Should Floatplane Come to Grayjay?

Should Floatplane Come to Grayjay?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Should Floatplane Come to Grayjay?”.
So Lewis, Rossman yeah, our our title for the topic, is Rossman on strike, not not quite intar Lewis Rossman received three Community strikes on YouTube, apparently for discussing and advocating for futos gray J, an app that allows users to consolidate content from multiple video hosting services. In one place and potentially make it easier for users to discover and interact with content outside of the YouTube and twitch ecosystems, particularly their recommend algorithms. We messaged him about the situation because most of what I found about it was from third parties, and he says that the strikes may have been given because he mentioned gray J having a working download button. Um, I don’t know, I don’t know why. That would result in a community strike um, and I am not privy to exactly what was said to him in any correspondence with YouTube.

It should be clarified that a community strike is not the same as a regular strike where it’s like three strikes and your channel is gone um, it’s more just hey! You need to adhere to these guidelines by the way um. It is also possible that they objected to gray J having a built-in ad blocker, which is against YouTube’s terms of service and something that they have been cracking down on recently, according to expected. That was going to be it when the announcement happened before this actually went down um. So that’s still where I’m going to be leaning personally, according to L Rossman, his YouTube account is on 90day probation but has not been banned. It’S a long probation! Now I cced you on my exchange with with Lewis um about gray J, and one of the things that he asked about is if we would be interested in allowing float plane to have a plugin for gray J.

So people could watch float plane, videos through the app provided that they had an active subscription. See that’s something to clarify. Is that even though gray J does strip out the monetization of a platform like YouTube, it doesn’t for a platform like a patreon or a float plane yeah.

So obviously, I’m putting you on the spot a little bit here asking you. This live in front of over 10,000 people, but um would we consider that I Bas I, to I told them, look from the lus Media Group side of things uh. I have kind of mixed feelings about something like gray, J uh. Why, like they they’ve said that they’re working on a system where creators can opt out of having their YouTube channel available on Gray, J and honestly, I’m 5050? I I’m, I might opt out.

Should Floatplane Come to Grayjay?

Why exactly am I going to make my catalog available willingly on a platform where I won’t be compensated for it, and I I know that there’s like tipping like you can pay one time or something to gr J and I think there’s a sharing system in place Or whatever else it is, but I I I’m I’m sorry if, if that worked, we would we would have a very different internet today. That’S just not it does. I I I’ll take a wait and see on that one. If, if it works great, then awesome, I’m I’d be happy to be wrong, but I I really doubt it strong doubt if you leave it entirely voluntary uh most people will entirely volunteer to contribute nothing um uh, I I don’t know.

Should Floatplane Come to Grayjay?

I saw the email. I told him on the flo plane side of things I leave that to Luke and and our our new CEO to kind of figure out. Obviously you probably haven’t talked to Taran about this. Yet because so that’s where we’re at I was gon na say this is going to be a COO, but I haven’t talked to Taran.

Should Floatplane Come to Grayjay?

Yet um, I that’s yeah. I don’t know. Ultimately that seems like mostly a business decision. Um Flo plane has features. You wouldn’t be able to access through gr J. I’M sure this is true for YouTube and other platforms as well um, but if people really want the consolidation, I could understand that I mean the idea sound.

I can understand why consolidation is really cool. Why users might like it? You know the idea of following a Creator rather than following an algorithmic. You know suggestion for what someone else thinks you might want to watch or whatever else the case may be. I can definitely see some appeal there, yeah um yeah, so I don’t know it’s I’m not completely against it, but I haven’t dove into it fully. Yet I need to talk to Taran about it, etc, etc, etc. Um, why is Elijah in float? Plane chat, dude you’re downstairs play games, yeah, it’s like actually bad for.

Is he here, yeah he’s here, no more headaches! I I don’t know I haven’t asked: oh okay, but we have a. We have signage by the stairs. Don’T fall to maintain three points of contact.

Don’T run don’t jump actually we actually have like work safe BC like how walk up and downstairs signage wow. It’S it’s not because of Any individual employee wow, I’m legally obligated to say that he is it’s [ Laughter, ], true for for context. Elijah fell down the stairs during a shoot a couple weeks ago, sheesh dude. He disclosed that I I’m not disclosing anyway. .