🔴NEW Fire TV Stick 4K Max vs. the Competition – Who Wins?

🔴NEW Fire TV Stick 4K Max vs. the Competition - Who Wins?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “🔴NEW Fire TV Stick 4K Max vs. the Competition – Who Wins?”.
So the first generation 4K five stick Max on the top left on the top right. We have the latest third generation, 5 TV Cube and on the bottom left we have the new 4k F, stick Max second generation, so, first and second generation on the left and on the top right, we have the most powerful 5 TV device you can buy on The market today, as of November 2023, so in this article let me answer some of those key questions, maybe you’re thinking about buying one of these devices. Maybe you already have the first gen 4K F, stick Max and you’re wondering: should you upgrade to the second generation, or maybe you have the second generation mags and you’re wondering? Would I see much benefits of upgrading to the third generation F TV Cube? So all of that and lots more coming right up so, firstly, on the new 4k F, stick Max second generation, exactly how much space do you get once you’ve initially registered your device? So if I click on okay, I’ve not installed any anything. I’Ve not enabled anything.

I’M just going to log in for the very first time and let’s quickly, have a look and see exactly how much space you get because, as you know, one of the main benefits of this new second generation fire stick mags is the extra storage that we get So, let’s just confirm exactly what that is and there we have it guys. So we have 11.7 gigs of storage on a brand new five STI, so without installing any applications expect to have round about 11.7 gigs of free space on your new device. Next up, as you know, this device is running the latest fire OS 8, which is based on Android 11 on this device.

Can you still run a custom launcher? Well, as you can see here, this is the home button. So if I do 3, 2 1 press one click and I’m taken straight into a custom launcher no delays, no issues, no popups, no warnings and we can go ahead and fully customize this and get this new second generation fire stick mags, looking exactly how we like It and I will be doing a complete, step-by-step guide on how you can get this custom version of launcher manager. If you are interested in that make sure you are subscribed with all notifications next up will I have any kind of challenges or issues trying to S load. My favorite third party applications.

Well, the answer is no because, as you can see on a brand new device, I can go to my f TV where it says about. I can click on that and where it says my device type. If I keep pressing the select button. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. It now says that I’m a developer, so that means I can now go back. I can go to developer options and we can see. I now have the option to install unknown applications, and this is where typically, you would install downloader or your favorite. Third party application stores – and you can then use them to S load all of your favorite application.

🔴NEW Fire TV Stick 4K Max vs. the Competition - Who Wins?

Next up we have. Can I use a mouse toggle on this new second generation. F. Stick Max now! Lots of you do use a mouse toggle in certain applications in certain browsers, especially for applications that are not designed for the TV. You can use a virtual Mouse to then navigate around the application, but unfortunately, as you can see, when I install the latest version, we can see on the bottom left, it says status in a few seconds. I will change to starting as you can see, but unfortunately it never starts.

So if I double press the play button to activate the virtual Mouse, you can see that never appears on the screen now now. I suspect this is something to do with Android 11 and it’s more stricter permissions. One thing I’m going to try is using permission manager to Grant this application to draw over other applications.

🔴NEW Fire TV Stick 4K Max vs. the Competition - Who Wins?

So, as you can imagine with the virtual Mouse, it needs to be on top of the other applications and maybe with Android 11 they’ve made that permission a bit more restrictive. So I’m working on a fix and I will let you guys know straight away next up. How can I access the the new ambient mode which is built into this new second generation fire STI Max? Well, if you long press the home button, you can do that or you can press the settings Cog, which is this one here.

🔴NEW Fire TV Stick 4K Max vs. the Competition - Who Wins?

Let’S try this one first, so one click it takes me to this screen here and we can now see we have the ambient experience. So brand new feature added only to this new second generation. F: stick mag! I click on that. I can now see this uh homepage or this screen saver, which you can fully customize. You can have animated, uh videos or wallpapers. You can have static wallpapers and you can also have widgets. So here we can see on my device, I’ve added some smart home assistant stuff. I can see a calendar and I can also see sticky notes before I press the Contex key, which is one of the three lines. Click on that and I can now, for example, change the background.

I can add different widgets. Let’S just change the background for a quick test: let’s try! This African Wildlife motion click on that in a few seconds that should then update and then allow me to enjoy this homepage instead, okay, so reboot test, which of these three devices restarts the faster, so ready steady, go all right. Let’S have a look um, I suspect it’s probably going to be the third gen Cube, maybe as that’s the fastest device, but no, you can see the new second generation fire. Stick. Mags did show the logo first, let’s see which one gets to the logo or the profile screen.

Definitely we can see that second gen device is ahead. The cube is second, and just like that. Third place, we can say, definitely is first gen fire Stig Max. So definitely last place there.

Let’S now try WiFi speed tests. I will do two individual tests just to make sure that the tests are fair and also I’ll. Do them one at a time to make sure the devices are not fighting for bandwidth.

So let’s try. 4K. F: stick Max first generation: let’s click on that and let’s see what kind of speeds we get for download and also upload, and we can see test number one.

4K F stick Max. First, gen pushing 307 Meg down upload is 99 okay great! Let’S now try! Let’S now try the second generation five stick Max click on that. Okay, so we can say that is considerably faster than the first gen by stick Max 388 Meg down, and we have one Meg up fair enough.

Let’S now try the third gen Cube and it’s off and we can see the third gen Cube. Okay, it’s identical, so I wasn’t actually expecting that. But this, while we’ll do one more test just to see, do we get consistency or are there some variances in that test? Okay, let’s try it test number two: okay! This one actually looks about similar to the first one again, so just over 300 Meg. For the final test, let’s do test number two on the second gen fire. Stick Max ready, Ready, Steady, go! Let’S see if we can push past 38 – oh! Yes, we can okay, so fair enough test. Number two is much better than test number one and we can see in this one we’re pushing over 460 Meg down with the third gen Cube had that performs on the second test. So, let’s see if we can catch up to the second gen five stick Max.

So Ready Steady, go just don’t be identical! That’S too bizarre! Okay, so it’s actually gone ahead. So so we can say test number two on the third gen Cube was slightly faster than the second generation. Five stick Max, but both of them are considerably better or faster than the first gen five stick Mac. So that’s! Basically, the Wi-Fi speeds: let’s try those all important application launch tests, because it’s great looking at specifications on a paper but in terms of real life usage. How fast do these devices actually launch our favorite application? So, let’s start with the favorite K application, which is running version.

20.0 3. Two one go, let’s see which one loads the fastest okay, so I think the Gen third gen Cube yeah, that’s definitely the fastest. It’S very very quick, but you can see definitely the third gen Cube was first here we can see a very popular streaming application, the cinema one three, two one yeah, so I think it’s uh, it’s pretty clear that it’s always going to be the third gen Cube. First, the second generation fire s, Mac second, and then, of course, the first gen Max. Let’S just do one more streaming application, but these are all very, very powerful applications.

So these basic streaming applications is not really going to work up a swear pushing through these. Let’S try the B1 okay, so 3 2 one go yeah, so it’s always just just like that. So again, 30 generation Cube as expected with that really fast CPU definitely tops the performance tests across all of these application launch tests. Next, one a slight plug.

Can you use my tduk app killer and also my cach cleaner on these new devices, and the answer is yes? So if you have purchased this once on any other Amazon device, you could install this on your new device without paying any extra C. So one license covers all of your devices on the same platform and it’s a lifetime license with all upgrades. So let’s try this one first Quick Test: we can connect no problems. We can do a quick count to see. We have 11 applications running. In the background.

I can now go to full, stop all apps and we can see. 10 of them have been properly stopped, and I mean for stopped with one click and the key benefit of that is when you properly for stop an application. It means that thing can now no longer run in the background, any of the ram that it was consuming.

Any of the CPU Cycles I was consuming has now all been freed up, and it just means that you’ll get a much better response, much better performance on your device, and this application is available for all fire OS 6 fire OS 7 and fire OS 8 devices. So wrapping this up, I know this has been a long video, but there’s are so many things to discuss so many questions. Lots of stuff still unanswered things to get working like the mouse, toggle and a few other things, but I am working through all of those. So as soon as I get an update as soon as I get a fix I’ll be posting those very very quickly, but as a basic summary in terms of would I recommend somebody buy these devices. I would say, if you have, none of these devices and price is not a concern, then, without a doubt I would always recommend you buy the third generation F TV Cube just because of the power Just because of that CPU just because of that full-size USB port. It really is the most powerful device you can get from Amazon today. Now, if, if you somebody that has the first generation 4K F stick Max, then you will see a slight Improvement in performance, but it’s not really enough to Warrant purchasing that device.

So if you still have the first gen I’ll, probably just stick with that, if you don’t have any of those five sticks and you don’t want to buy a cube, then I would definitely recommend the second generation five stick Max, because it is again the most powerful F, stick that you can buy today and also with those ambient screens. If that is something that you’re into that’s the only device that comes with that at the moment, maybe Amazon May release an update to get it working on the third gen Cube, but right now, if you’re after that feature the only device that has it is the Second gen Cube now I haven’t actually opened up. The new 4k F stick Max, so I’m going to do that. Maybe I’ll do a head-to-head from the original 4K F stick to the new second gen.

4K. F. Stick do leave me a comment below if you want to see that or leave me a comment below. Let me know what other comparisons I should do.

Let me know what you think about these devices. Are they worth the upgrade? Let me also know if you’re interested in that special version of launcher manager, all of that and lots more coming on this channel, make sure you are subscribed with all notifications and I’ll, hopefully catch up with you guys real soon, thanks .