Apple WANTS Messaging to Suck

Apple WANTS Messaging to Suck

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple WANTS Messaging to Suck”.
But hey there’s iMessage on Android for real this time. Oh wow, it was blocked by Apple already. This is hilarious. 3 days ago, messaging company beeper launched a new app beeper mini, which featured iMessage on Android without needing an Apple ID that is signed in on a Mac. Server Farm somewhere apple as of this afternoon, has blocked the app um beeper CEO Eric mikowski, claimed that imess was initially reverse engineered by a 16-year-old developer, who then messaged him and linked him to a working prototype.

Beeper’S team then refined the process by jailbreaking an iPhone and figuring out how to register a phone number with imessage, send messages directly to Apple servers and have messages sent back to a user’s phone natively inside their app. When asked for comment by The Verge M, mik kovski responded that, if Apple cares about the privacy of its users, it should want them to be able to send encrypt messages to Android users, rather than unsecure SMS. A pretty good argument, which is obviously not why Apple cares about iMessage at all, and anyone who thinks that that has anything to do with why Apple cares about iMessage. Is it’s good to throw in their face this way misled um, when I saw that I was like oh so he’s trying to put pressure on Apple to not brazenly reveal that they don’t care, but the thing is like um.

I don’t think it’s going to work, but it’s yeah, sorry dude, but Apple’s users are not capable of recognizing the hypocrisy of Apple’s statements and Apple’s actions and apple. Super super super. Doesn’T care um the fact that they talk so much about privacy and then, if you like, go down the rabbit hole of like where their server farms in China are and stuff? It’S like it’s a whole thing. Apple gives zero yeah um like it’s. I don’t know. I don’t know man, I don’t know, I do know they don’t care yeah. This is a bummer, because this seemed pretty cool.

I think they were going to charge like two bucks a month or three bucks a month or something something like that. Personally, I don’t care, like my Apple acquaintances. If they want more messaging features, can just get a messaging app um, but apparently the depending on the region. It’S like a huge deal or something yeah honestly, the the day. My kid comes to me and asks for an iPhone.

Apple WANTS Messaging to Suck

I’M going to say why and if the answer is because my friends have iPhones blue bubbles, I I will ensure that they never get an iPhone until they pay for it themselves. Absolutely not. That is the worst reason to want anything. If you want something because there’s a compelling feature because in your assignment work, you know you do a lot of um, something that requires spatial capture of of something, and it would really help with you know some extracurricular thing, you’re doing and you’re like yeah. You know what, if it’s like, kids, it’s like there is another way, but like oh kids at school, share notes using airdrop or something cuz you he would have to inflict like some amount of maybe small, but some amount of societal change to get them to use. Whatever system, he would prefer the use yeah, it’s a good question. I mean it’s one of those things where, like you, can either be a leader or follower, and I think honestly, that’s the conversation. I’D have with them.

Apple WANTS Messaging to Suck

It’S like hey, that’s honestly, not the best way to do that anyway, and so, if, if yeah maybe help him like set up a better solution and then just his job is now to prove that it’s better yeah just one at a time and also like. Why aren’t you taking notes besides, if you’re the owner of the notes, then everyone should be coming to you for whatever your solution is right, like it’s be a leader, be a follower. There’S there’s only really two options: .