I get giddy just looking at it – Ubiquiti Cloud Key Enterprise

I get giddy just looking at it - Ubiquiti Cloud Key Enterprise

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I get giddy just looking at it – Ubiquiti Cloud Key Enterprise”.
If there’s one thing, ubiquity is known for it’s Wi-Fi, specifically making really fast highdensity Wi-Fi in a form factor: that’s relatively affordable, at least when you put it in the scope of the crazy, expensive Enterprise Solutions of today. Contrary to that, is this ubiquity new Cloud key Enterprise? This, as far as I can tell, is the single most expensive ubiquity product at a whopping $ 5,000. Can you see me here the set wasn’t exactly built for items. This large we’ve got rails Yep. This is rack mountable. We’Ve got two power cables more on that later. Oh, my God.

That’S heavy! Here’S a little uh size comparison! We’Ve got a normal Cloud key Gen, 2 and we’ve got a cloud key Gen 2, plus it’s a little bit bigger. I don’t know if it’s really fair to call this thing a key anymore. This is the president’s key unlocks all of the locks in the Kingdom, with with the fascia off on the front. Here, we’ve got a standard 1.3 in ubiquity LCM, which is the little screen. They have on the front: we’ve got a 1 gig, RJ45 port and they’ve also got a 10 gig SFP Port. Now I talked to the ubiquity folks and asked them really.

Is this thing ever going to pull 10 gig? But as I expected it’s more so just because this is designed to be put in a you know, a very large or Enterprise deployment and you’re probably going to want to plug this thing in with fiber. And if you just had an RJ45, it would be kind of annoying around the back. That’S a dedicated Management Port, something we have not seen on a UniFi class product and then on this side. We’Ve got another thing.

I’M super stoked about two removable redundant: normal ass, AC power supplies. You know on a $ 1,500 switch like say the Enterprise XG 24 or the uh Enterprise 48 Poe. Those should have these and I really hope that this is where the future is headed for ubiquity. You can get replacement power supplies for the cloud key Enterprise from support and they are working on adding them to the store which is great.

Did they put wheels on this thing holy they put wheels on the thing it slides. So nice look at that. I’M an adult okay, I can do what I want got my handy, dandy, custom screwdriver I built at LTX. You can at least get a solid color now on LTT store, realistically you’re, probably never going to open this thing. I’M a little surprised like I knew it was just going to be a server.

I get giddy just looking at it - Ubiquiti Cloud Key Enterprise

I just didn’t expect it to be so kind of off the shelf. You see that right there. What the heck is, that that’s an SFP and for the uninitiated.

I get giddy just looking at it - Ubiquiti Cloud Key Enterprise

That SFP is the front 10 gig Port, so this is just like an internal pass through I’m going to take this off for sure, look at that, it’s literally just a dual Port: SFP 10 gig card. This is a pushy thing. It’S a release holy! That’S smart and also easily serviceable they’re, using highquality components so for your $ 55,000 you’re not getting like no name Ram, it’s actually a Samsung ddr4 stick of memory. Kingston SATA SSD over over here is well. It’S a Kingston SSD. I mean it’s an oem one, but it’s not.

You know no name brand. Whatever. Oh look at that. You see that right there, it’s an ipmi BMC chip like you, would see in a server or maybe when you connect to this Management Port. It’S just giving you like a standard, ipmi interface being able to like remotely power cycle.

This thing would be sick and something I’ve had to do on my cloud keys, but couldn’t because it was remote. Now speaking of CPU, this is a 16 core Zeon SP, 52. 18, the MSRP of this chip is around $ 1,500 and now that I’ve seen that it’s basically an oem server with the UniFi software on it, you know, there’s two sticks of ddr4, there’s a CPU there’s a CPU Cooler, there’s the motherboard, all the fans, the two Power supplies the dual 10 gig Nick.

I get giddy just looking at it - Ubiquiti Cloud Key Enterprise

Well, that $ 5,000 price point starts to make a little bit more sense. I mean at least $ 1,500 of it is the CPUs. I guess I should put this thing back together and try it out, but not before telling you about today’s sponsor seic thanks to seic for sponsoring this video cic’s Focus GX 750 W gold power supply is a good choice for mid-range systems at a great price, featuring A fully modular interface paired with hybrid fan, control to control overall fan noise and fluid Dynamic fan bearings Focus. Gx achieves an 80 plus gold rating with 90 % efficiency at 50 % system load, backed by a 10-year warranty, learn more about them at cc.com or through the links below we are going to need. If I was going to adopt all of this stuff on a computer, I’d need to connect to it, but it’s a lot easier to do on a phone, because this has Bluetooth. So if we go to the UniFi app look at that wow, a pretty animation, cloudkey Enterprises, I’m going to call it.

I don’t, I feel, like a key, is disingenuous now, so I’m going to call it the CL loud thicky Enterprise, okay, all of our devices are detected great. I didn’t break anything, so it needs an update. In theory, though, this should update like a lot faster. I mean on a cloud key: usually it takes a couple minutes to stop update, turn back on figure it stuff out. Okay, that was definitely faster. Maybe the update wasn’t super noticeably faster, but once UniFi OS was loaded, the network app went from starting to started in like a second. Just it just seems way more responsive, but I mean that responsiveness is, is nice. I we use a cloudkey Gen 2 plus like this, which has the same CPU as the small one, just with a bit more RAM with around 100 UniFi devices, so that switches and access points and around 300 to 700 clients, depending on the time of day.

And you can tell sometimes when the cloud key is like, you apply a switch configuration change and it might take 10 seconds or 15 seconds or maybe a minute to actually propagate so having a lot more compute. Just in terms of the responsiveness would be nice and it’s something I’ve desired for in the past. We’Re definitely going to deploy this. What does ubiquity ipmi look like look at that? Just it’s a totally normal ipmi health is good.

We’Ve got postcode logs, which is great. This I mean this is all pretty standard stuff for ipmi Holy there’s a KVM no way no way in theory. You can do anything you want in here um, but you probably shouldn’t I wouldn’t mess around with this, but it is helpful to see at least what the system is doing. These are the kind of Enterprise features that something like this needs. If I run a speed test now, we should see the speed test. Traffic 500 megabit.

Look at that down: 600 ooh yeah there’s some new insights. The Wi-Fi insights are definitely new. They’Ve got a coverage helper tool that just shows you all of the signal. Strength of your various devices to tell you if your AP density is good enough.

They’Ve got this connectivity thing that shows you problematic clients. You can see an environment scan that shows all of the nearby access points and the channels they’re using it’s pretty much all. I would expect to see I’d really like to see SNMP, so you could monitor this machine a little easier, but in terms of being able to access the things you would want to access in an IPM power controls, virtual KVM, serial Overland and manual network settings. It’S pretty much there. I can even test latency. Here we go there, you go, so you can see that this is to this phone in my hand, right now.

Oh, what if I want to see, maybe my laptop’s paying click on the laptop test. Latency there you go super handy. If somebody is like I’m having Wi-Fi issues, you can just kind of go and do a sanity check. I mean overall, it works pretty much the same as any other Cloud key. It seems far more serviceable. It’S got redundant power supplies.

It has actual ipmi. I can see somebody that has all of these devices has a bunch of sites having just one giant Cloud key, instead of a bunch of of little ones, can be very attractive. It does seem to me, however, that maybe they should make a cloud key Enterprise is or a cloud key Enterprise Plus NVR, maybe just like a normal ATX board size, just 1 gig less money would be cool, probably overkill for you, and it certainly is for us, But I’m going to put it in the rack anyways and I hope you guys liked this video so get subscribed. Oh man, if you could take the software on this thing and put it on one of those mini Forum ncks, I know you can get the UniFi Network app and install it, but it’s not really the same as the fully fledged UniFi OS experience.
