Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Please Stop Talking”.
Twitter or EXC sorry x, uh. I actually have a hard time calling it that uh has lost some major sponsors after CEO or no he’s not CEO anymore, but whatever owner uh Elon Musk expressed um agreement with a with a tweet that some have perceived to be anti-semitic, um and they are losing Sponsors like crazy, according to reports um, here’s something, though listed among the major sponsors that are pulling out um is IBM when’s. The last time you ever saw an IBM ad. I get them for what infrastructure stuff? Okay, like infrastructure as a service or like Hardware or like software honestly, I I don’t really look into them, but I I do get IBM ads, um, fascinating, IBM’s, one of those companies that, like we did a tech quickie about it. I think even I I think it was like what does IBM actually do.
You know, because own patent own more patents than anyone, fair enough um, but there actually another one of the ones that pulled out is another one of those companies that has mostly a consumer. Sl small business owner – I I just you know I hear about them in the news all the time. I know their CEO’s name and he’s like super famous or rich or whatever, but like Oracle, the does oracle actually do I I don’t know something. Presumably yeah oracle’s a fun one yeah yeah um, but anyway, Oracle, IBM, Comcast, Xfinity, um Apple, have oh yeah, have uh have basically said yeah. No, this is uh.
This is not cool. Uh Media Matters posted a screenshot of an Apple ad for a MATC computer and an IBM ad next to a post that included an image of Adolf Hitler and his followers um yikes. So advertisers not super cool with.
What’S going on on uh ex, formerly Twitter right now and it looks like whoever helped musk make, this acquisition is probably going to be losing a lot of money sometime in the near future. Uh. For my part, I just am not seeing the same kind of engagement on Twitter that we used to we’ve had some we’ve had some posts this week that were were crossposting in YouTube Community posts, on Instagram, on Twitter and on those other platforms, they’re getting tens of Thousands, in some cases, nearly 50,000 interactions from the communities there and on Twitter.
It’S just been this slow decline, like occasionally we’ll still have ones that that pop off, like I think we had a couple in the last week and a half or so that you know did 10 or 20,000 likes or whatever is Luke gone. See I told you we should have gone with it he’s still in the call his camera’s off. Oh no he’s back, hey we’re good okay. Should I had the technical difficulties. L us yeah, I know hold on here: um beautiful, beautiful smoo, amazing, smooth, uh yeah.
I. What what I’ve noticed with with Twitter X, whatever um is, I I haven’t, really used it for like Public Communication for a long time, but I have used it for direct messages to like other creators for quite a while um, and something that I’m noticing is is Very slowly but surely over time uh I mean they’re meeting people and why you moving him. At the same time, Dan I’m trying to they’re they’re wanting to communicate over over Discord or Instagram or something else or even just text messages or people that I already communicate to through Twitter DMS are asking to move to one of those other services um and the Amount of times that I’m using Twitter DMS is is slowly decreasing, um, which is like cool, because I don’t like Twitter but also kind of annoying, because it was centralized on Twitter almost entirely, like all. My communication, with other creators, was almost entirely on Twitter for years.
Twiter was the celebrity book essentially like anyone with any. I don’t mean celebrity celebrity. I just mean anyone with any kind of public presence.
Any kind of follow of any kind was on Twitter, and so you know you could be. You could be like. Oh man, you know it would be crazy if we did a collab with someone.
You know some. I don’t know some WWE star who’s into gaming or whatever right uh. At the very least you could you could at them and then, if you also had some momentum Community would see that and they’d like Ping them like you. Could it was like uh the ability to nudge just about anyone. I don’t know that’s kind of fading away. I don’t know if we’re ever gon na get that again Instagram Instagram. I think it still works on, but I don’t, I think, not as well um because not everyone’s on Instagram, maybe I better get on Instagram .