You’ll NEED it! eero Max 7

You’ll NEED it! eero Max 7

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You’ll NEED it! eero Max 7”.
No, no no come on all right. I’M done! Thank you to EO for sponsoring this video. So intro, Jokes Aside, like internet runs my life. It probably runs your life and it fades into the background.

But when it’s not there, you notice it and it can shut down everything that you want to do before. I tell you about everything that ero is doing. Let me do one of my favorite things. I’Ve doing in videos for a while now give you a chance to win 500 bucks, and I made it super easy all you got to do. Leave a comment down below.

Let me know the first movie you would stream with your brand new WiFi, 7 setup. Tell me a dad joke. Tell me a fact about yourself: leave your social handle in the comment, though, or at least have a way to contact you on your YouTube page and let you know if you win open to anyone in the world, the giveaway will run for 10 days. All information you need that will be in the description, so here was the first mesh.

Wi-Fi system for home use all the way back into in 2016 and since then, like the promise of great Wi-Fi that you never have to think about it’s kind of like eluded us, but now with the erom max 7 and Wi-Fi 7, the future is. Finally here. I’M going to start with a story, probably a very familiar uh story. I’M going to tell you a little bit about my parents, I love them.

They are great people like most parents. They don’t know how to set up anything, and I was always their go-to. It. Guy, their phone’s not working, call Jonathan internet’s, not working, call Jonathan printer’s, not working, call Jonathan anything was called Jonathan and when they first got wireless internet. First of all, my dad thought it was like witchcraft, but they loved it, but it went down as early days of Wireless did so I got my parents legitimately the very first Euros system just so they can manage it themselves. The idea behind ero and the whole reason it came about was sort of to make internet simple to be able to set it up. Simply you don’t need an IT degree. I don’t have to worry about networking the app walks you through the whole setup process of what you can do, the settings anybody can understand, but beyond the Simplicity of that, it also gives you a Cutting Edge internet experience and from sort of that original vision of, Like the OG ero, it’s now what we have now with the ero Max 7, that vision is kind of continued.

It just gotten way. Supercharged. Actually, now, probably about a month ago, I host a podcast with Andrew Edwards. We had a chance to actually sit down and talk with uh, the CEO and and founder of Ero about what that Vision was, and I shared the story of my parents.

He was like. Yes, that’s what we were trying to do and try to build the problem. We set out to go solve like we wanted to make connectivity and people’s homes just work like that’s something that is very accessible and like tangible to the the team. The early team you’re recruiting, who all believed in the vision, were obsessed with solving this problem.

Not just for themselves, but for our friends for our family. So now we’re on the latest iteration of the Eros system x s, the seven like should give it away, but it’s going to give you Wi-Fi seven speeds and speeds. I think we haven’t really seen before Wireless and that’s the whole Vision with like essentially Wi-Fi 7. What it can be is wired speeds without the wire all right. So the big question – and I know you’re asking this – I was thinking in my head too, like. Why do I need this? My internet works. Fine, John.

You’ll NEED it! eero Max 7

I don’t need Wi-Fi 7, my 6, my five, my 6E, that I just got is working great. Why do I want to go seven? I got very good reasons for you. First s is not like a future Tech.

You’ll NEED it! eero Max 7

It’S a tech that is here and also one that is coming like very, very fast, so you’ve got the pixel 8 Pro supports. Wi-Fi 7 you’ve got laptops now that are supporting WiFi 7. I Would Imagine Next Generation iPhone’s going to be Wi-Fi 7. Whatever Samsung announces for Next Generation, Galaxy series should be WiFi 7. If you’re like gearing up for winter, you want to stockpile some more wood. This is the Wi-Fi version of stockpiling.

You’ll NEED it! eero Max 7

Wood is going to give you those fastest speeds. Like you play games with lower latency, be able to move your PC or console you don’t have to have it plugged in and have Wi-Fi it gives you a ton of flexibility. More practically, though, for us in the studio we use storage devices. Typically, we have to tether in order to transfer data, but now we can do that wirelessly and quickly, and even in like simple things like streaming, 4K movies are now a seamless experience without the buffering.

Having a fast internet connection is going to be the standard and IR was bringing that experience like to homes. Today, at the studio we had professional networking uh set up to make things work here and theoretically, it should have worked very well. So in preparation for this video, we set up the Euro Mac 7 at the studio, and we went from 250 to these speeds. We’Re getting now over 800.

Now, I’m not saying it’s going to make your internet faster, but it does show you how much faster your internet could be. In fact, I was so impressed with the speeds we got here on my own. Nothing outside of this whole sponsorship. Stuff uh installed the ERX 7 at my house, so Sophie, and I here yesterday spent about 15 minutes setting up uh that guy uh, that’s the new Euro Max 7 setup.

I set up three here at my house. I’Ve Got 5 GB internet, so it’s kind of cool to actually see those speeds. Whole setup took like 15 minutes able to use the same Wi-Fi network as before, so everything autoc connected uh. The app is crazy, simple, also say hi to Sophie.

Tell her to stop. Peeing in the house, if you could just let her know to stop doing that, she’ be a perfect dog. Stop peeing in the house Sophie. What is probably the most magical about this whole process is how insanely fast it is to set up and, like you probably think, like oh John, it’s sponsor you’re making this up uh.

I am being like very genuinely honest from taking these out of the box to having all three set up up here in the studio was less than 7 minutes and it was like clicking next and it says plug in and you plug in your. Obviously, you can do this, but your parents, your nana, can even do this incredibly easy and not just it was easy uh. It was insanely fast and if you should have any issues, ear also gives you free customer support, uh over phone and email, and also, if you’re, interested as well there’s an EO Plus subscription extra security features. If that is something you are interested in when you’ve got all this thing set up, it’s going to cover 2500 square feet with one and an insane 7500 with the pack, and this is done because oo like knows their stuff they’ve been at this.

For a long time, their Wizardry, like my dad, likes to call it there’s their patented true Mesh networking technology, that’s dynamically, going to Route data through the fastest path, which is nice. So if you have these in your kitchen, your bedroom and connect you to the fastest one, so you just always get the best experience. So the theoretical limit of Wi-Fi 7 is 40 gbits per second, but in the real world, you’re looking at less. But that is still insanely fast, so the Mac 7 can support up to 4.3 gbits over Wi-Fi uh. Those are speeds that we have never seen before and just for comparison. You’Re like I’ve got Wi-Fi 6. How much faster is that so Wi-Fi 6E Max speeds are 2.3 gbits per second Wi-Fi 6 is one, so we are talking almost twice as fast as WI, Wi-Fi 6E and I’m willing to bet most of you don’t even have internet connections that reach that speed and Honestly, with Wi-Fi having more than a gigabit internet, never really made much sense, but now with the earos system and these status speeds starting to actually seem worth it and like a lot of people, you might not know you have access to these. So I did the research for you, 85 to 90 % of American households, have access to gigabit speeds or greater.

So if you don’t have it now chances, are you probably could, if you wanted to also if you want to you, can hardwire these as as well on the back. There are two 2.5 GB ethernet ports and two 10 G ethernet ports, so you can get up to 9.4 GB speeds for the most important items that is insanely fast. So this whole thing can also act as like the base station of your smart home as well. So it’s got full matter, support and Cana as a thread, border, router and also zigby smart home hub. So you need another external box. This can handle all that for you. So any way you like slice it up and look at it. Er has definitely taken like the max name and lived up to it with everything that is built inside, so whether you looking to upgrade your system, whether you want to set up a new system Euro, makes every step of that process really easy. It’S what I trust in my house, it’s what I now trust in my studio for all of my content to run my entire life from business to home. I rely on EO and, if you’re looking to do any of those things, you owe it yourself to check it out and if you want to, we got a link to them down below .