Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴FIRESTICK 1-CLICK SUPER CLEANER – WARNING DON’T USE THIS APP”.
So the oneclick super cleaner and speed booster for Fire TV seems to be a very popular application. Lots of people have been talking about it. Lots of YouTubers have reviewed it. They’Ve all said it’s really good, but the question is: does it actually work? Well, lots of you have asked me to look into this application find out what’s happening under the hood. I mean the application claims to be your go to cash cleaner.


It claims to close down your apps efficiently. It closes down unnecessary memory, hogging programs delivering a smooth and Rapid operation, so it does sound very marketing very sales pitch like, but let’s now check in reality, what’s actually happening, and you guys can. Let me know in the comments: if this application actually does something or not so let’s start with the first one, which is closes down unnecessary program. So, as I’m sure many of you know this application here, background apps and process list lists all of the things running. In the background on your F stick: F TV F TV Cube, it is 100 % free. You can get it directly from the App Store, and this is the only true, accurate reflection on exactly what’s running on your device. So let’s open that up. Okay, so we can see.

This is telling me I’ve got 20 applications open. In the background, I can click on refresh okay, so we can fully confirm my device. Has 20 user applications open in the background I can now exit out of this.

Let’S now try this super amazing oneclick super cleaner. So let’s open that up. Okay tells me my device need to clean up. Maybe it will close down some of those 20 applications open up. In the background, I can now click on start clean up and boost okay.


It says it’s cleaning and boosting my device. Let’S give that a second and you guys can see for yourselves when I open up the background app apps and process list straight after this application has finished. I’M not going to cut this video, I’m not going to edit anything cuz. I want you to see in real time exactly what this application does. So let me click on close. That’S now closed. Let’S now open up the background, apps and process list, let’s see exactly how many applications, how many of these memory hogging applications have now actually been. Stoed, which is what the free super cleaner claims to do so, let’s open that up – and I think the answer is there guys, so it hasn’t actually closed off a single application running in the background we still have 20 user applications running.


So when the super cleaner says it closes down unnecessary memory, hogging applications, it’s clearly not talking about these ones, then so now, as you guys know, you can use this application to close off these applications. You do have to do it one at a time, but at least you know, when you do it, it does properly force close these applications. Now, if you don’t want to do this one at a time time, this is the main reason why I developed the tduk app killer. Where you can see, I can open this up.

I can click on connect. I can now count again how many apps have I got running in the background. We have 20, which is accurate. Now we can see one click full, stop all apps, and it tells me that 19 of those applications have been killed as it doesn’t stop itself, which is why it doesn’t stop 20.

It stops 19. I can now click on X here and, of course, for us to confirm: did the application actually close off 19 apps in the background we can again open up the background, apps and process list. Let’S click on that, and here you can see it guys. So when my application tells you that it closes off all background applications with one click, it does in fact do exactly that, whereas that super cleaner doesn’t do anything at all to these applications.

Let’S now try the cash part, because we can see again just to confirm if I go to the info. This application here claims to be your goto cache cleaner. So, let’s verify that if I go to my applications, let’s check out my cach size on a few apps. Let’S go in here go to manage install applications.

Let’S start with the streaming one, so the BTV that one we can see the cash size is 2461 Meg size, and this is basically the thumbnails, the the movie banners all that kind of stuff. Here we can see with this application. We can see this. One is 23.74 %, 1.95 Meg and Cinema a big one is 52 Meg in size, so lots of cash built up over time when you’re browsing content, browsing thumbnails so over time that can build up.

Let’S now try the oneclick super cleaner and, let’s see what it does to these four caches. Let’S press home, let’s open up the app again super cleaner, give that a second I can now click on start clean up and boost. I mean it just looks like you know: nice, animations, nice Graphics, but in reality, what is this application actually doing? Maybe it can clean the cach. So yes, it couldn’t stop any applications running in the background.

Maybe this will just clean out cash, okay, device, cleaning and boosting finish. Let’S click on close. Let’S now go back to my application list and let’s see the state of those four applications and see exactly how much cash was cleared. It’S a managed application s uh. Let’S try with the first one, which was the B1, and we can see hash size has not changed at all. It’S still 2461 Meg in size, CBS is still 23 Meg. This catchup is still 1.95 Meg and the last one is still 52 Meg. So again, even though the application claims to be your go-to cach cleaner in reality, it’s cleaning nothing.

Now, if you do want to clean your cach with one click, we can also look at the tduk cach cleaner, which claims to, and I have to say claim now, because, let’s see if it actually works, this claims to clean all of your caches with one click Again, I can click on connect. I always recommend doing the clean, cach and reboot, but in the interest of time, let’s just click on clean cache, so 3 2 1 Click says to me: the application caches were cleared. The application will close.

Give that a second the app does close. Let’S now press the home key, I’m not going to edit this out. I want to go straight down into applications: go down into managed, install applications, let’s scroll down to the B, and what do we see see? The cach has now gone down to the base size of just 16 kiloby CBS down to 16 kiloby CBS down to the default and the last one which we know was the big one, which was over 50 meg in size. We, you can see, has gone down to 16 kiloby, so just to confirm that when my application say they are properly stopping all background applications, they in fact do exactly that. When my application says it’s going to clean out your cash with one click, it does exactly that, whereas other applications like the super cleaner, does nothing for your background applications does nothing for your memory, hugging applications and does absolutely nothing for your application caches.

So lots of you did ask me to look into this application to see. Does it actually work and I think, with what I’ve demonstrated today I’ll, let you be the judge of that. Do leave me a comment below. Let me know what you think and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon, thanks .