We’ve Been Robbed

We’ve Been Robbed

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We’ve Been Robbed”.
Replacing my backpack because it got stolen. What was the most valuable Tech item? You’Ve had stolen or lost man. I had. I had a PDA that was lost, then stolen. I left it behind in the seats at a ice rink and when I went back for it it was gone. Uh o. Actually that’s not the most expensive, though did I have. I ever told you about the time I lost my University laptop. I don’t think so.

Oh, I don’t think so. Well, this is a classic lonus moment um, it was early and I was getting ready to commute into school, so it was quite quite a drive. It was even once I was living with the the girlfriend’s parents. Now, wife um not the same person, not separate people um once I was living with the girlfriend’s parents was still quite a drive, so it was really early in the morning and I had to like scrape ice or something off of the windshield and or or just Like condensation Frost – and so I hadn’t gotten into the car, yet I just kind of put my laptop on top of the roof.

Did my thing and drove away? Oh see you later laptop, no idea where it fell off. Yep yep, that was my Asus m5n e laptop that I actually DIY built up myself. It was a barebones, so I bought the CPU, which was actually socketed back in those days.

We’ve Been Robbed

Uh picked up some Ram hard drive and I got like a an extended extend battery that was like a big booty hump on it that made it sit up on the table at an angle, but lasted flip in Forever, actually loved that machine mine was an LG G2, oh yeah, I know about this one I left on a plane. You knew it too right and they wouldn’t let you back on I’m trying to remember the whole story. I don’t fully remember everything. It’S been a long time. I remember one key part of the story: what the fact that the phone belonged to lonus Media Group yeah – that’s very true um.

I don’t think I’ve lost anything of my own. Why would I do that um, exactly yeah yeah, uh yeah? I I think I got back on the plane and then it wasn’t in the seat pocket or they said to me it wasn’t in the seat pocket one of those two things happened, I don’t remember which they either. Let me on. I got to see myself or they got someone to go look for me, but they wouldn’t.

We’ve Been Robbed

Let me on, I don’t remember which one happened though, but then I had some form of tracking on it. I don’t remember what it was at the time uh and it was like definitely at the airport and then left the airport and then disappeared um. So someone definitely grabbed it. Um bummer, I don’t know it was like definitely stolen for the number of times, though, that I have lost things I um I’ve had far more times that I’ve gotten really lucky with things to the point where I’m I kind, I still feel pretty good about my Ratio me too, like do you remember the time that one of our camera operators left an entire duffel bag loaded with camera equipment just sitting in front of the hotel in Vegas, oh yeah, and we just all got into the car and left for the airport, and They just left it there and fortunately someone saw it and turned it back into the hotel, but it was full of like thousands of dollars of camera gear and then, when that same camera op did the same thing at an airport in Germany.

Just left it in the like, when you disembark and haven’t gone through customs and everything and security, yet they left it there and we had crossed through and we not allowed to go back to get to. It was just sitting in an airport which is a really good place for an unlabeled bag, full of electronics. When you have a shoot to do and you need the camera for it, that was a, but we got that one back too. Fortunately, someone who worked at the airport knew who we were and was like all right. I I’ll go, look for it. That’S always lucky, that’s very lucky yeah we got very lucky. I I always tend to find that my hip to knee angle is very unfortunate and I end up I’m sitting like this. These are my hips.

These are my knees, so things will fall out of my pockets and eventually I just got so fed up with it. That I like wear these shorts almost exclusively and they have zipper Pockets um or like the the LT sweatpants. Those have zipper Pockets. So I’ll wear those cuz.

We’ve Been Robbed

I can at least zip up the pocket um, but I I there’s two times where my wallet has fallen out of my pocket in a taxi um and one of them was on a trip. So I lost all of the receipts that I had for the trip got them that sucked and I lost everything in my wallet, but I didn’t. I wasn’t carrying cash. So honestly, the the biggest value that was lost was the receipts um. If I remember correctly you, you got me for it, but it was like you gave me like a thing instead of money.

If I remember correctly, cuz you’re, like you, don’t have the receipts, I can’t reimburse the cash like legally. I can’t no. I know I know I’m not complaining yeah.

Well, no, I’m explaining it to them, because sometimes sometimes I’ll talk about this kind of stuff. This was cool. I actually appreciated this a lot and people will will not really understand how our accounting laws work and how labor laws work, because it 100 % Nei re.

It works some other way over there or something, and it’s like. No. If I reimburse this I and without a receipt I have paid him and he owes income tax on it period like that’s.

So, if I remember correctly, the deal was so we circumvented it a different way. Yeah the deal was, but he was happy and I was happy and it was a business expense. So it’s not like we did anything morally wrong. If I remember correctly, it was like okay do a video reviewing this thing and then you can just have it. I think it was the sounds about right: warthog hotas, oh yeah, okay. I think that was it.

I don’t really remember um, but either way yeah so that that was the first one and then the next one uh I called the it was an Uber. So I actually had the contact cuz. The first one was pre- Uber, so I called the taxi agency and they were just like you’re, not getting it back, and I was like okay uh, but this one was an Uber, so I actually contacted the Uber guy called him. He was like not doing rides anymore yeah, but drove all the way back and then tried to just like leave after handing it to me – and I was like hold on, I gave him a bunch of cash. It’S like thank you um, so I made it very worth his while to drive back, but he was he was about to just like drop off the wallet and take off I like hold on. You should be paid for this. I think I left a backpack on the sky Train once or my wallet um and it made it all the way to the Terminus station and I contacted trans link and I did get it back. I think it was my wallet wow yeah there’s I I’ve been I’ve been pretty lucky um yeah, but ever since then that second time I I left my wallet in the taxi, I was just like.

No, I, like don’t travel with those zipper Pockets anymore. Cardinal says: that’s not true, you can use other methods of substantiation than receipts cool, but he didn’t have them yeah cuz. It was paid that was that was like in in that era. This was this was quite a while ago.

In that era, I I would pay for everything in cash on trips, because you didn’t want to use credit cards yeah, because then the um, the exchange sucked yeah yeah. So the whole move was before you went on the trip you would get cash out from the bank. You’D go with cash on your trip, you’d pay with cash, and then your evidence would be receipts, so I had no form of evidence whatsoever.

Man can, I just say, shout out Ram like home cell phone plans and like reasonable, like credit cards and debit cards with reasonable. It’S getting so much easier these days, but back then it was a huge pain. You’D have to land. You sorry before the trip you’d have to exchange some money and then just hope that you had enough you’d have to land immediately upon Landing. You’ have to find a place that you can buy.

A Sim you’d have to distribute your new SIM phone number to everyone that needs it like. Just all these, like really just annoying steps that shouldn’t honestly have to happen, but yeah .