Harry Potter Should Have Died

Harry Potter Should Have Died

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Harry Potter Should Have Died”.
Hey lonus, have you played sea of stars, yet I have yet to play it, but I’ve been looking forward to it since you first talked about it on the WAN show considering the size of the team. It’S an incredible achievement. Um, I found the art to be mindblowing um. It’S such a beautiful game.

Harry Potter Should Have Died

The music is as good as the art. It’S it’s absolutely incredible. Um.

Harry Potter Should Have Died

I do not not understand at all the praise for the combat. I found it to be tedious and repetitive um. I think that if I had maybe used some of the like the crutches, the the modifiers that you can, that you can activate uh, maybe I would have found it easier, but I wasn’t looking for easy. I, like that’s one of the things that I like to a degree about classic RPGs is, is challenge in particularly boss fights um, but in of stars I just found like kind of every encounter was sort of tedious and and there’s something to be said for being Able to get wiped at any moment, like always kind of having that you know that thrill of that danger right um, but I just yeah the the combat is, is it seemed really promising right at the beginning, and then I kind of went. Oh that’s as interesting as it gets, and there it’s an indie game you, so you have to keep your expectations realistic, but there wasn’t enough play testing. You’D have boss fights where they they have.

Harry Potter Should Have Died

This mechanic, where um the bosses will have like kind of a roulette thing and then you’ll have to hit them with your pasties falling off over there. Oh sorry, yeah, no wor you’ll have a roulette thing and then it’ll come up with you know a supposedly. I guess randomized combination of Elemental or attack types that you need to hit it with in order to prevent it from unleashing a bigger attack, which is on the surface, a pretty cool mechanic, except that often very often you’d have like a two- turn countdown timer and You’D have to hit it with three strikes of some that you only have two characters, Each of which can hit for one and you’re just like well, that’s prettying, stupid, um or or you’re just unlucky, and that character. You have one turn to do it and you could do it, but you’re just unlucky and they don’t have any MP, and so you can’t do it.

So it’s like oh okay! Well, I was just wiped because I didn’t have the Clairvoyance to know that it was going to be that and in reality, they’re not random anyway, um they’re, they’re they’re predetermined. As far as I can tell like, there’s a a couple of different variants. So once you kind of get into a rhythm where you, where you know what it’s going to be, it’s it’s beatable, but it’s just tedious, because the enemies have too too many hit points once you understand the mechanic and have solved the puzzle, uh it it shouldn’t. Take a long time to finish a a turn-based fight, um and the other big one is that it’s a really small world I didn’t find.

I didn’t find it that easy to get immersed in it. There was no need to explore um. There’S, there’s there’s some exploration. You can do with basically like a I’m not going to spoil anything but there’s kind of like a long, tedious, fetch Quest where you can go.

Look for all of some kind of collectible item um, and it does a thing that realistically I just looked up. I was like okay, what happens and then, when I found out what happens, I was like. Oh that’s, really stupid because um one of the best things about this game and its story um, I I don’t like it when storytellers chicken out uh. I think that Rowling chickened out when Harry Potter didn’t die yeah.

He was a lamb raised for Slaughter and then she didn’t kill him. It’S like okay. Well, that’s stupid! Um! You know you had an opportunity to to do something really emotionally impactful and you’re, like okay. How about one of the one of the Weasley? Instead, let’s not go after one of the main three, let’s, let’s, let’s, let’s kill a Weasley um and I and you know I’m I just I I think it I think it sucks. I think that Encanto is a beautiful movie with great music and amazing visuals and, at the end, spoiler alert. I guess I don’t know whatever uh spoiler alert for incanto uh. At the end, the the family learns their lesson that the magic was was love or whatever, and then they get their magical powers back or like the magic was love in community, and that was that was was what made them special and then they just get their Just actual magic back so at the they’ve learned nothing. Then there was no loss.

It was just reset to the beginning of the movie, but now Mirabella is happy or something like it. Just yeah yeah got got people talking yeah exactly exactly like just have a backbone. Let something bad happen, Let It Be bittersweet, let it not be just oh wow, uh Elijah is very animated about this. I stood up and walked out of the room. Yelling out of anger, had a chance to be one of the best movies yeah, no you’re you’re, 100 % right because I’ve never seen it you can tell you can tell the movie was supposed to end there. That’S the big one is when I can tell what was supposed to happen and then someone with oh, we can’t do that. Someone with no primary or secondary sexual characteristics. Okay came into the meeting. Well, no, you can’t say balls, you know you always impressed me. Always always impressed me should have waited till. He was drinking okay, someone walked in the room and went no. This might make people actually feel something and is like forget it bail that sucks yeah yeah it sucks, yeah, Encanto and and Harry Potter.

I think are probably my favorite examples of that, where they just chickened out, there’s a bunch but yeah. Those are those are strong ones. Those are recent and hugely culturally significant, yes, yeah exactly but yeah. It’S definitely like a thing that happens.

Uh all right, yeah, add um. Oh let’s uh yeah. Let’S do a topic. You were talking about um.

Let’S not do a topic! Yeah! You were talking about what was the name of the game again CS stars, um Final Fantasy 6 been playing more of it. Oh yeah yeah, oh you don’t like it anymore. No, I do like it. I don’t like doing it three times oh hold on hold on I’m trying to I’m trying to remember what you’re talking about hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on okay.

I didn’t say it on the Stream, but you do know hold on. Oh that I don’t think I said on stream. I thought I thought you meant something to do with the game. No yeah game been pretty good.

I do think three times you had another crash. I had one more crash, oh and then I stopped playing. It tried to figure out what was going on, couldn’t figure out what was going on. It was only crashing in Final Fantasy 6, which again is just weird: that’s random, um, but I I uh I just nuked all my drivers, even though I’m not reinstalling the car hard, and it was completely fine for like half a year.

I just nuked all my drivers as clean as I possibly could reinstalled everything and I’m going to try it again this weekend and see how it goes. But I lost like an hour and then I lost like almost the same amount of progress, but I think like half an hour this time or something CU, I knew what was going on. That’S really annoying um. I do yeah, I I do think this. The part of the game that I’m currently in is feels a little bit less engaging than what I just got through um. I was at like the big fight when they’re like trying to assault the town that you’re in whatever um I beat that that was cool. There’S a lot of leadup to that. That was all really exciting and now, like I’m, not quite as engaged as I was, but it’s still good I at like what is it to play, Zozo or something? Oh: oh: uh gets real, okay pretty soon yeah.

I started getting smacked around a little bit Yeah. The fight was actually really easy. No, no that that’s fine Zozo is a real challenge. Yeah um they hit hard and all of a sudden, you have to like figure out magic, yeah yep, I’m running into that, but it keeps like dying. The the game deletes my progress while I’m in Zozo, I love the music in Zozo, the music’s, pretty cool um. I’M trying to figure out, I can tell there’s like something going on that. I don’t understand, but then I I don’t know if I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t actually understand it. Cuz I haven’t finished Zozo cuz.

It keeps crashing um, but there’s, like all the people, keep talking about the secondhand and stuff, don’t like I’m not trying to I’m going to ignore chat for a little while yeah Zoo, Zoo’s a weird place, yeah yeah, there’s some weird stuff going on. I have you know, picked up on a few things like the town before everybody tells you they’re liars and then you show up and they tell you very specific things yeah. So it’s like okay, I’ll just do the opposite or whatever, and then that’s been working out. But I think there’s other stuff going on um.

I just haven’t had enough time to like really explore it and figure it out. Yet fox in a box reminded me How to Train Your Dragon yeah. I kind of just pretend the third movie doesn’t exist. Yeah, the first two are incredible: How to Train Your Dragon.

One is one of my all-time favorite movies. I think they just I. I don’t see how it was possible for them to deviate that much from The Source material and still just make such an absolute Banger of a movie. Do you like The Source material? It’S great yeah yeah. Have you read it? No, oh, okay! Yeah! No! It’S great watched the movie, and it was great, but I haven’t read it’s great in its own way, but to give you some idea how different it is toothless. Okay for okay, for one thing: okay, to give you some idea how different it is, the Vikings and the dragons are coexisting already at the very beginning of How to Train Your Dragon. The book series I haven’t watched it in a long time, but isn’t that, like the plot of the first one or something yeah, that they don’t yeah yeah so toothless? Is this big um and like lives in hiccups, shirt um, that’s pretty different yeah! That’S cool, though, did they work with the writer to like make a derivative, or did they just come up with it on their own uh? I don’t know if cres cow, Crow cow. I can’t remember her name uh, but uh.

I I don’t know how involved she was in the movies, but they are competely different um, but they did. They did the typical movie thing, so the the books end well um, and but they did the typical movie thing where in the third one it’s just like yeah, there’s a sad ending and then they’re just like fail yeah. I hate that I don’t know. I saw some people talking about how their kids movies – you know, you’re, not the target audience it’s like right, but the kids media that I remember so much had sadness. It had emotion like one of one of maybe no, I I think it’s fair to say one of my favorite movies when I was a kid, was The Land Before Time. That is a devastating it. Has it it’s emotionally yeah people are already pointing it out. One of the most like quintessential obvious examples is Bambi: yeah doesn’t come back alive, nope no Mama’s dead, yeah yeah man Lion King yeah mufas is like he’s dead.

You can’t undo that you know yeah like this whole. Just like I don’t know. Uh uh time travel. Uh uh Resurrection just undo the negative effects like yeah. No man, .