I Hate Printers

I Hate Printers

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I Hate Printers”.
Let’S go ahead and um: let’s go ahead and do a couple merch messages. Shall we? Oh yeah? That’S right! That’S my job uh! I am here for a reason, uh. What are some examples of tech, making a process longer or more tedious? I recently saw a kid touch: the screen instead of pressing tab when putting in their user and past name password oo, see both of those are Tech, though see that’s a tough one, uh Tech making things take longer: okay, okay, um. I generally hate printing anything printers.

Almost because I use them so rarely almost every time I use them, you know I have a friend, sorry, I I have a friend who works in. Oh, my God, not my point. Um. They work in uh like high-end, printer and copier sales and support, and I mean, like they’ve, sent me pictures of a copier that it looks like an assembly line like it’s. This whole wall along this, the the viewers can’t see it, but it’s longer than this wall. Um but the whole wall from like this corner all the way to that door is one long, continuous copy, every side and bind it together and I’m sure it can do everything under the sun it can. It can laminate things automatically throughout the process.

I Hate Printers

It can do crazy, color stuff that you like can’t normally do and it it can do like copy protection things. Okay and all this crazy stuff that is interesting and whatnot and still a huge portion of their job is support. Yeah cuz printers are crazy, like oh, my goodness, it’s the least interesting, but actually I I attended a like a sales training thing back when I was at NC once it was basically just propaganda from HP. I think it was HP.

I Hate Printers

Don’T quote me on that, but I think it was HP for why nobody should use anything but authentic ink, but within that propaganda presentation there was a lot of really interesting tidbits about printer technology and how actually flipp and complicated it is it’s like hard drives like We take them for granted and they’re boring. You learn anything about how they’re made and it’s like, oh my God, how do these things fun, yeah for any amount of time. Remember like okay, we we we, we we just kind of dish terms like 7200 RPM. We just talk about these things.

Real casual right like but think about it on a 3-in platter or whatever the actual um uh circumference diam. That would be the diameter would be 3 in. I don’t whatever. The point is on a 3-in platter or, however big those stupid things are uh the circumference of that of the outer tracks at 72. 7,200 RPM. I I remember someone from WD explaining this to me.

I Hate Printers

It’S basically like a like a like the the the arm trying to accurately move over this spinning disc is is like a is like a a bug trying to fly in a hurricane like 3 in above the ground, or something like that, like the the amount of Precision is mindblowing, it’s pretty nuts, um and and on honestly, whatever the thing we’re supposed to be talking about right now is what was it printers right? It’S it’s not that different like in order to blend these pigments with the kind of accuracy to achieve the level of vibrancy and the level of detail that they do, how fine these drops are and how the the methods that they use to control them, particularly in Higher-End Printers, it’s just it’s it’s so Advanced, it’s IND, discernible from Magic to me, like it’s really incredible, but man do I ever hate them and man are they ever boring? I think I think printers are a great example of something that just genuinely makes things take. Longer for me than I could literally just write it out and hand it to someone sometimes for how long it takes me to print a document um. I still thought it was fascinating that neither of us had any problems with the printers with the Linux challenge. I know that was so interesting couldn’t believe that that was wild.

I was sure that that was going to be a problem, so clearly it’s Microsoft, they’re holding back printer to advance. You know digital communication. That was their agenda. It was to make MSN more powerful than you can possibly imagine and then and then their monster turned against them.

Oh no, I don’t know yeah something about that. How did we get on this top? Is this a merch message? Yeah yeah yeah? It was uh. Oh yeah, you were going to something that technology has made slower and less convenient. Oh man, Wi-Fi calling is so unreliable.

I swear. I had fewer dropped, calls back in like 20 five, how about than I do now phones, but they make so many things so much faster yeah, but calling oh yeah I mean calling is definitely slower on a modern phone. No doubt .