Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “PERFECT PAIR! LG Soundbar + LG TV!”.
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All the information you need, though, will be down in the description. So I don’t know if you guys like walked around like a Best Buy or like Amazon, but uh Soundbars are common. There are a lot of them uh and you can actually spend less than a hundred bucks or over $ 2,000, which is a very wide variance for product, and you can generally get a pretty good experience across the board like at the very least they’ll sound better Than the speakers in almost every TV – and you can see, there’s like a baseline for things – these have like most have great features like built-in Bluetooth, some voice assistance and obviously like ID quality.


It’S got to sound better, but there are things you should look out for when choosing a soundbar, because they are not all made equally so meet the s95 QR. It is a whole surround system with the Soundbar at X core, so that alone is going to give you a big leg up on audio performance. With this, you get a soundbar two rear speakers and a subwoofer which brings a total to 17 speaker drivers and it’s a 810 watt 9.15 Channel system. And if you don’t know what those numbers mean, that’s okay, they mean you are getting a fully immersive an insanely, powerful, audio experience, which is way better that you can get from just a single Soundbar.

Now the Soundbar itself is actually has something very cool. I’Ve never seen before it is an upfiring Center Channel, speaker, probably saying John. What is that going to give me it’s going to make sure you can hear dialogue a lot clear, it’s going to be easier to hear and the rear speakers also have upfiring speakers too. So listening to things – and obviously this supports Dolby, Atmos or dtsx audio you’re – going to get just an insanely immersive sound system. U it’s also actually built in room calibration, so it can adjust the audio output to best fit your room kind of makes. It really easy.

Put the speakers in place and you’re almost good to go. Oh also, hey the rear speakers and Subs Are Wireless too, so you don’t have to run any cables or speakers under a couch and then have to tape it. So no one trips over it. It like just works uh, also there other smart features built in you’d, probably expect these are like the Baseline things. There’S Bluetooth for bluetoothing, listening to music uh with another device.

You can also stream right to it uh using title. If that’s your jam and if you want it’s also fully compatible with Google and Alexa, there’s chomecast and AirPlay 2o built in so pretty much any streaming protocol, you could think of whatever device phone or tablet or computer you are using. You can cast or stream directly to it and that’s awesome if you want to watch your home movies recorded with your new iPhone 15 Pro Max or your Google pixel, 8 Pro or s23 Ultra whatever you can do all of that directly through your now amazing uh Surround sound system, so I think LG makes some of the best TVs going.

I have an LG G2 up in my house and then we have a G3 here at the studio and if you combine Soundbar with LG TVs, get Synergy. What that’s going to give you um is a pretty awesome extra experience, so I one of the best way to see this kind of utilized is with the power and processing, so these LG TVs have really powerful processors inside, like the alpha 9 AI processor, using these Products together, sound of our system can actually tap into that processor built into the TV to automatically optimize sound quality depending on what the TV is showing. So it’s like it’s a weezing, the juice uh from your TV’s, generally, a very powerful processor sort of up the audio experience. One of the coolest ways that is done is a feature with appropriately called wow Orchestra, when you pair with certain LG TVs, you’re going to get wow interface and wow Orchestra, something you can only do with a higher end Soundbar for a company like LG, essentially what It’S going to do it’s going to combine the sound from the surround, sound system and the sound from the TV itself, and it can play all through all the speakers at once. What this is going to do is bring out sort of mid-range and treble using TV speakers, and the Soundbar is going to give you more sort of Sound Stage and fill because integrated with LG products.

You don’t have to set this up every time. It just works once you get even more of the s95 QR and otherwise could on its own. Don’T the orchestra name.

F, you either use it for whatever you’re watching doesn’t have to just be. You know classical uh and all this is not something you could do with other sound bars. So it’s a really great reason to sort of choose this one if you’re in in the market, especially if you have an LG TV already, so it’s a soundbar demo. I got to actually show you what it sounds like.

I don’t know how this is going to translate from TVs to microphones soever you’re watching this on, but I’m going to give it a try. So I’ve got trailer for I’m expecting to be my favorite game of the year. Spider-Man 2 set to go just using the built-in speakers on the LG G3. A Venom is being T apart if I’m strong enough to save it, so that was loud uh.

It sounds like TV speakers sounds like good TV speakers, but TV speakers, you don’t have as much bass as you would have. It sounds a little bit on the tetiny side, all right. So, let’s try it now with the full Soundbar setup yeah, and this is with Wow Orchestra, enabled the city’s being torn apart. I don’t know if I’m strong enough to save it.

I can’t wait for this. Do I have it takes to protect the people? I love. So this is the video equivalent of going from this to this uh. It’S that drastic on the audio side.

Again it’s hard to translate that over video, but it is that different of a sound. It just sounds full. It sounds like it’s around you and is a 100 % just a more immersive audio experience and the best part I think here you never have to touch your Soundbar remote.

If you want to go through and make changes to the wow interface, a lot of sound bars, you got to go, you got to grab remotes or you got to set up something Universal. It can be relatively confusing. Uh LG streamlined the entire process.

So on your lgtv, we’re going to go on over to homehub, pretty simple from here. I’M just going to scroll on down can see it there at the bottom and then I can control whatever I want here, my sound out settings and it gets real granular and you can kind of control whatever you’d like um, but I think again best thing of All it’s all from the same remote that came with my TV now other sound bars, you’re able to control a few things generally, like volume, usually over E. A lot of that works well, most of the time the s95 QR has EC and all that functionality. But it’s not the same as being able to control the system settings of the surround bar setup on the TV with a real interface and physical remote and that’s sort of the beefy power of those wow interface. And there are a lot of sound barss out there.

Right, like I said, the beginning, a lot of Soundbars at a lot of her various price points, but the s95 QR you’re getting a really premium. Audio experience that’s hard to find with anything else and when you pair it with the power of the LG’s Alpha processor line, you’re, getting an amazing sound experience, whether you have an lgtv or even, if you don’t, you are getting just a beastly, surround sound system. It’S not going to run cables all over your house. It’S going to sound, like you have speakers built into your ceiling with the upfiring speakers as well.

Dialogue sounds crisp as it was intended uh if you’re in the market for a new surround system. All information you need will be in the description down below .