Giant Chinese TV

Giant Chinese TV

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Giant Chinese TV”.
Has Lina seen Fanboys yet I can’t tell if it’s a good movie, but I love it. I haven’t my sister recommended it to me sure yeah! Okay, do you watch clerks? I have seen clerks yeah. Okay, I love clerks. I love clerks as well.

Fanboys was all right yeah I read the synopsis or, like I read the like: normally I don’t, but my sister recommended it and I love my sister, but her taste in movies doesn’t overlap much with mine, and so I read not the synopsis, but just like the Box, you know summary I was like yeah. I was like big Omega fan of Clerks and then watched Fanboys and was like okay, yeah. Okay, hey we’ll have to do a oh, oh we’ll have to do a movie night because I installed something well, I someone installed it.

I oh yeah got something crazy. Did I talk Dan? Did I talk on W show about the biggest TV in the world? Last yeah yeah absolutely did um the the horrific Chinese one that you couldn’t get out of China because of we whole bunch of yeah yeah yeah yeah, okay, but did I talk about that? I have it. You did not yeah didn’t think so, okay! Well, I have it it’s a two video series because of reasons number one is, I think, there’s too much content. The video would be like really really long, um and two, because this thing was thousands and thousands of dollars, and I need two videos out of it.

Um, honestly is the best policy, Luke and people. People will flame me for it, but I’m just I’m just telling you everyone else is doing the same thing that I’m doing I’m just being honest with you. So don’t shoot the messenger um. The first video is kind of it’s an unboxing, but it’s an adventure because 115 in Luke yeah it weighed twice as much as what the website said it did. Is there anything else? That’S because Chinese specs, I guess right, is there anything else? That’S inaccurate. Have you measured things hold on? Is it brightness accurate, so so the very process of getting it into the building was an ordeal of Epic Proportions.

Giant Chinese TV

Yeah um like the the the box for it. What’S it’s a multi-layer box and once we had it all like packed out, it was like a maze in my recck room like it’s incredible this this, the scill of it in sounds like almost double the size of a 65 in TV yeah. It’S not because it’s diagonally measured, it’s so much bigger, it’s enormous um and it weighs so much it comes with. It comes with these silver handles that look like butt plugs that have threads about this long think was going to say it, but they do.

Giant Chinese TV

They have thread not safe ones, they’re not flared at the end, but they have threads about this long. You screw them into the sides of the TV at about this height and this height, so that two like strong men, can move it. Yeah, move it crazy y. So the first video is getting it to the point of powering it on cuz there’s some: oh man.

Okay, I’m going to spoil one I’m going to spoil one road block um! You cannot get past the opening splash screen. Unless you have a Chinese phone number. You can’t get a Chinese phone number unless you have a Chinese ID, so even just getting the thing turned on in the first place was an exercise in in patience and and and and hard work would um. I kid i k, i k um sorry, what what were you? Nothing, don’t worry uh anyway. The point did we both make the same joke continue related related. Please Contin.

Um then part two. We get Brandon from the labout. We measure this thing. I had some time to experience it try different kinds of content on it and um.

I love it. Every piece of content that I have put on it is like I’ve never experienced it before and what’s really cool about, it is watching SDR content. Maybe the color experts out there guys forgive my ignorance here. Color science is something that I have learned enough about to get through that segment of the video and then move on and kind of forget half of it and then look into it again like I’ve. I’Ve built up a little bit of knowledge about it, but it is as much magic as it is science. It’S it’s crazy as soon as you start getting into light and color mixing and the the perception of the human eye it gets mindboggling um, but something that I have never understood is when you’ve got a display like this one, for example, I think it’ll do like 8 or 900 nits Peak brightness or something. Why is it that the SDR Peak brightness is like a third of that and that’s always the case? Why don’t you just make the bright Parts more brighter? I have not. I don’t understand that.

Why do you? Why do you limit the brightness in SDR? Well, guess what this TV doesn’t? It will do literally 5,000 nits Peak brightness on SDR content, depending on the conditions. It will do a full screen flash, not even a flash like as far as we can get flash it can do. It can do full screen white at 850 nits across its entire 115 in diagonal surface on that playing back SDR content God. So I put on How to Train Your Dragon, like the one from 2010, the first movie and I flipped it on for Andy and Andrew. I love that Andrew is Irish, so I’m always like what about second Andy doesn’t matter. The point is I put it. I put it on for both of them. I’M like always saying that to them.

I shouldn’t um, I put it on for them and I was like okay. This is mindboggling and they’re, like the the opening scene, where the dragons are like attacking the village with Fireballs or whatever, and I was like okay but wait for it. Like is your mind, blown they’re like wow the size wow, it looks so good. I can’t believe you know it’s not.

I Can’t Believe It’s Not OLED. The darks are so dark. Cuz, it’s um mini LED full array, local dimming 20,000 zones – how they, even what controller, is even driving that okay doesn’t matter. The point point is, I was like guys guys, you haven’t even noticed the craziest part.

This is SDR content and they were like no is HDR content like painful it’s well, it reaches the same Peak brightness in SDR and HDR. It just is black to the whitest white and it just was like okay, I mean yeah. Why not that’s what I would like to understand and whatever your answer is, is not good because they did it, they did it yeah, and so that’s that’s what I want to know and now that I’ve seen SDR content that isn’t just kneecapped by not allowing the Screen to go to full brightness, it has me questioning everything about HDR Luke HDR still has a wider color gamut. It still looks better, but we could have had. We could have had SDR that looked flipping great for years. Cuz.

A lot of the marketing stuff of HDR was around the brightness, the peak brightness, and not just the peak brightness, the the the the difference between the peak brightness and the blacks, and you could do that in SDR. It turns out apparently, apparently yeah. So it’s 115 in not 150 and the full screen white was 850 nits. It’S only in in small points where it will do um the the full 5,000 nits, but on 15 in TV you got to remember.

A 1 % window is like this big. So have you have you watched Pirates of Silicon Valley? I haven’t yet that’s funny. Cuz, that’s going to be so boring on that TV. Just like all takes place in like ugly 80s offices, a lot of it’s just offices and stuff. There is some I mean. There’S there’s some there’s some scenes in there with Bill Gates like when he gets arrested and stuff um that’ll be outside, but I mean yeah yeah.

Giant Chinese TV

It’S not like a show off a TV movie. I’Ll say that much um hold on who just who just said this hold on someone just said: no hdr on Linux, uh, someone in flow plane chat. No, yes, yes, steam deck. I I I can’t wait for Steam OS to just be an OS.

I can just run. Is that a thing is that going to be a thing apparently somay, it’s valve time, so who knows but theoretically? Yes, maybe in 20 years yeah, this is tcl’s 115 inch TV .