It Shouldn’t Work, But It Does

It Shouldn’t Work, But It Does

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “It Shouldn’t Work, But It Does”.
Next topic AMD anti-ag ban update uh. Last week there were widespread cases of players in multiple video games getting banned due to amd’s new feature, anti-ag plus triggering their anti-che systems by devouring uh. Sorry, detouring dyslexia is really fun. Sometimes um by detouring engine. dll functions um.

It Shouldn’t Work, But It Does

This week, AMD withdrew its latest Radeon driver promising to fix the issue. Anti-Ag plus is designed to reduce latency introduced by’s fluid motion frames feature what’s more surpris discussion question, what’s more surprising, that AMD didn’t see this problem coming or that the massive rats nest of inter uh, interacting drivers and software programs necessar to run modern games online works At all, the second one, all of the modern world is, is stunning how it tends to function. It’S kind of wild um, not just Tech, but even just like shipping things crazy. It’S a it’s amazing that you can just ship something and it arrives somewhere at some point. That’S that’s actually not slick. I don’t know the fact that it’s as reliable as it is is, I don’t know kind of blows my mind.

Sometimes yeah. I um I I I feel, like people really do, take these kinds of things for granted did I did. I send you that user comment that someone posted on the secret shopper, video that was basically like cringe. Imagine charging for shipping in 2023 and I was like everyone is charging you for shipping yeah, it’s just a matter of whether it’s baked into the product cost or whether they are transparently telling you how much of it is product cost and how much of it is Shipping, that’s the that’s literally. The only difference there is no free shipping. Shipping is exp. Who, who do you think, pays the person who walks to your door with the thing do? What about all the other touch points from when that was shipped and I it could have been a European. I did notice. A lot of Europeans were outraged by the cost of shi. Okay.

Not everywhere has everybody like smashing yeah, like densely packed in together, like in Europe um gas. Have you been to a gas station and notice that it it’s expensive, um, guess what when it goes on in a jet jet gas is even more expensive. I I don’t. I I just don’t even know what to say to stuff like that.

It Shouldn’t Work, But It Does

I, like that jet gas, not fuel just jet gas jet gas yeah, you need some jet gas got. Some right here sounds like a Fallout drug. I understand jet is already a Fallout drug, but jet gas sounds like a new one like a worse one like the side effect, that’s better than the joke. I was going to make. Oh man .