Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Bad Games Are Better with Friends”.
What is the worst game that you’ve ever played either funny bad or actually bad? Oh, oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh worst game. I’Ve ever played well. It had to be one of the ones that we played when we did that uh, when we did that gaming night, where we bought the cheapest games on Steam, like one after the other. There was that prison fight simulator, oh yeah yeah. That was a really bad game. I still remember the name of a lot of of a lot of those games because we still play some of those games. Barrow Barrow, let’s go Barrow Barrow prison fight, simulator.
We played that one where we threw rocks at each other threw rocks at each other. What was oh, uh? Okay, I don’t remember that one remember the name, but I remember Hoops kind of fun. Actually yeah, a lot of them were like or hooping hooping fun in their own weird ways: uh hooping hold on. Oh, no, no, no hooping steam, no grapple hoops; no! No! No! Okay! What what was it called? I thought it was called: oh no Bass, basketing! That’S what it’s called, I think that’s correct, basketing, it’s A123 Canadian.
So this is a. This is a $ 1 Us game and basically you’re a little ball and you try to put well you try to basket it. It’S like extremely bad rocket league basketball, yeah yeah. Pretty much it’s actually it’s actually kind of fun. It’S it’s leg for the amount of money that it costs.
It was worth it to me. It is well worth. I had a good enough time to pay that fee yeah. I would. I would actually strongly recommend, if you’re, if you, if you and and the Gang, are kind of bored and you’re, just like oh yeah, I don’t know what do you want to play? I don’t know, what do you want to play? Look up the absolute cheapest online co-op games on Steam. You a lot of it’ll, be trash. Remember that one that was basically just a tutorial like it was like a game creation tutorial that we that someone just uploaded to steam. That was lame. That was probably the worst game that I’ve ever played.
It was like an FPS, but I don’t really. If I remember correctly, it was like a unity game development tutorial that someone did basically nothing to beond the tutorial and then uploaded to steam, and we bought it. Yeah for like 30 cents or something it was basically nothing like. I was it’s a a very, very, very small outlay, but it it was really fun, really really fun.
Just playing these super janky random random games. My my favorite answer for this has always been uh. The 2009 firstperson shooter just amazing stunning game that you’ve definitely heard of called Rogue Warrior um. I played this when I was at University and uh. I thought the voice lines in this game were so hilariously unhinged that I ended up playing it on speakers and my roommates just kind of like sat around and listened while they did other things and we just laughed at everything: uh, oh yeah. That makes a lot of sense uh. It definitely doesn’t deserve any rating better than that.
It’S not a good game. It’S just really funny um. If I remember correctly, Rogue Warrior is based off of a book um. Okay, let me see Rogue warrior book yeah and this guy – I didn’t know this. Until way after I played the game, I saw the game on some crazy sale, um yeah, okay, yeah um. So this this game is based off of a book called Rogue Warrior. That was written by uh. What is his name, Richard marinko Richard marcinko, I think, is the voice actor, no he’s the writer. I think he might also be the voice actor. I don’t remember what it is, but the lines the lines in the game are hilarious because they’re, just like so crazy, it’s been a really really long time, since I’ve played it um.
But yeah turns out that this guy was like uh. He was one of the members of uh some some military thing in the States called red cells where they used to uh, run attacks on American military bases to like find vulnerabilities like he was like really hardcore, and then he got like. I don’t know he got in trouble for like some crazy stuff and then wrote a book called Rogue Warrior than it turned into this game, and it’s just wild got it.
Yes, so yeah Joe yeah that guy it’s nuts um don’t go into it. Expecting a good game only play it. If you can find bad games with hilarious voice lines entertaining that’s it.
Okay got. It sounds good to me way, overly hyper Agro at all points in time. .