Joe Biden V. Ultron

Joe Biden V. Ultron

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Joe Biden V. Ultron”.
Executive order for safe AI sure, let’s do it – I was joking Austin Evans. Was there no way? Austin Evans was in the White House, literally wow. He was at the signing of this okay yeah, I saw I saw his face on I. I was sitting on YouTube and I saw his face in a thumbnail for a YouTube short and he was wearing a suit and it was like.

Joe Biden V. Ultron

I was at the White House or something – and I was like – why was Austin at the White House? What is this huh and yeah? He he was there. Well, here’s what it was. The White House has issued an executive order requiring increased transparency from AI companies due to their potential to seriously disrupt Public Safety, civil rights, the economy and National Security sounds like a big deal. Yeah was yeah, sounds sounds you say it that way. Yeah take it down. Sure I’ll take it down uh. Unlike a similar voluntary commitment made by by the big players in July, the order will require developers of AI systems that go beyond a specific compute power threshold to notify the government and share the results of red team safety tests. According to a senior official, this would apply primarily to Future models Beyond a certain power threshold and would not restrict any currently available AI tools. I actually disagree.

I don’t really think the currently available AI tools. Um are safe. I don’t think that they are.

Joe Biden V. Ultron

They are something that we shouldn’t have increased transparency about um due to their potential to, and this is directly from the wording here seriously: disrupt Public Safety, civil rights, the economy and National Security. The order also says, though, that small, devs and entrepreneurs will get technical assistance and resources to help commercialize Ai and that federal agencies are developing standards of authentication for government documents and Communications. In order to preempt advances in AI forgery, a funding will be allocated to develop AI, focused privacy tools and guidance.

Joe Biden V. Ultron

So our discussion question here is honestly pretty straightforward. Do we need government oversight of AI development yeah? I I mean, I think so um I don’t know in what form and I’ve brought this up before, where maybe uh you know, I’m going to say we, but this is America, not Canada, but whatever you know what I mean um we’re basically their hat anyway. We know that we’re we’re a part of the unit um, please don’t, please don’t invade and take our water. That would be great. Do you. They drew up Invasion plans at one point in time, but let’s not worry about that.

Um yeah, I’m still my back’s gon na feel great after this show um. We have a lot of super checks to play. I drag the super checks table all the way from the office to here for the land, so that maybe, if you guys uh stay tuned in for the after party, you can actually watch Luke get his butt kicked. I was I was literally thinking last night. I was like it’s gon na be really weird we’re going to do a w show. We won’t be able to play Super checks afterwards and then I walked upstairs and I was like no way he actually got it here, I’m not too surprised, um but yeah. I I I do question what this is really going to end up accomplishing um. I mean it’s just an EX cutive order. So maybe something maybe nothing. That’S that’s one point, but even if this goes further um, it’s not like AI development isn’t going to happen in the rest of the world um and it’s not like North Americans or just Americans very specifically, aren’t going to then use those things. Look at what happens with Tik Tok um. The US government like fully recognizes it as um like Chinese government Data Theft, um and most of the countries still uses it.

So people are going to use what they’re going to use, even if it’s not developed in America under the eyes of the American government, so I don’t know nice. This should be better all right cool. We good am I close enough to the mic.

We all good. Now now I have where’s Waldo, I I had exclusively series of unfortunate event books and now I have where’s Waldo. I think you probably need a little more height still.

I still think so. Yep yeah, that’s the one time in my life I’ll ever get to say that to Luke, hey, okay, I think we’re suppos do another topic now or something I don’t know. Dan is usually flashing Q cards at us and he’s not doing it right now he’s busy.

What are we playing? What are we playing tonight? Well, we have to play Halo, okay, yeah. We have to play Halo. What else are we playing? Do we have Halo 2 for PC? I don’t know I mean we can have anything like yeah yeah.

We because we always play Halo 1, which is great, which is great. I want to play Halo 1 for sure I’m just putting that out there, but you just want to play a different Halo, maybe also yeah. I think I also want to play Halo too. I want to play both all right outside of that um.

I don’t know. We should probably play some Left 4 Dead at some point. Oh yeah. We definitely got to do Left 4 Dead, yeah, getting a whole bunch of people into a battle bit server like if we found like an empty battle bit server, and they did like 40 v40 with the house like upstairs V downstairs or something I’m super down. That would be really fun.

I will say this, though, while we do have a lot of people here. Not all of them are necessarily going to be able to play battle bit with us. Um Maria, for example, showed up with an iMac.

Oh like an M1 iMac. Oh, so that’s something that happened she was like. I can play League of Legends. I was like yeah and all the other great Mac games like League of Legends cool in all seriousness.

That does seem like it’s on the precipice of changing, but it hasn’t changed yet yeah, there’s also probably at least four other people that are interested in playing league with her. So I’m sure she’ll have a good time. Someone in flow plane chat just said she can play balers gate. I didn’t realize. Balers gate was on there, that’s cool, it really is it available for Mac.

I had no idea awesome. I have no clue, but that that would be sweet if it is um. It’S it’s a game that honestly, especially if you play around with the difficulty levels, is very interesting to quite a wide range of people.

So I think it’s cool that it’s on Mac um, not to generalize Mac users at all, um wow. Did you just profile? Luke did you just profile? I realized like partway through saying it. I was like uh. Oh, you are what I am right now, what it’s the new planking profiling.

We need you just POS like this. We need a bell. We need a bell ding. What did you hit? Why did you whack a water bottle a water bottle and hurt his finger, he’s so red .