Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Wireless Charging That Doesn’t Suck – Qi 2”.
Wireless charging is great, but it’s often frustratingly slow incompatible with your gadgets or difficult to use, because you can’t get your phone to line up exactly with the charger. Just do it, but lo and behold, an upcoming standard might just solve all of these issues in one Fell Swoop. I’M talking about chi2 the long-awaited update to the original Chi charging standard that came out all the way. Back in 2010, it’s been described by some Outlets as mag safe for Android, and this is actually pretty fitting, but you Apple users should pay attention too, like mag, safe ch2 is a magnetic standard and apple had a hand in its development as they, along with Google And Samsung are members of the wireless power Consortium who published the standard aw? Isn’T it nice when gigantic faceless corporate adversaries get along? Not only will this make wireless charging more convenient in that your devices will now magnetically stick to the charger, but ch2 should also really help with making sure sure the charger is properly aligned with your phone’s induction coil, which is great news for the millions of us Who keep getting those annoying notifications saying we need to readjust our phone for optimal charging and, despite the Simplicity of the design, there are even more improvements over ch1 and potentially even mag, safe, we’ll tell you what they are right after we thank the sponsor of this Video thanks to Gad for sponsoring today’s video, it’s cute, it’s portable and it’s highly functional. It’S the barrel, ax Wi-Fi 6 travel router, it comes with open, VN, add guard and even supports Cloud flare DNS over TLS.
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Quite a bit of that energy is wasted as heat and in severe cases. Heat can even affect the long-term health of your battery, but with the magnetic design getting the coils as close to each other as possible and as well aligned as possible. It should be less of a problem with ch2. Ch2 is also going to allow faster wireless charging than what we’re used to today. The current generation of chat charging tops out at 15 watts, but this is merely going to be a starting point for ch2. While it looks like ch2 devices won’t initially be faster than 15 watts, the standard will support higher charging rates in the future. You also won’t have to worry as much about buying poor quality counterfeit Chargers that don’t deliver the advertised performance with ch2.
Unlike the original Chi standard, ch2 will support a handshaking process where a device can actually just refuse to work with shoddily built Chargers that aren’t compliant with a ch2 spec or, at the very least, give you a warning message. The WPC has come out and said that they can actually get non-compliant devices delisted from shopping sites like Amazon, making it less likely you’ll buy a POS. But when exactly are we going to start seeing ch2 devices hit the market? Look for the first ones in late 2023, these likely will be phones and wireless earbuds sometime in mid 2024. We can expect other devices like tablets and SmartWatches to start dropping. As for the iPhone 15 well Apple has said: hardware-wise, it supports the standard and the software will support future ch2 wireless charging, but it’s anyone’s guess as to when they’ll enable the feature.
I would ask Tim Cook myself, but he never returns. My calls wow. That was a whole video. You just watched good job like the video, if you liked it dislike it, if you disliked it check out our other videos, comment below with video suggestions and don’t forget to subscribe and follow, you know I mean you watch the whole video.
I think you can do that. I know you’re capable .