3 Ways to AutoFit all Columns and Rows in Excel

3 Ways to AutoFit all Columns and Rows in Excel

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “3 Ways to AutoFit all Columns and Rows in Excel”.
In this Excel video, I’m going to show you three different ways to autofit all the columns and rows in Microsoft. Excel. Let’S get started so here we have a spreadsheet and you can see that the column widths vary wildly. Some of them are too wide.

Some of them are too narrow and it’s starting to become a problem. I can’t see the data that I need to see. Some of the data is showing up as hashtags because it can’t fit the data within the space, provided it just looks terrible.

So, let’s look at these three different ways of fixing this and making it look better. One method would be to click and drag on the column, letters so a through o in this case and then just double click between any two column. Letters I’m going to choose K and L and I’ll just double click and then very quickly. All of the columns are perfectly autofit to the exact width necessary to show all the data. That’S in those columns. I could do the same thing with the row numbers.

3 Ways to AutoFit all Columns and Rows in Excel

So click and drag to select all the row numbers and then double click between any two and now the columns are perfectly autofit. I’M going to undo both of those changes by holding Ctrl and tapping z twice because that’s method, one there’s another method that I think is a little faster and it’s a little better because it keeps your hands on the keyboard. First, what you would do is hold Ctrl and tap a that will select the entire spreadsheet then hold the ALT key and tap h, o i, and it has to be in that specific order.

3 Ways to AutoFit all Columns and Rows in Excel

You don’t have to hold hoi just tap the letter H. Then the letter O then the letter i while still folding the ALT key and that will perfectly autofit The Columns next, we can auto fit the rows by holding alt again, but this time tapping HOA. Now we have the columns and the rows perfectly autofit, I’m going to hold Ctrl and tap z twice to undo those changes, and let’s look at the third method that we can use to autofit rows and columns. Now, for this third method, you do have to use the mouse. You have to take your hands off the keyboard, to use the mouse and step, one is to hold Ctrl and tap a to select the whole spreadsheet then go to the Home tab home ribbon. In the cells group, click on format and then choose autofit column width and that worked beautifully now, I’m going to go back to format, but this time I’ll choose autofit row height and now I’ve got a perfectly autofit spreadsheet. So those are three methods for auto fitting. All the columns and rows in your spreadsheet, which one do you prefer if you want to leave a comment below this video, let me know which of the three you think you’re going to use the most and maybe tell me why that is. Thank you.

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3 Ways to AutoFit all Columns and Rows in Excel

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