Linus Can’t Keep Up With AI

Linus Can’t Keep Up With AI

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Linus Can’t Keep Up With AI”.
Um sheesh McDonald’s quote: ask pickles honestly. I have no idea what’s happening. Uh Google is helping McDonald’s, create a chat. Bot named ask pickles huh to help employees troubleshoot problems and push customers to buy more food little bit questionable on that last bit. So if there’s a pause in the conversation, do you hold the pickles where’s my bell Dan? There it is oh man in return. Mcdonald’S will give Google access to customer data from its apps. Of course they will. Oh, okay. Mcdonald’S has been experimenting with automated voice orders since 2019. They spurred Tik Tok memes back in February, due to order Bots, replacing Diet Coke with nine ice teas. What added butter and cream packets to an order of plain ice cream and interpreted a request for 20 chicken nuggets as a request for 220 chicken nuggets? Oh my goodness, to the last one. Let’S go, it knows what I really want. Dude, that’s.

That was our first uh was that the was that theist company company Christmas party, essentially yeah it was – was it just a pile of chicken nuggets, they were on sale. It was a first anniversary sort of um. Let’S do this boys yeah.

Linus Can’t Keep Up With AI

I don’t know if Ivon is ever going to forgive me for us doing that without her it was just for the moment it was like we’re in CES. Let’S do one nice meal and it kind of became it wasn’t really an actual like, but it like became that when we did it again the next year and she also wasn’t there – that’s true, I wasn’t going to bring that one up yeah. We do it right now, yeah we do we, we do it up now: yeah yeah. The Christmas party is freaking, awesome, uh, but yeah. That’S that’s McDonald’s.

Linus Can’t Keep Up With AI

Ask pickles we’re moving on we’re going to Gro now uh the beta has rolled out to all X Premium, Plus subscribers in the US um do wait, do not use if you hate humor. What is it this is on their actual site? That’S in the that’s on the site, yeah, I’m going to call that cringe. I think that’s cringe. I think that’s cringe.

I think that’s cringe! Okay, Boomer! All right! I don’t know. Is that cringe. I think that’s cringe! Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s cringe.

I think that’s CR. Moving on meta, AI meta started uh publicly testing the more based you think you are the more cringe you actually are yeah. You have to be called based by an external party. Um, you can’t it’s like it’s like a nickname. You can’t give it to yourself, you can’t decide you’re cool yeah, you have like an external review board and your mom doesn’t count you’re very based son.

Linus Can’t Keep Up With AI

Thanks Mom, you mean a lot to me. Cringe! Oh, my goodness. Oh boy, okay, uh meta, started publicly testing more than 20 new features of its meta, AI assistant, including a free image, generator called imagine with meta Ai and a language translation tool that maintains the speaker’s vocal style called seamless expressive.

They also showed off their updated uh. Relightable gausian codec avatars, very cool uh for vr/ AR it’s even better than before, and it’s wild. Let’S take a look at that, I’m trying to sign into Facebook right now.

I thought I was signed in on this computer, but I evidently am not, and it will take me a spicy minute to get signed in because I love insert current year okay hold on and how easy it is to sign into anything ever okay. What am I look? Excuse me: what am I think this is AR person through the glasses and then that’s AR person on a monitor, so I’m going to do it again AR person through the glasses, accurate at the hair strand level, AR person on the monitor wow. That is pretty. That’S actually insane and then I just honestly, don’t even know what we’re looking at anymore.

Wow. That’S a recreation! Isn’T it that’s nuts, that’s crazy! Okay, wow I’d be afraid, almost wild look into a camera that copies my likeness. With that degree of detail and accuracy, I mean there’s enough video imagery of me that it’s not going to matter, but I mean you should might not want to like this part here is crazy – might not want your face, digitally owned by someone else that accurately whoa They’Re using the hand control to move the light source. Oh that’s cool! Well, oh, that’s nuts! All right! Moving on um! They also showed off their update. Oh nope, that’s the same thing. China wants synthetic Tik, Tock girls.

What sorry? What this this month saw? The publication of not one but two break breakthrough models by Chinese and Singaporean researchers to generate video based on a still image and map data. So you don’t have to look into the really fancy camera apparently uh. The models have drawn criticism for being trained on Tik Tok, videos of primarily girls dancing without their Creator’s consent. Magic animate was partially developed by researchers from Tik tok’s parent company bite, dance, animate. Anyone was developed by researchers from Alibaba group discussion question. What kind of product/ feature experience do you think will bring generative AI fully into the mainstream um yeah.

I don’t know I. I question honestly a lot of how much content is currently out there. That is generated by AI that people don’t realize somebody linked me a um. You know how there’s uh Loi beats to relax and study too, and then there’s like remixes by everybody, yep um somebody linked me, one. That was a Lord of the Rings, one that like it just has me questioning things. You know, I’m not certain.

It might be generated. I don’t know I could be wrong huh. I don’t necessarily think the imag is the image might be, but I kind of think the music is because there’s parts that, like don’t, really flow right, MH and I’m just like. Ah, I don’t know and it and it doesn’t flow right in a way that makes me think AI stuff. If you know what I mean right, I don’t know I am finally signed in to Facebook and Brilliant.

That was accused to be very nice. That was accused to be totally fake. They just use Tik Tok videos to show what their AI can do.

What I don’t know which part they’re talking about, so I’m not certain but yeah, it’s uh things are getting weird. I don’t think we know how mainstream things necessarily are yet because I don’t think we know what all is actually generated by Ai and what isn’t I mean? One thing: that’s super mainstream is uh pictures and videos of nude people, and we can talk about how AI has been used in that industry. The UK is trying to use AI age estimation through facial recognition, so not not a Rec, not recognition of you, the individual. Your face, but an estimation of how old your face, probably is to ageg gate pornographic websites and is requiring these sites to.

I believe it’s either um take ID from you or this um AI age estimation thing or oh man there’s. I think there’s one other one and like people are going to have to go back to things, are getting crazy. Well, no see! This is the thing that I think it was the Hub that brought this up the last time.

Uh some American state was telling them you know. Oh, you need to do this for age, verification or whatever else. Oh yeah, you need to start collecting people’s IDs. They were like look. This affects nothing because some site hosted in timb Tuan or something is not going to follow any of these rules and as long as the internet exists, you have absolutely no way of enforcing it with those guys so they’re just not going to do it, and then People will just not use our site and they’ll just use that site, which is not a great excuse when. Obviously, this is something that needs to be managed in some way, whether it’s from a think of the children way or whether or whether it’s whatever else right. Um anyway long story short collecting having third parties collect. Ids is really bad um having even your own government collect a list of people who have accessed this. These sites is um, not much better yeah, I mean.

Wasn’T it uh, Australia very recently had all their passport leaked AI age estimation is obviously stupid, especially especially in a world where that thing you just showed me exists: yeah, yeah, okay, sure put the AR glasses right in front of the camera yeah exactly there. You go .