I’m Moving to Europe

I’m Moving to Europe

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I’m Moving to Europe”.
Should we do nothing, adding blue bubble messaging on Android yep, pretty cool right all right? This was reported by The Verge and 9 to-5 Mac and basically everyone and their dog, but nothing the phone company to be clear, not nothing. The absence of anything has announced nothing. Chats an app that will make a text from an Android phone show up as an iMessage on iPhone, as well as enabling features like group, chats typing indicators and voice notes. The app exclusive to the nothing phone is a collaboration with Sunbird which provides iMessage to Android. Bridging services in beta when Marquez brownle asked, if this operates similar to other bridging systems, that route Android messages through a Mac server Farm.

Nothing confirmed that their solution is the same as that. Yes, so what this means is that users have to give access to their iCloud credentials to nothing or Sunbird, I guess probably Sunbird directly. However, nothing says that Sunbird stores them as a token in an encrypted database and deletes them after two weeks of inactivity. Okay, realistically, if implemented the way that they say it is Luke, probably fine, probably fine, uh, probably fine enough I’ll, say not not fine entirely but fine enough. But the the challenge here is: you know the old saying as it goes trust but verify Luke.

I’m Moving to Europe

Is there any way that anyone could verify this? No, I don’t think so I mean unless you, unless you basically try to break into it and fail. Oh, okay. Okay, that’s not not a suggestion! Yeah really, not legal advice. It’S not investment advice either! It’S nothing! Just you know, you know what shows over shows over for we’re out of here. See you later have a good weekend, um, damn it Luke. Only two days later, though, Apple announced that all of this may be completely unnecessary, they are finally doing it.

I’m Moving to Europe

I okay, can we speculate for a little bit here? What do you think it was that made Apple cave? No, I wanted to have more fun with it Luke you you ruined it. I was going to talk about honestly. I thought I thought with the like.

14C delay that the lineup was going to happen a well okay. I was going to talk about some of the ways that certain other parties have tried to put pressure on Apple to adopt Rich communication. I think the S is for service, but RCS message or Rich communication messaging standard, whatever it is RCs yes, um, for example. I remember one year at CES. I think it was. There were little like text messages from Google to Apple or something like that. Um asking you know why they used outdated SMS still on the iPhone um. I know Google has put a ton of pressure on Apple to adopt RCS. I suspect, although I don’t know for sure, that the uh, the mobile carriers in the major markets have probably maybe not put pressure on Apple but asked respectfully for them to adopt RCS, because these Legacy, SMS messaging or I shouldn’t say, messaging service. Because SMS is short for short messaging service uh, but this this Legacy SMS stuff sucks uh encryption is not supported. Group chats, suck uh just about everything about SMS kind of sucks and MMS isn’t much better um. But it’s been very obvious to anyone with two brain cells to run, to rub together to to you got there.

I’m Moving to Europe

No, I’m fine, I’m good uh! It’S been obvious to anyone with a couple of brain cells to rub together that Apple’s main motivation for keeping ey message and all of those extra nice things about messaging from an iPhone to an iPhone exclusive to the iPhone has been all about. Keeping you locked into the ecosystem, which I I don’t think we have to rehash, how perplexed all of that makes me uh I’ve. I’Ve never understood it. The color of a bubble has never mattered to me, um, the the idea of being reliant on my my default SMS app for something like a group message or sending more complex, emojis or sharing media is just again it’s utterly bewildering to me, like I I I Have over half a dozen messaging apps on my phone and that’s that doesn’t bother me um, I I I don’t know some.

Some people seem to really really struggle with it, but I it doesn’t bother me at all um, but for some reason this has been a major consideration for people to not only stay on the iPhone but buy iPhones like in some cases for uh other members of Their families um so anyway, the last major party putting pressure on them. Yes, was the European Union. Thank you, Luke for spoiling the punchline, no problem in other news. That’S actually kind of a bigger deal to me actually hold on. First, let’s talk about the benefits of RCs um: it can work over mobile data or Wi-Fi, which is super cool.

It would allow for crossplatform use of iMessage style features and calling these iMessage features is ridiculous, so I’m just going to call them messaging app features like read: receipts, typing indicators and higher quality images. That’S super cool um Apple has previously criticized RCS as less secure than iMessage uh, because it doesn’t include endtoend encryption, um, iPhone, RCS messages might also route through Google servers because of Google’s deal with phone carriers. Okay, that’s interesting, which means that there is a solid possibility. Nay probability that Android bubbles would remain green uh. So this is not exactly you know the Kumbaya. You know everything is completely interoperable moment that some people might be hoping that it is, but at the very least, you’re not going to be stuck using 1998 technology when you’re texting to your friend on an iPhone. Could that mean it? It says: iPhone. Rcs messages might route through Google service. Could that mean that some, if not all, iPhone bubbles, could be green um? No because if, if are you sure, because if if, if they’re getting around it by sending them through Apple servers to make them blue, this is literally just the inverse? No, no, no, no okay! So so.

The reason it would be is because it’s not coming straight Apple to Apple across only their own infrastructure, as soon as it goes out to someone else’s infrastructure. My understanding is, it wouldn’t be blue, probably um like, for example, when you’re messaging from one iPhone to another, and this came up a lot more years ago, like back when I had my iPhone 4, occasionally I would be messaging to another iPhone user and the bubble Would be green and that would be because it was sent as an SMS. So if I didn’t have data reception, but I did have cellular reception, you could still send a message uh, but it would. It would show up as a as a green bubble. So I don’t know if they like patch to that or if it’s just way less likely these days to be in range of cellular, but out of range of dat like I I I think. That’S probably I I don’t remember the last time I had solid cellular reception such that I could send messages and make calls, but I had no data connection um, but I’ve definitely seen that before um anyway. The bigger news, in my mind, is that apple and as part of this same push from the EU is required to allow Side loing by next year and according to leak’s financial filings from Apple as well as code found in iOS 17.2. Beta apple is preparing to allow side loading on iPhones. Well before that deadline happens, though, they are still appealing IM message and the app store’s designations as gatekeeper platforms, man, side, loading on the iPhone. Are you ready to go iPhone? Luke? I mean you just you just bought an Android phone like a pleb, don’t you feel like an idiot now? Well, I felt like an idiot for a while after I first got it because I didn’t really like the phone um and now honestly, every single time.

I pick up my 4 a5g, I’m like wow yep. I wish it was this still um, so I I don’t know how I feel about my phone right now, even but um honestly, the thing that kept me from going iPhone was more there. There was cost and just the annoyance of learning a new thing because, like I need my phone to do so little these days, that I just don’t really care um, but I’m not I’m not completely against switching I it was fairly close. I was looking into iPhones and I could see myself on an iPhone in the future. There’S really very little keeping me on on Android these days, um so yeah, I don’t know, maybe we’ll see, we’ll see how many more buttons the EU pushes .