This Was Bound To Happen

This Was Bound To Happen

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Was Bound To Happen”.
Okay, can we jump to my off document topic? Uh, I don’t know. Is it Ai? No, no you’ll care about this 100 %. I guarantee it. Let’S go uh genetic tester, 23 andme hacked data is being sold on the dark web um.

This Was Bound To Happen

The first amount that was handed apparently uh, more than half of the company’s 14 million customers um we’re using password as their password. No, no okay, um, that that’s a that’s an, I think, an estimation, or at least a claim right now, uh, because the entire amount of them was not just automatically leaked onto the in webs um, because they are trying to sell it. I believe um buyers could acquire 100 profiles for $ 1,000 or as many as 100,000 profiles for $ 100,000 because of cost scaling um.

This Was Bound To Happen

The a bunch of the leaked data that was leaked to prove that it was real um was specifically on ashkanazi Jews, which has people highly concerned about some of the motivations behind the person who um hacked the data. There are other people saying that that might just be designed to draw attention which it sure definitely has because it’s in the headline of like all of the articles that about this. So I don’t know if it’s actually like specifically an attack there or if it was just to get eyeballs on it, because they want people buying the data. So the more people that know that it’s available um I’m not 100 % sure what the tactic is uh but yeah can I just say, like you called it, I am. You were way ahead on this one. I am so I don’t know if you’re going to reference it or not.

This Was Bound To Happen

I know what you’re angry at my mother, yep wasn’t sure iing told her don’t do this. This is not your data. Actually it’s our data, [ Laughter, ], comrade I wasn’t expecting a joke on like a a very sincere moment. That’S my whole Jam man.

I know trust me. You got me pretty good on that. One! Sorry, okay, keep going it’s a very serious moment. I I don’t know, maybe I’ll just read the email.

Oh uh. Are you sure sure why not see if I can find it yeah here it is I’ve been deciding whether to send this or not. It might not affect whether you decide to use the genetic test. You got for Christmas, but these tests are not well regulated and we’ve only begun to explore the way that the data in them will be used by private companies and government entities. I feel like I needed to speak up some reading material, and I linked to a Article 23 in me is probably a terrible idea.

Uh, it’s worth a read um when you do any one of these genetic tests, it doesn’t just affect you and your privacy. It affects anyone related to you, including me, helping them build out their database. Their privacy policy May prevent them from selling individualized data at this time, but we’ve seen many times that Silicon Valley companies will start out with robust privacy policies and slowly chip away at them. Over time, we’ve Al also seen Acquisitions and mergers that do not preserve these protections.

The issue is that, unlike an interest in cars or whatever, your genetic information doesn’t change, so this data is given up permanently, I’m not a tinfoil Hat wearer by any stretch of the imagination, but given what is already accessible to advertisers, insurance agencies, Etc. I would rather pay for you to have a genetic test done in a medical diagnostic setting. If you really want to know that way, the data will at least have a chance of being safe idiot.

Actually, though, this affects you and everyone in your family tree and thank God, we’re in Canada, where we don’t have Private health insurance. But if you are an American and you are doing these genetic tests, you are not just potentially screwing yourself, you are potentially screwing over every one of your descendants ability to get health insurance, for example, pre-existing conditions. Anyone yeah yeah, there’s a there’s a post from a year ago on Reddit that was posted by handyman at Philip chat uh.

You can never delete your personal information from 23 and me. I’Ve tried and then it’s a a uh. I think an email response from 23 and me we received your request to permanantly, delete your 23 and me account and personal information. The following apply when you submit your deletion, uh request. If you choose to consent to 23 andme research by agreeing to an applicable 23 and me 23 andme research, consent document, any research involving your genetic information or self-reported information that has already been performed or published prior to our receipt of your request will not be reversed. Undone or withdrawn any samples for which you gave consent to be stored or biobanked will be discarded 23 and me uh, and the contracted genotyping laboratory will retain your genetic information date of birth and sex, as required for compliance with legal obligations.

Pursuant to the federal clinical laborat atory uh Improvement Amendments of 1988 and California laboratory regulations – oh my goodness, uh 23 me will retain limited information related to your deletion request such as your email address and account deletion. This part totally makes sense account deletion request identifier as necessary to fulfill your request. That’S so you can prove that you did it.

That’S actually totally reasonable uh for the establishment, ex uh exercise or defense of legal claims, yeah exactly um and as otherwise permitted required by applicable law. Okay, guys feel like I’m having a wake up sheeple moment here. People are like insurance.

Companies in the US can’t discriminate against pre-existing conditions anymore, okay, because legal protections prevent companies from doing stuff. Like are you even serious right now change at some point: um yeah. We can’t count on laws to stay the same and people are like how much of this is fearmongering, though this is not fearmongering. This is real. This is now. It literally just happened.

All the a bunch of information just leaked and is now purchasable on the internet. Some of it leaked and some of it’s p purchasable on the internet, and the thing is that, like you can’t we can’t predict the consequences. We don’t know exactly, and this is this is not what if, what, if you have a preexisting condition yeah. This is not farfetched, you guys what, if you have a pre-existing condition and someone that you wanted. I don’t know, I don’t want to go, and people are talking about okay, well, yeah, but like to get health insurance. You already need to do a blood test anyway.

It’S like yeah but hold on a second. Now, it’s not just a blood test. There’S a ton of stuff that you can’t tell from a blood test, but you could tell from having a detailed family tree right like there could be a condition that there could just be. It could just be a numbers game.

Maybe maybe they have a family tree for you? They have, because they have all this useful genetic data that they can link you to a whole bunch of people who oh yeah man, almost no one in this family lives over 60, no life insurance for you. They don’t even have to care why they don’t have to find a specific condition. Yeah yeah Harry tore T not even pre-existing you might have markers for stuff. You might get yeah something they couldn’t pick up in a blood. This is a genetic test.

You’D have to. I mean look how angry people were over things like men at drug testing in the in the workplace, how how was it ever even thinkable? It’S always the to submit your genetic information yeah like I’m, not trying to be all I told you so, but I sent that email in December of 2019. This momentum didn’t have to build.

This is not fear-mongering. The for sale, post says tailored ethnic groupings. Individualized data sets pinpoint origin estimations uh.

I don’t know what this means, but Hao group details, phenotype information, photographs links to hundreds of potential relatives um and boast crucially. Raw data profiles. 100 profiles for th000 bucks th000 profiles for 5,000 bucks 10,000 profiles for 20,000 bucks and 100,000 profiles for 100,000.

Bucks on offer are DNA profiles of Millions ranging from world’s top business magnets to dynasties, often whispered about in conspiracy theories. Each set of data also comes with corresponding email addresses for bulk purchases exceeding 10,000 profiles. We offer the flexibility of incremental payments to ensure trust during transactions wow wild yeah, all right. Okay, I mean, I don’t know if I could have explained it any more clearly than I already did so neat .