Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Casetify is a Bastion of Originality”.
I want to talk about the dbrand case toy situation, all right, so this Source One is wait. What is this S? One is on Twitter, Twitter oo mango parade at dbrand. I work at Best Buy got an internal notice that casify ripoff products are being recalled, Countrywide. Don’T sell, recall, withdrawn iPhone 14. Pro case toy.
Oh interesting, I wonder if this is Best Buy’s own initiative or if this is case, toi trying to get these things back. What is that text? Don’T sell D recall SL misspelling of withdrawn, don’t sell, recall, SL withdrawn yeah, okay, um all right castifi says it is investigating the allegations of copyright, infringement leveled by dbrand and Zack from Jerry rig everything, as well as a Dos attack that disrupted our website. When the allegation surfaced um, are you really expecting sympathy right now? Also, Pro tip don’t complain about a Dos? Oh, I did think like. What are you going to? What are you going to come up with with your invest, if I was going to write a manual? Okay, if I was going to write a manual leave that bear alone for how to not for how to not not get dosed, it would be to say no, it’s just put pleas me.
That would be. That would be step one in the manual. Oh boy. It made me so sad but yeah.
My thing is like what they they think they’re going to come up with, like it was definitely debrand who dossed us like what do they? What do they think this is going to result in? No, it wasn’t uh yeah um. They claim that Ki has always been a Bastion of originality and they hold pride in that that’s cool um dbrand has been one heck of a cannon the whole time, so I think it makes sense and really cannons attacking Bas. They do like to as send it um case toy, withdrew its line of inside out cases from sale on its own site last week, but they were still available for sale in person and online via Best Buy this week supect. It was case toy that called it back. That kind of makes sense um our discussion question. This is great who the hell begins. Their copyright claim investigation with. We have always been a Bas of originality when the alleged I added this part alleged crime. Is this obvious? The guilty, casetify, that’s the full list – be allegedly guilty. That’S this is this is brutal, dude yeah. This is absolutely brutal. I can’t I can’t sure is I mean here’s the thing I I think if they apologize it’s an admission of guilt, whereas if they don’t, they can still fight it m.
So that’s like I. I don’t know exactly how the legal system works. Even here. I I haven’t really been roiled in a lot of legal troubles, um anyway um and I especially don’t know how the legal system works in other jurisdictions. But my understanding is that uh, you know anything. You say Canon will be used against you in a court of law and if they were to say something like we’re sorry, we infringed on you. Let’S we we’re going to pull them down now, then, if debrand and Zach were not just all like okay, we chill now, then their case would become even more open shut than it already appears to be. So I I doubt they have a choice with respect to you, know, apologizing and admitting their errors um, at least from like a protecting themselves from legal damages standpoint, but they definitely didn’t have to say that they were a Bastion of originality.
So I guess that’s where we’re at on that. Oh interesting in Ontario, there apparently is an apology act, which is the kind of thing you would have in Canada, which makes it so that saying sorry isn’t an admission of guilt hash. Sorry I mean remember that this is this is Canada. This is, this is Canada here, okay, Sor, sorry is just it’s.
We bump into other people at the airport and we’re like or sorry other people bump into us at the airport and we’re. Like sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry for being in your way, in the way of your sorry, my face was where your elbow needed to be like in Canada can also be a question. I don’t know if that’s a thing in other places in the world, a question be like sorry, yeah.
No, that’s a thing like hello, yeah, that’s that’s totally a thing right, I don’t know mightbe, I don’t know I was a. I was a what kid. What um and one of my that’s obnoxious, yeah yeah, one of one of my friends – was a um, a pardon excuse me, I pardon, and I started doing it to mock him and now I’m 100 % on, like pardon yeah. You do that, I’m very I’m I’m so sorry. I didn’t hear you like, I’m the more the funny thing with lus is like the more.
How do you say it? I beg your pardon, the more like appropriately. He words it the absolute like it’s it’s. Maybe even it’s logarithmic, I’m not sure, but it’s it’s more sassy.
No, it’s it’s just habit! Now I I don’t even mean it scales a little bit it. It started sassy and it started that Sassy yeah, but like has it toned down. Maybe I just haven’t been paying attention. I don’t even think about it. I’Ll hear myself say I’ll, hear myself say you need to though, but but I’m not even, but I’m not even sassy a lot of one of those reflex Gunners. I just didn’t really. I just didn’t, hear you and I’m sorry for that begging, your pardon sir okay, that there I’m being sassy. That’S my point, though, If he, if he, if that is the most sassy thing, I’ve ever had see pleaser.
I beg your pardon get out of here and have this message from dbrand or you have no wow after dark. That’S right! We’Ve got a sponsor for Wow. After dark which Dan is working on – oh oh, oh, oh, that’s, cute, hey! It has a whole dbrand skin on the on the lower Banner yeah uh. Oh wow.
Look at that! Of course. It’S the new x-ray skins that they you eat them. Okay, that was worth the work that we put into it I’m sure um uh.
They launched these as part of the subsists entirely new xray purchases. I do not Zach from Jerry rig everything and you guys are going to make money on these. I mean, I guess you gave some of it to me – obviously buy x-ray or we stop paying for this spot.
It’S very honest: you got, you got to give him credit for the honesty man yeah, that’s legit um. So I guess I’m now. I’M now obligated by my responsibility to our shareholders, to tell you that you need to buy x-ray yeah, or else we will not make money. Wow buy, buy the real one. You know yeah anyway, uh great, so x-ray is the line of skins that they launched to Showcase toy. What Innovation actually looks like uh? What was it originality or what originality actually looks like? That’S the word that Cas defi used all right.
I guess it’s merch message. Time then that’s I guess so. Let’S see, I guess we’ll actually talk about merch call on float, plane chat. The Skins are not edible.
Calm down, you guys, .