Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Legally Distinct Tech Vtubers”.
What what what is this legally distinct Tech vtubers? I don’t know what that is from zoa. I don’t really want to click on that stuff. Hey lonus click this! Well, I’m going to do it. Oh, my goodness, uh is that you and me yep.
Let’S go. We got Lena SAS, flyboat flyboat media, that’s great Lucy levure, that’s a really good name; actually, that’s actually sick. Ah, okay, it’s like a stage name.
That’S dope! That’S a great great name: wow uh cool! I that’s not what I was expecting to look at today. You’Re actively dropping a GPU, I think I’m throwing it yeah yeah. I know I’m down with that. Yeah um. I think it’s great. I I would vtuber with that Persona I would 100 % do that.
Oh, what is this? Is this a video also Dan wait. What no way, no way, no wait, wait for it. Legally distinct Tech show producer.
What’S [ Laughter, ] up? Oh no! I love the little like the like anime, sweat, bead thing. You see it! Oh! No, that totally fits. I have one of those like turtleneck sweater things too, very similar, that is, that is very cool. I’M flattered super cool, uh, great great job, um, you’ve done this. Oh yours has earrings yeah that that doesn’t surprise me they are. They are shockingly on point they’re. Actually, really good, I genuinely really like mine, that’s cool, don’t say wood get out of here. Leave it alone. Don’T do that? That’S that’s me.
That’S literally me, you can’t say that come on all four of you. I feel I feel protective of my little Avatar now Lucy, don’t make don’t go after Lucy leave Lucy alone; oh no Flo playe! Why leave Lena alone too Lawless? Oh, my okay! Okay, all right! Let’S um! Let’S move on uh Microsoft Paint Plus now with Dolly. Oh no way we get to try it yay. The windows 11 paint app now has an integrated co-creator text to image generator feature in this laptop.
Is this all users, or is this just like Early Access people? If pre-release I into it, then okay, hey Luke, want to play a game sure it’s called Ms paint. It’S the best game. Okay, if people from people from our era um, that’s actually a thing when, when you didn’t have the internet, give me your laptop? No, I want it come on Lena. Why are you taking it on? I want the doc in the chat.
Can I just have it here? Okay, you do it. Let him let him have it can. Can I just have it playing audio, it’s playing audio Yeah cuz. You unug hm the AIO device, reset Dan told me to unplug the HDMI yeah, but there’s other steps included in that process.
Figured out Lena try to make things smooth, trying to make things smooth, can’t make it smooth, sorry, Luca or whatever your name is Lucy. Get it right. Sorry, sorry, sorry, I mean I only got one letter wrong. It’S 75 % right.
You should totally license the design for some T-shirts. That would be a pretty specific reference, but I bet you people would buy it stop. I know I would stop it D. No, no! No, no stop is the computer, not even booting. I mean Dan prepared it, so it was a 50/50 shot from the outset. Everything’S 50/50. In this case it either worked or it didn’t. Oh, you know what I think. It’S probably um, outputting to the external display cuz it’s on. It’S not it’s like no body pillow.
It’S not even on stop. We have a body pillow coming. Is it like a GPU all I’ll say? Is that it’s coming? No, oh! I hate it here. It just uses the confetti design from the um, the women’s underwear and the onesie yeah.
That makes sense yeah. We decided we decided not to go anime girl with it um we thought we’d, keep it um. You know put the CL in it. You know you know with the CL classy, not without the CL.
You know classy, with an eye what’s going on here, Dan. I don’t know laptop won’t turn on, maybe take the laptop away from him and get it turned on and then bring it back. My magic fingers. I touch Tech, it break. Luke said this would happen. Did I did you say this would happen? Did I oh yeah? No, I totally did yeah.
Let’S go. I remember that I didn’t do anything. No, I was, I can’t explain this. It doesn’t even have Linux on it that I that I know no. This is this is my whole point. I was talking about how we we were going to work on something, but I was like we’re. We have to be really really thorough about it. We should test it really thoroughly and then before we release it, we need to hand it to lonus cuz everything breaks when he touches it. So that’ll be our like final line of of test. Sometimes things magically work. When I touch them, though, yeah you’ve witnessed that, but if something is currently working, so my power is that I change the just functional status of things: yeah yeah, .