Luke vs Dan

Luke vs Dan

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Luke vs Dan”.
Uh all right Dan uh hit us sure how about a how about a soft ball. I like soft balls well this one’s about Badminton, though, who would win in a badminton match, Luke or Dan, oh Dan, what Luke’s body’s broken like? I don’t! I don’t even know if he can move his arm back right now, I’m not 100 % sure. Let’S see, I don’t think I can either this is about o. This would be very interesting to watch I’ll. Tell you that much hly, I love how all getting older. It’S warning me of danger right there, my shoulders, don’t work yeah.

I can’t really. We went to the gym. His shoulders are also messed up. We went to the gym the other day and I I got to like pull it back.

I couldn’t. I couldn’t feel the left side of my face after we were done. It was like concerning yeah.

Are you good yeah, I’m good? That was good. It was very actually it was good to do that. Couldn’T feel the left side of your foot. What do you mean? It was good to do that.

What sorry? What did I miss something here? He has anyway moving on okay, no, no, no, no uh, just old nerve damage, injury! Oh got it got it got it. My shoulder aggravates it, which is kind of fun really. So your shoulder like it’s, it’s a braal, plexus injury, the shoulder bones connected to the face bone, a collar bone sort of thing, so the nerves come down the side of the neck. They go underneath the collar bone and they go out through the arm. So my collar bone hurts, which means that my hand tingles and some of my go face wow. It’S very strange: that’s wild yeah! So when we’re doing stuff we’re dealing with with my weird shoulder issues and his weird shoulder issues shoulder issue prone environment, I used to have a a personal changer trainer to uh recover from this injury, and we focused a lot on the back stuff. And so every time I do something with a a back exercise: it’s like 300 lb and then I go to lift my arm above my head, and I think I can do like five PBS uh properly. It’S very interesting.

It’S very interesting, W vng Supernova says uh. I can’t feel my face when I’m with you it’s me and Luke, except we’re old and not doing drugs, yeah cool, okay, next up um, so I think that would be uh anyway, who dies first in terms of yeah, in terms of who, I think, would win. Um man Luke would try really hard. I don’t know, you know what I think it might be Dan.

I think it might be Dan. I feel like we got to do it. I mean yeah, I’m sure I got a whole Badminton Center. You guys can use and we’re working on it down for whatever no like there’s actually like one now. Isn’T there oh yeah yeah yeah, there’s there’s a little gym, there’s a little gym that you guys could use right now if you wanted yeah. Oh, I forgot. I’Ve made that one too W show after dark badminton ages ago after party .