Don’t take it from me – Bose QuietComfort Ultra

Don’t take it from me - Bose QuietComfort Ultra

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Don’t take it from me – Bose QuietComfort Ultra”.
When I was in college, I bought a headphone that, in its own small way, would change my life because it was the first thing that actually sounded great and made me really pay attention to music and kind of begin. My journey as what I would call not really an audiophile, but an appreciator of good audio., And that headphone was from Bose.. This headphone is from Bose.. This is the QuietComfort Ultra., So Bose reached out to sponsor this video to talk about this new line of headphone because they haven’t had this before..

What they had before was the QC45s.. Now they changed that to QuietComfort headphone.. They also introduced this new tier, which includes this., Oh God., You know what The QuietComfort Ultra.

Don’t take it from me - Bose QuietComfort Ultra

And they did the same thing for the in-ears.. These little guys, the QuietComfort Ultra earbuds., Maybe we’ll put those on in a little bit too.. Looking at the box, they’ve got some real, quick instructions. Here.

Don’t take it from me - Bose QuietComfort Ultra

They’ve got a QR code, so you can download the app.. We’Ve already got the app., We’ll be checking that out. And then they’ve just got like a desiccant that they tell you not to eat, but grocery prices these days. I’ll, take whatever I can get., And here we are with the case..

This is a protein leather kind of case.. It has some structure to it. So offering some protection.. The zipper quality is always important.. That’S smooth., I mean, as far as travel cases go. This is pretty nice.. It’S got this extra bump to keep these things from flipping around in there..

Don’t take it from me - Bose QuietComfort Ultra

You can see these do fold for travel, but we’ll look at them in a little bit. Yeah. This is pretty cool..

It’S got this little pocket.. It comes with a little cable here. An auxiliary cable for wired playback. Looks like it’s about three feet: long.. Oh, my I’ve, already ruined it. Doesn’t matter.

A USB A to C cable.. Note, though, that this is for power, only., There’s no music playback via USB-C.. They come in three colors., There’s black sandstone and white smoke, which is what this is. And you must be holding a whiskey. When you tell people that.

They’ve got these plushy protein leather ear cups.. They don’t look like they easily detach., Oh oh.. They do. There. They are.

And you can see, there’s actually a bit of a contour on the baffle here. It’s deeper at the back than it is near the front. Yeah. You could totally replace these.. You can see the protein leather wrapping around with some speed holes or airflow holes around the actual foam there.

And let’s see how easily I can snap them back on.. It looks like they’re completely symmetrical.. It doesn’t really matter if it’s up or down.

Done., That was easy. And you can see how much squish they got. The squish factor..

It’S what I look for in a partner. And just doing a little physical tour here I can see there’s some venting on the ear cups in three different spots.. I can see at least one mic: hole., There’s your plug for the auxiliary..

There’S your USB-C for the charging. For the adjustment mechanism. We have a continuous movement. And let’s see how large these get., What kind of melon support we got on these. You know That big.. I would probably crank these down.

Wow an immediate sense of noise cancellation. And a helpful voice telling me the battery’s full. Very light as well: 254 grams., I wan na get into how they sound and how it works with the app and everything.

Right after this message. From Just Joking, the whole video is sponsored. Honestly, I don’t know that these are all just for venting.. There’S a lot of perforations here.. You got those two on the front on the top and then kind of on the back.. Some of these might also be for mic holes.. I don’t know why that sounds so.

Funny. Michael Michael Robert George Kimber get down here.. They need Bluetooth, access. That makes sense. Bluetooth 5.3.

Okay press and hold the Bluetooth button. Until you hear ready to connect. And the Bluetooth light slowly pulses blue., I can’t look at the light and hear it. At the same time you guys. Pear my favorite Bluetooth operation and a really good fruit, too.

Product tips.. When you take off your headphones, they go to sleep and save battery. When you put them on they wake up., If you don’t use them for 24 hours, they power off completely. Holy after 24 hours.

Man. These things must just only sip power. If they can do that., You can change the auto-off time and settings. Or if you don’t wan na put them back on.

You just hit the power. Button. That’ll wake them up too., And you can of course put them to sleep by holding down the power button. Okay. So this larger button that I thought was an action button is the play and pause button. And it’s near the back. Press. The multifunction button, at the back of the ear cup to play and pause.

Double press to skip. Three times for previous.. If you’re on a call, the button changes to be able to answer the call, hang up. And that line that I saw earlier swipe up and down for volume., You can see.

Oh look, the phone is reacting., It’s swipey.. So it’s a combination of buttons and capacitive, which I actually like, because I don’t really like tapping on capacitive things.. Okay. Now this is what I’m interested in hearing, because I don’t think you can actually just turn off active noise canceling.. So, let’s see the details, here. Use, quiet mode for our highest noise, canceling level., Use aware mode to hear the world around you., So you’re, going from quiet mode to awareness mode between active noise, canceling full on to full transparency.. Then there’s immersion mode.. The reason that this exists, the difference between this headphone and the quiet, comfort, non-ultra, headphone., Immersion, mode.

Level, up your content with immersive audio and our class leading noise cancellation.. So this mode has both spatial audio, which they are calling immersion immersive audio with active noise. Canceling turned on.: This is the most realistic sounding audio. You can get. And it actually converts any signal coming through Bluetooth to immersive audio. Touch and hold the volume strip on the right ear cup. To use your shortcut like quick access to immersive mode or voice. Control..

Wow., Even the capacitive strip is also a button. If you hold it long, enough. Interesting. All set.

Let’S go., Oh someone was listening to Josie by Steely Dan., That’s a great track. Was it me. Was I the last one Aware. Wow., I’m aware. Wow. Holy cow., The buzzing from this transformer over there? It’S just like it’s gone., It’s just gone now., That’s great.! I am going to listen to music in these very soon, but I do wan na check out this immersion mode thing. And I think there might be a demo for you to check out. Audio stays..

Oh, that has nothing to do with me. Audio stays in place.. This is the best when you’re sitting down. Audio follows you..

This is best when you’re moving around., Okay yeah. That makes sense., Because one of the things with spatial audio is head tracking.. So, if I’m just like sitting on a chair using this one thing that spatial audio does is kind of simulate that the sound instead of being in the middle of your head and coming from the drivers that are on your ears, it’s like you’re, using a home Theater, where you’ve got say bookshelf or tower speakers in front of you., You can have head tracking. Where, if I turn my head, you know hello are you speaking to me.

The TV still stays over here., But if I was moving around like cooking dinner using this, then my point of reference would be all messed up., So I’d, probably wan na have motion mode on., I’m gon na use still for now.. Let’S try the demo. Man if she’s not immersed, I don’t know.. Oh, this is a very loud demo.

Scroll., Oh yeah. I can hear it panning.. Ah this sounds great to be honest. Mm-.

It sounds like the sound is kind of just like an arm’s length. Away. There’s just like a wall of it. And kind of up here too, a lot of these elements.

A little shaker back, here. Wow I got ta say I am enveloped. That is very cool.. Now. If I do motion audio follows me. Yeah.. I think I like still better. That was cool..

I never have really been sold on the spatial audio thing, so I don’t know.. Maybe it’s happening. I don’t know..

Now I’m gon na listen to some music. I love and we can talk about the frequency response of these headphones. Who’s. Listening to Justice, Oh yeah, this is a great era of my life.. Oh these rock man..

In terms of like caliper pressure and like sticking on you, you could work out in these.. If someone pushes you down to the ground like in judo or something you might lose an ear. Comfortable though. And they do offer you an equalizer in the app., It just has three different little grabbies., Not super high resolution, but definitely appreciated.

If you don’t love the out-of-the-box curve, which we will look at now., So the reason these sounded so exciting to me probably, is because I am used to a much more neutral headphone than these.. These are what we would call moderately V-shaped.. These have a bit of a boost on both the high end and the low end. On the high end. It’S about like a five dB boost at about 3000 Hertz.. The bass boosting starts at about 20 Hertz and goes up to about 200, which is a little higher up in the range a little into the lower mid range. To you. It might sound like these are like really exciting and lively, or maybe they sound a bit. Shouty and the bass is just like overcooked.. What Bose has done here is quite subtle., Like we said moderately V-shaped., It’s like a tasteful nude., I would say they did it in a nice way.. I was pretty happy listening to them like as a first impression., And I should say that the frequency response of this headphone is very similar to what we measured on these earphones, which is pretty cool.. If you’re kind of a Bose enthusiast – and you have both of these – for some reason, you have consistency across products which I think is actually pretty cool..

Another feature of the sound on these is volume dependent, EQ., So there’s different sensitivities to different frequencies in your ears. Right So as music gets quieter, you can’t hear the bass, for example as loudly.. That’S why, for some headphones or speakers, you really got to turn it up for it to sound good..

That is not gon na, be so much of a thing on these because, as you can see at different volumes, that’s what the different colors on this graph represent. They actually boost the bass and the treble. They boost it more and more. The quieter the volume is so that the sound you perceive stays more constant.. We also measured the dynamic range performance., So this is like how consistent they sound when you turn them up from a compression standpoint.. These measured great, although you can see there, is an imperfection here when we turn them all the way around the 200 Hertz area there’s a bit of a dip., So that would manifest as a compression artifact that sounds, I guess kind of pumpy. Not to a huge Degree., This is less than five dB, but it’s there. And finally, the noise cancellation.. This is with it in quiet mode., So just as much cancellation as you can get, and you can see it’s very good..

This is like what we would call tier one: noise, cancellation. You’re, getting almost 30 dB of cancellation, around 40 Hertz down to 33 dB of cancellation when you’re closer to 200. You’re, even getting more than that in that treble..

So these are gon na be great on a plane or in a cafe or just in your house, because you hate your family.. You know what Maybe I do need to buy both pairs., Though it should be noted that if your main thing is noise cancellation, when it comes to your purchase of your next speaker in your head device, these ones give you a little bit more noise cancellation at Some frequencies than these some worse than other frequencies.. Now, of course, it’s a Bluetooth microphone., So there’s limits to how good it can sound. And it’s not really Bose’s fault.. This is what it sounds.

Like., It’s Bluetooth, baby, Bluetooth, 5.3.. These also have custom tune.. Now, it’s not really something you need to do. Every time.

You turn these on you’ll, just it’ll play a tone. And that tone does it work like sonar Bounces around your head. I don’t know. It’s magic, but it will adjust the EQ for your particular ear.

Shape.. I’M gon na turn these on, while wearing them, and apparently it’s gon na play a tone that will initiate this. Sounds like I don’t know like a cello or something or maybe multiple instruments.. I don’t know., I’m just a layman. For battery life.

They’Re advertising up to 24 hours of playback 18 hours with immersive mode on. And you might just binge watch so many of your favorite shows with that on, because you can actually sync these to your Bose soundbar using simple sync.. It’S so easy! You guys.

And basically your family can be listening through the soundbar while you’re like I like it loud.. I, like my own custom, ear canal tuning and listen along in your headphones.. Before we go, though I do wan na open these up.. I wan na just see how different they are from the other ones, what they look, like., Here’s what’s in the box., This is just rapid fire..

They got ear tips in here They do. They got this little case.. They look pretty similar to the other ones. I checked out.. You should check that video. If you’re interested in., They really have a similar, sound profile to those other earphones as well.. It’S just that they also have immersive mode. 299 for the ultra earbuds $ 429 for the new QuietComfort Ultra headphone..

So thanks for watching guys. And thanks to Bose for letting us check out their all new ultra line of headphones and earphones.. And if you like this video we’ve got lots of content covering other audio products, including the non-ultra QuietComfort earbuds. .