and people with PlayStations really liked the review yeah. Oh man, I don’t know sorry, okay, I was unsure about it uh, because people were mad at you about it, and I was like does this matter and I checked in with friends that have PlayStations and they’re, like all I I got one seems pretty all right. Like okay, I don’t know yeah yeah .