PS5: Now with 30% Less Chonk!

PS5: Now with 30% Less Chonk!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “PS5: Now with 30% Less Chonk!”.
Playstation slim, why? Why are? Why do you care about this? I think it’s really cool, but they release a slim every time I know, but now we there’s one coming, but now it’s a faster, better one: okay, okay! No! The reason I wanted to talk about this is because I looked at this and I went oh man. I can imagine the conversations at Sony that would have prompted this product. Okay, so you remember, the original PlayStation 5 was available in two variants. Right or well. Not was, is it’s still available, so the original PlayStation 5 two variants – you’ve got the disc version for $ 4.99 and then you’ve got the dis list, all digital version for $ 3.99, if I recall correctly in American Yankee dubloons or whatever they call them um, and You know the as far as I’m aware, the majority of the sales have been of the disc version, because it makes a lot of sense that, as a console gamer, you might want to collect physical copies of your games so that you, you know, have them in The event of you know, I don’t know you have bad internet or whatever else, and also so that you can resell them, which is a huge value and something that I think one of the big console makers is going to figure out and force the other’s hands. I hope and cause the industry to change, but for now is just not something that can happen with digital games does. Does someone allow it does? Oh, I thought you meant the other way around.

PS5: Now with 30% Less Chonk!

What are you saying, yeah yeah with digital games? You can’t resell them. So I I so so right now there is easily a $ 100 benefit to buying a disc version of a console and buying all dis games so that you can, especially if you’re, a prolific game player. So you can buy games, play them, resell them and get get that and effectively subsidize uh your own future gaming experiences right um, and I just I can imagine the conversation around a Sony boardroom table when they released these two separate skews of the product and then Saw some user feedback that went how’s the optical drive, not just an add-on module? Why did you produce two separate skews of this thing? Instead of just I don’t know a USB drive, this is technology.

PS5: Now with 30% Less Chonk!

That’S existed for 30 years or, however, literally had consoles that, like you, can click in an optical drive since like genesis or something yeah like it’s been a long time. I I don’t remember which one, but it’s been a very long time. It’S been a long time. I mean wasn’t the original PlayStation, the result of the failed collaboration between Sony and Nintendo to add a disc based, addon to a Nintendo console and so um. I just find it so funny that the new ones are coming out or the new one is coming out and that’s exactly how they’re doing it they’re like. Oh, so you can get the new new PS5, slim and um.

PS5: Now with 30% Less Chonk!

It does not have a oh wow, the famicom computer disc system, uh availability started in 1986, okay, but that’s not a CD. But yes, it’s a you know what I’m saying right. Basically, the concept’s been around as long as I’ve been alive, yeah, um, so Sony. Okay, here, let’s go through the thing Sony announced a new slim model of PS5 reduced in volume by over 30 %. That’S good cuz.

It was big, I mean honestly, like still looks kind of big but uh any who uh and weight by 18 % comes with a terabyte of storage, will be the new default model. Once that’s my leg, not the desk, I’m sorry! Well, you know what what’s foot seed between friends um, it features a removable disc drive. A digital Edition can be bought without the drive for a $ 30 discount. If Gamers then change their minds, the separate Drive can be bought for $ 80, while the console is portrayed standing upright in most of Sony’s marketing material.

This actually requires a separate vertical stand that costs another $ 30. So Sony has done some pretty clever stuff here effectively raising the price of the play expensive one or you might regret it, they’ve done exactly what we were talking about in the pre-show today, presenting two options: an unappealing one and an expensive one, an expens, a more Expensive one, so here what? What is this uh? What does this workout to where’s the actual where’s, the actual pricing, blah blah blah New? Look: PlayStation: 5 uh yeah! Okay! Here we go so if you want to upgrade later uh PS5. Okay. Here we go okay.

So it’s still $ 500 for the new slim PS5, with the Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive. So that is unchanged, but it’s clear that they are no longer interested in selling digital editions for $ 400, because that is now $ 4.49 for the new slim one. Then, if you want to add the drive after the fact, that’s 80 bucks bringing you to $ 530. You want to put it standing uppr right, that’s going to be another $ 30 for a total of $ 560, so they have effectively changed the price from $ 4.99 to $ 429 for the one that’s fully equipped and from $ 400 to $ 449 plus $ 30 for a stand so $ 489 4479.

I I hate the nine for $ 480 uh or then, if you want to add the drive later on after the fact, it’s like 500 $ 560, or something like that, um honestly. As far as ways of raising the price go um, this is relatively inoffensive to me. I think that that if they had just raised the price out right, that would be worse. But as someone who would have strongly advocated for buying the dis version of it, both in terms of um, the practicality of being able to resell your games and in terms of resale value of the console itself, what I suspect is that all digital ones are going To be perceived as less valued to people who are getting these things down the road, I also might suspect.

I I know one of the big draws of PlayStation is a lot of their single player games actually um, and I suspect, if you know you wanted to play on the road or something I don’t know. If you’re, in a situation where you didn’t have internet uh, maybe it’s down who knows um, I I think you’d still be able to play with the discs mhm pretty cool yeah. So I I would strongly I’d strongly advocate for that anyway. So I don’t mind this and I don’t mind it costing a little bit more if you go whoopsy doodle, I changed my mind uh, because it’s not that much more.

It’S 30 bucks more yeah yeah about about $ 30, more okay! If, if you change your mind after the fact uh here, you can have a look at what the modular interface looks, like I’m sure, dbrand is uh, currently beavering away, trying to trying to figure out how to make dark plates in these shapes and sizes, and all That um unhelpful for dbrand it’s slightly less ugly. Now it is I I I actually I like the look of it a lot better, although you know I do think it would look cooler in different, colors and stuff like that, and I’m sure that that’s something that they can capitalize on yeah, I’m not I’m, not The biggest fan of the like monochrome future – I was thinking about this. The other day your car is growing on me no way yeah the stupid, uh Damascus uh war zone, stupid rap. You know what it did the same thing with me, really yeah, I I I it’s going to hurt him to say it kind of like it now.

Yeah yeah, like my kids, liked it immediately, but maybe that’s not their childish tastes. Maybe that’s just their more malleable Minds, maybe they’re just more open to new ideas and experiences for so long all design. All like interior design, a lot of clothing cars. Everything is just going house white and black. Everything in my house is white and black. Don’T forget about gray, yep white black and the shades between it’s inoffensive yeah, but and not particularly interesting yep yep, that’s fair, that’s fair! I get it uh Ivon and I are you know. What’S really funny is h. I I was.

I was grappling with this on Wednesday. I was uh. I was ordering a cage topper. Do you know what a cage topper is it’s pretty self-explanatory? It’S a.

I think I can guess top piece for a cage well actually for an aquarium. It’S for the the mice that we have as Cat TV, and I had a top for it, but it it was a top. I made myself and it was made of just like some kind of particle board of some sort and the mice are chewing through it and I in a house with cats. The last thing you want is your mice getting out because it’s you out of The Frying Pan into the fire a little bit right um.

So this cage topper is from a company called quality cage or something like that. Um sure, and basically it sits on top of your aquarium – goes about like 3 in down, so that it can’t be easily tipped over by um, curious cats, feline uh, companion, um, and then it has a couple. Little ramps has a ramp that goes down into the aquarium, and then it has a layer, and then it has another ramp that goes up to another layer. So it turns it from just an aquarium into more of like a habitat that they can run around in and um.

I saw some feedback from other customers that talks about how they see way more of them just like running around in it, instead of them. Just like hiding in their little Burrows and it seemed to be really engaging for them. So I was like okay, it’s really expensive cuz, it’s you know made in America and import taxes and stuff like that. No no! It’S made in America yeah! I mean it’s really expensive before I pay shipping in taxes, because it’s made in America right um but as far as I can tell they’re like a small company and kind of do their own thing and everything is sort of custom support, yeah, custom built and um And I reached out to them, they were super responsive and I so I got confirmation of what was the right product and then I’m sitting there on the order page I’ll show you the options.

Okay, this is interesting. I’Ll show you the options. While you look for that, someone in flo plane chat, mentioned Millennial, gray and that’s like actually a thing um, you can look it up. The like color spectrum of things in our world is narrowing uh, because back in the day, things were much more colorful.

You think, like different grains of wood um, you think all the different colors and patterns that used to be in homes back in the day and then Millennials are just like nope woo, okay, so they’ve got purple and pink who and teal all these fun colors oo. Look at Stardust, okay, that’s really hard to see on the screen, but what about quality? Blue quality blue and I ended up with silver vein. Oh actually, I might have gone with galvanized cuz, it’s a little bit cheaper and I was just like yep. Oh wow. I see that is quite expensive. Cages are oddly expensive, like the bird cage that we have is like really expensive.

I believe you. I don’t really know why um yeah, so I I tried, I tried so hard to order the purple one, but you still or even Stardust still just got gray. I I I still bought gray.

I I can’t I can’t bring myself to do it. My it’s funny. Yeah, like yeah, you know what no I mean I I I I I do flash of color here and there, but I not in my house yeah.

Everything in my house is black white or gray because as soon as I choose anything other than black white or gray, I have to think about what goes with it, and I I do not. I do not have brain space for that. I can’t that’s impossible.

Uh Ivonne can do it a little bit every once in a while, we’ll add some navy blue, like that cat cushion that she made for the uh the little reading Nook thing that will probably turn into a make out Nook at some point: um not there. Yet not there yet, but I mean might not be that far away. I’Ve been thinking about that.

What making out in my Nook, uh weird with me or the L part’s coming on um. No, I just I don’t know every once in a while. I I think about like what what grades are his kids in yeah? Oh yeah, then you have that, like oh crap moment of like what were the kids getting up to in that grade when I was in that grade or the stories that I would hear from my brother when he was in that grade or whatever right like just. It’S like oh wow and like when you’re that age you’re, like darn parents, whatever no big deal. This is normal. I wish they’d get off my back and then now I’m this age and I’m like wow, they seem very young. I I don’t know. Oh man, my brother is my my brother’s a firefighter these days and he was mentioning the other day about how uh he went to a a call that wasn’t a fire. But firefighters will often respond to like medical calls and stuff some fell out of their bed or whatever, and it was a bunch of like uh. It was a a group of chicks that were oute clubbing and he was like.

I just can’t like he’s like they look like they should be in like schol yeah he’s like this is really weird. They look like children like I don’t he’s like. I wanted to send them home, [, Laughter, ] like it’s like man yeah. I think we’re that old. I I I think we’re that old. Now, yeah yeah they’ll be fine, yeah yeah yeah or they won’t a lot of people are not fine. You know that that expression, the kids, will be fine or whatever it’s like yeah, I mean, maybe not anymore yeah. If that were, if that were true, then all the adults today would be fine.

They aren’t .