Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Why I’m Afraid of Pharmacies”.
I work in Aerospace, manufacturing, Quality Inspection. The bore quality control I see daily has increased. My flight anxiety has Insider knowledge ever changed the way you use my was a pharmacist. Oh God, the the frequency not Ivon Ivonne apparently never dispensed the wrong thing. That sounds probably right, but the frequency with which it would happen, and at a pseudo Union employer like Costco The Limited recourse that Ivonne the manager had to deal with. People who dispensed the wrong medication was terrifying and from everything she told me, Costco was relatively well-run, but just like people would make mistakes, which is a life and death situation and because they’re, like pseudo Union, like they’re non-union, but they they try to behave like a Like a unionized employer, would they try to take care of people um, it’s very difficult to fire people, and so she you’d have someone that just like makes mistakes, and you like to the point where she would want to just fire them and hire someone who doesn’t Make Fu mistakes with people’s medication, but that was not a lever. She could pull um yeah yeah, it’s terrifying and like man I mean basically any if there’s anything yvon and I have learned from running a business for the last 11 years. Almost at this point um it’s that experts are just people, whether it’s lawyers or contractors or pharmacists or whatever, uh people are people and people make mistakes. They’Re inattentive, they don’t care uh, even even when they’re trying really hard, sometimes they’re, just plain stupid, uh like it’s just it sorry you know and and it and it’s nothing, it’s nothing personal.
I make mistakes, I don’t know if yvon makes mistakes, but I do uh and um yeah you. You have to double check everything. Basically I I I don’t think I would take a pill at this point without like looking at it yeah I mean that’s fair enough. I I think my easiest and best example is there’s like a.
I don’t remember exactly how the quote goes, but there’s a quote something about like um like locksmiths, and people that are into mechanical things, prefer digital locks and software engineers and software developers that are into software things prefer physical locks yeah. It’S like the more you know about it. The more you yeah axman 1984 says I used to hold doctors in high regard guard.
Until I got to know some yeah, it’s it’s basically that yeah .