Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Whoever Loses Microsoft Wins”.
H, let’s get the Sam Alman stuff out of the way uh openai has reached an agreement with Sam Altman to for him to return as CEO following a near Mutiny where 95 % of open AI employees signed a letter threatening to resign if he did not return. Uh resign and join Microsoft to be clear, um yeah, one notable signer was co-founder and chief scientist Ilia. I can never say his last name: Suk uh, who was part of the board that originally fired Altman. Two members of the board, including Ilia, will be stepping down, which is an interesting thing. The board will likely grow up to nine members and include representatives from important stakeholders such as Microsoft, who doesn’t want to be surprised by this kind of shenanigans. Again, in all likelihood, I was saying with how much of open AI that Microsoft owns.
It was wild to me when this whole thing went down that Sachin Adella was just blindsided by this and that that they didn’t have a seat on the board. Already absolutely nuts yeah EMT sheer, who was interim CEO for three days after CE uh CTO, mea moradi, was interim CEO for two days said he was pleased to have negotiated this outcome. Our discussion question is: who was the biggest winner in the shakeup, and why was it Microsoft? Oh yeah? It was unquestionably Microsoft. There was. There was two paths here: either the entire open AI team was going to quit and join Microsoft, which would have been great as the advanced research Advanced AI research, whatever that team was called for the two days that it existed, um or Microsoft was going to get A board seat and get their boy back in Action, a CEO, so they won either way it the situation got significantly better for Microsoft. No matter what path um was chosen, I yeah – I don’t know I the whole Ilia thing is very interesting to me um because, as far as my understanding goes, which there was a lot of rumors around this and the News was moving really fast, so I might Be wrong about this, but as far as my understanding goes, Ilia said that he would not remain part of the board if they didn’t find a way to hire Sam mman again as CEO. But then Sam alman’s demands involved a significant change to the board.
That didn’t involve Ilia, so Ilia was basically like Deuces, because either you fire me or I quit. Those were like the proposed Solutions which I just found very interesting, genius, um and now he’s not on the board. So I for one love it um yeah.
How long do you think it’s going to take before this is a movie? Oh yeah, it’s got to be someone’s working on it already. Yeah yeah it like has to be um. I really thought it was going to end up with the whole open, the ey team. Being a part of Microsoft, apparently uh, apparently GameStop AMC that whole thing is like more than one movie already really like yeah. One of them has a trailer out already or something like that: yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.
I I was okay. This is all hearsay. Uh GameStop stons movie here we go hold on dumb money, official trailer yeah from five months ago. That’S a great name.
That is a pretty great name he’s still their lead scientist cool yeah. I just maybe you should focus on that wow. This is from like Sony Pictures. This isn’t even just like some random Indie movie. That’S hilarious. Wait Eat the Rich, the GameStop Saga.
This is on Netflix as well. Oh man, okay, wow, it’s the whole thing. .