OpenAI Fires Sam Altman

OpenAI Fires Sam Altman

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “OpenAI Fires Sam Altman”.
Why don’t we jump right into our first topic of the day? Unfortunately, this is very much a developing story. We don’t know a ton about it other than that Sam Alman is out as CEO of open AI uh. Oh, my news, uh Source here says fired. Oh, yes, that’s true! Okay, we do know that the board has ousted Altman for allegedly lying to them, which I guess would make it pretty hard to do your job. They claim that they no longer have confidence in his ability to lead and they now need an ALT man.

Ah I added that last part that was that was me. I take full responsibility for that um. They say his departure follows a deliberative review process by the board, which concluded that he was not consistently candid in his Communications. So not only did they fire him, they fired him. They called him a liar dang uh. It’S not really clear at this time.

What Mr ultman is alleged to have hidden from the board but open AI CTO, mea moradi has taken over. As the interim CEO uh Sam did tweet. He says I loved my time at open aai. It was transformative for me personally and hopefully the world a little bit.

Most of all, I loved working with such talented people, we’ll have more to say about what’s next later uh. Our discussion question here is how big of a deal is this and will it affect the long and short-term future of AI development? I think I, oh oh he’s already ready he’s ready to talk. He’S opening up the chest. He’S inhaling the air he’s ready to. Let it out yeah, I I think it’s an extremely big deal. I think it’s a big deal for a bunch of reasons. Open AI is clearly a market leader um and Greg Brockman, the uh co-founder and president of openai stepped down as well uh. So Sam was fired, Greg Brockman stepped down um just hours after Sam was fired, um immediately quitting, and I think this is going to spell probably a lot of other people at open, AI stepping down um, which you know I don’t think, is going to necessarily result In the destruction of the market, leader of open AI, just due to the amount of money and backing that Microsoft is able to put behind this um, but it is a pretty major blow um. If, if if Silicon Valley has a golden boy right now, it is Sam Altman for sure um, so to have him outed like this and to have some really big names from open AI. I’M saying some right now because I suspect, by the time the majority of people watch this some will be true right now.

OpenAI Fires Sam Altman

As far as I know, it’s only one uh but having the CEO and the co-founder president both disappear within a few hours hours. I think that’s going to endend up sending waves and result in more than just those people. Greg brockman’s statement is pretty Savage, hi everyone, I’m super proud of what we’ve all built together since starting in my apartment. Eight years ago, we’ve been through tough and great times together, accomplishing so much.

OpenAI Fires Sam Altman

Despite all the reasons it should have been impossible, but, based on today’s news, I quit damn just straight into the point: yeah there there’s another par, but that that was really that that was the meat and potatoes of it wow. That is absolutely wild. I mean this is guys for context. Okay, this is like if, in the 90s, the board had kicked out Bill Gates and Balmer had been like f it.

OpenAI Fires Sam Altman

I’M out like here here goes. The founder here goes the rightand man it’s over um with that said, I mean there are some people that I’ve seen compare Sam mment to Steve Jobs. I don’t know that they mean that in a flattering way or a negative way, there were certainly things about. Mr jobs, that were both good and admirable and um, but the good thing about this is that it gives him a chance to have a very similar Arc.

So I see this as an absolute win. This all happened like right now. I just got a shared from from handyman and fliping chat, a a post from um, which I don’t know if I can share with lonus for screen sharing reasons right now very easily, but I’m gon na try I’m just going to post it uh right here. Oh, it’s suggestion based.

I had this removed before and then I guess my rights were taken from me, but there’s a suggestion in the dock um, maybe I’m being Ed uh but uh, yeah, apparently, Microsoft didn’t even know. This was was happening um because it it happened from the board and the board. As far as my understanding goes again, we don’t have a ton of notes on this, because this like just happened, but the board is comprised of people that actually don’t have stock in the company um. So Microsoft invested billions of dollars in open AI as axio said, get know that the CEO was being oued.

Are you kidding me? They don’t have a board seat, not sure, okay, so guys, just just for some context. You are not necessarily a member of the board of directors just because you are an investor and you are not necessarily an investor just because you are a member of the board of directors but correct me. If I am wrong here. Typically, it is expected that there’s some skin in the game for you to be in such a position of power such that you can vote on the actions of the company um at a level that is assuming you have a a unanimous decision, or even a majority Decision above the level of CEO, and also that, if you are spending the kind of time and effort and energy that it would take to be a functioning member of the board of directors that you’d probably be interested in having some skin in the game.

Assuming that the company wasn’t and actually had a chance right, so there tends to be a lot of overlap there and it is okay. Oh it’s entirely non-investors because they’re nonprofi is says: um ma male 929 in float. Plane chat. Okay, I’ll admit that I don’t know much about how the structures of a nonprofit would work, because all of my experience is realistically just talking about this stuff on Wow and also running Linus Media Group Inc. So, every once in a while I will say something that is sort of based on either a like small business perspective or a Canadian perspective, because I’m not always familiar with us laws with to this kind of thing. But that actually kind of makes sense.

But also is kind of wild um, wow yeah – I I I think this so we we talked about this on W show a long time ago. I don’t remember all the details, but they they were solidly nonprofit for a long time. I think the nonprofit still owns the company, but I think the nonprofit and the company that most people know about are actually different, and the company under the nonprofit is effectively for-profit at this point, um, but still owned by this nonprofit, which would have the ability to Do things like I, the CEO, I guess um wow wild, absolutely wild yeah and I mean to be clear. It’S not like. I know, Mr Alman personally, so I’m not going to sit here and go yeah. I I think, he’s a a gen genius and the nicest guy you’ll ever meet and whatever right like, I, I don’t actually know for a fact that they need him necessarily they might.

They also might not, but it looks like the the rumor mill is going extremely. Is moving extremely quickly right now, the only thing that I’ll say about that is we should, you know, give this a little bit of time to settle before we try to draw any firm conclusions, because the reality of it is unless your name is someone who actually Works directly with any of these people, of which there are maybe dozens like not that many even Within These companies, people might not have a perfect context for exactly what any individual’s contributions or lack thereof, might mean for the future of the company um. I think we should just give a little bit of time for the dust to settle and then see how this see how this shakes out. It probably won’t have an immediate impact on their road map, because you know these kinds of things don’t change on a dime, but then again it might senior leadership’s out long live the new king, yeah yeah. I I I know. One thing that I would say is that, in regards to being a CEO for a like Silicon Valley, style company, I think he’s done a rather legendarily good job of like what that job mostly seems to be, which is like building hype and investor interest in your Company, that’s fair, so, like I I I don’t think I don’t think be hard.

Our investor relations representative pretty much I well. I I think that’s effectively what that role is for a lot of those type of companies um. So I I’m sure this is not the end of Mr Alman um. As far as hearing from and about him um, I’m sure there will be something next, I wouldn’t be surprised. I have no idea, I have no idea, but I wouldn’t be surprised. People are saying, like oh we’re, going to see a Steve Jobs moment where, like he’s outed, and then he comes back uh.

If I had to put my prediction hat on, I think the coming back um. I wouldn’t be too surprised if it was with Microsoft. More properly, I was gon na say if Microsoft, just hires him and then just buys open AI out right.

I I could see like that. I could see something like that potentially, but that depends I mean again. This comes down to not having res arched or not fully understanding the nuances of how the whole nonprofit part of this works.

It’S possible that this board would be able to prevent such an acquisition from taking place, whereas in the case of something like a public company um, they might not be able to stop it. As long as the acquisition was in the best interest of the individual investors who hold the shares of the company right, like those are rules that I I do have a bit more knowledge about, but in this case I’m I’m in kind of Uncharted Territory here, because This is a super, weird uh. This is it’s like. It’S a super, weird corporate structure, the fact that they started out as this nonprofit and then my understanding is they created a for-profit entity that the nonprofit owns and controls, which is like okay, what really weird yeah? How are you a? Are you a nonprofit, okay, okay, so hold on Luke lonus Media Group Incorporated is a nonprofit but lonus Tech tips.

The YouTube channel totally for profit. Give me that money, money and I mean if lus Media Group happens to make money, then I guess we chill right. I mean we’re, We’re Not Gon na. Take it we’re just gon na leave it we’re gon na leave it in LTT Inc. It’S just there. We didn’t make that they, they they made it and we’re just going to we’re going to leave it there. We’Re we’re not going, but I’ll never touch it. I promise like I I don’t know it seems like a super weird structure.

Yeah someone uh King Hippo and flpl chat said exactly how Firefox and Milla work um that’s cool, but I think the finances running through open AI are a little bit more intense um, sick, yeah. .