iPhone 15 Pro Max Review! Not what you think!

iPhone 15 Pro Max Review! Not what you think!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “iPhone 15 Pro Max Review! Not what you think!”.
Fortun’S video is sponsored by the Anor solic f3800. I have used every version of the iPhone since the very first one, the good and the bad and the iPhone 15 Pro Max is the first iPhone has given me genuine pause and cause for concern. The clock is ticking on Apple, to live up to their marketing height from unapologetically plastic to Dynamic Islands, to claiming all new design. The iPhone 15 Pro Max is supposed to be the best, the Pinnacle of apple and after missteps from previous generations, not sure the 15 Pro Max is there yet like anything right, there’s a good and there’s a bad.

iPhone 15 Pro Max Review! Not what you think!

So I’m going to start with the good specifically the camera system, with the 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max. So when it comes to day-to-day use, the camera system, I think, is where most people see the biggest difference, especially for those that are upgrading from one generation to the next. So, with these systems Apple’s cleaning, there are seven lenses available with this whole camera setup. So the main camera is going to act as four different focal lengths, but this is just a fancy. Crop mode makes it feel like there are more lenses and really I haven’t changed the default mode since I’ve gotten the phone, but the focal length that is different is the five times telephoto camera, and this for me, was the reason that I decided to go for The pro Max, instead of just the pro and I’ve, talked about Zoom for a while I’ve learned from the comments and I’m in the minority about caring, so much about Zoom, but I have kids I’m at their sporting events.

iPhone 15 Pro Max Review! Not what you think!

All the time I like to be able to get good pictures of them, so the more zoom the better it’s why? For the past few months, I gravitated towards the Android side CU. I just had more options for better Zoom. I took the camera photo. My sends birthdays to Disneyland actually on launch day, and I was really impressed with what I could see in detail with the 5x we’d expect.

iPhone 15 Pro Max Review! Not what you think!

That was even more impressed what I could see with the 10 when it got digital. Even when I got to 25 things like the sign were still incredibly readable and the five time zoom also works great in portrait mode. That was also a very pleasant surprise. I like having the extra versatility now, maybe you don’t like the extra size that comes along with the pro Max.

I love it, and that alone was a big enough reason for me to go with the larger phone here, uh the five times. Reach is great, but I do wish the resolution and low light were better. It’S not perfect, I think the camera totally Bolls apart fast when you have a shot that you want to get having. The hardware is better than nothing.

So I’m glad it’s there and look. You can see it right here all right, but back to the main camera for a second out of the box. It is set to 24 megapixels, which is a nice bump from 12 of last year. Then you have to select the higher 48 megapixel resolution. If you want to use it, but at least you can shoot in hgic instead of just Pro raw, so you get more options this year and, ultimately, I think what that kind of boils down to is: you’ve got more versatility with the phone versus what we had Last year, with the 14 pro and 14 pro Max um, another thing that Apple talked about with the camera was portrait mode. I think we’ve all used portrait mode like in the past, where you try it hair, looks weird. You hold your hand out and get weird webbing portrait mode, I think, is something that has always been cool but never has worked as well as it was supposed to here. It’S better, it’s improved with better Edge detection. Most importantly, finally, you don’t have to enter portrait mode to save that data, which is cool, but with a big caveat, it’s got to be a face or a pet detected. Then the portrait data is saved automatically. You can just go in later and turn it on which actually been really cool to have, and you have kind of get two separate photos, one with one out. You can figure out. What’S best for you and again, I know Android’s had that for a while.

I think, no matter what side of the fence you are for, whatever phone you want, the iPhone is amongst the best camera phones out there. In some instances, it’s probably the best – and this is the latest version of the iPhone. So it’s safe assumption.

The camera here is going to be really good and it is everything that I’ve needed. Nja 4 has been absolutely perfect and my camera needs midly are a little bit lame it. It’S family pictures, it’s dog pictures, it’s food pictures, it’s taking video uh of all those same things and posting things to social for that use case, which I probably didn’t necessarily need to Pro.

It has been absolutely awesome. That’S all all the camera stuff! It was nice improvements, iterative steps, video though I think, as rapple really doesn’t get enough credit for pushing boundaries, especially with prores and log and external recording, and this is incredibly cool, and I this is like super Niche and uh. Maybe I’m going to lose people here but being able to shoot in these formats used to take up so much space for small Clips.

I mean gigabytes after gigabytes for just using recording seconds. It wasn’t usable uh for a lot of folks, but now, with USB type-c, be able to record to external drives, makes this a very usable option for cinematographers for directors for filmmakers. For influencers for anybody who wants to do some editing on their video later, the iPhone was already ready sort of a good b-roll a-roll camera.

It is now even better. It’S not going to compare to a cinema camera to a Canon or Sony or red, or whatever else you might have, but in the phone world what you can now pull out of. This is really close to unmatched.

Ah, power’s out again I going to fix that, though all right, so this like exaggerated example, was an example uh, but it actually happens a lot here in California, probably more than I’m comfortable with, and I know this happen s all across the country and the world Too, lucky for us our studio when this does happen can keep running, and it’s thanks to that guy over there. It is the ankor solix, more particular the new solix f3800. It is a gigantic battery pack, but think of it like an electric gas generator, everything a generator can do. This can do better more efficiently and with way less noise, and also you can keep it inside cuz.

It’S not burning fume to run so I think the coolest thing about this is first of all, there are EV Quality Batteries inside and because of that, has a 240 Outlets. You can charge an EV with it’s also modular too, so you can plug in extra packs. You can go from 3.8 kW to a massive 53.8 now it’s a lot of expansion, extra battery packs that go along to it, but that’s for a lot of EVS, almost a full battery pack or a good chunk of it. That’S crazy and with something like this big.

If your house has an inlet box, the f3800 can directly power your house, making this a way more affordable option than some of are the more well-known power storage options out there. If you already have solar on your house like I do, you can actually store the extra energy onto the f3800 from your solar, which I just thought was actually really cool. It also supports AC coupling, so you can power your home from both the grid and the f3800 simultaneously. This is one of those products that you definitely want to get before.

You need it cuz when, when you need it and you don’t have it you’re going to wish you did if you want to get one now, it’s actually launching on Kickstarter and as of this video going up uh, there is a super early bird 45 % off Discount I’ll put all the information that you need down below. If you live anywhere, where power is a concern, you ow it yourself to at least check out what anchor is doing with their solix line. I’M sure I’m not alone, but it’s somebody who upgrades iPhones and phones every year. I feel like every every time I open a new phone that I’m just getting the same phone uh from last year cuz. It looks and feels the same. Obviously, software and Hardware improvements.

You can’t always see and feel uh with the 15 Pro Max. You take this thing out of the box and you can tell immediately this is different. First of all, it feels noticeably lighter which is jarring to hold. Then it’s got slightly rounded edges, so that alone makes it feel different. It’S really subtle, but I like holding this phone. I not brave enough to keep this phone without a case uh after I cracked my 14 pro Max in like 3 days, but it feels really good in the hand.

If you are brave enough, tanium feels nice. The weight feels nice. I generally like holding this phone and on that new titanium band uh.

There are two big new features. First, is the action button? It’S replacing what used to be the profile switcher same action button we’ve got on the Apple watch Ultra you can make it do whatever you want. It’S got a bunch of default settings and also, I think, Apple totally nailed the UI here um in the phone or create a shortcut and have it do that now, I’m going to probably not make myself seem so cool, but my action button calls my wife cuz.

I do that all the time and I have to go into my phone and set something, but it seems like a big Miss from Apple not being able to double tap or triple tap or do something or even long press it to do something else. I imagine that will come in a software update or maybe that’s like the killer feature for the iPhone 16 they’re going to come up with action, button Plus or action button Pro. Maybe we’ll have to unlock it with a software update like Tesla, either way.

I think it’s a huge, Miss uh for Apple right there. I do really like having the action button, I’m using it all the time, because I talk to my wife all the time, but I’ve seen people create shortcuts they’re controlling their Teslas with it uh doing all kinds of actions you can even control uh rotation. If it does one thing or another, it add another layer of custom ability to the phone, which I think is absolutely awesome. I think the action button is probably kind of one of the unsung heroes of the 15 Pro Line.

Hopefully that makes its way to the 16 series uh next year, but the action button is not the only biggest change here. We can probably thank the European Union for this, but USB type-c is here. I didn’t bet like an eyebrow like other uh YouTubers have out there. This is ever going to happen. I didn’t see apple ever making this plunge uh. I thought they would probably go portless before they ever caved and gave away that sweet licensing money for lightning to put in USB type-c, but it is here uh. It’S not Thunderbolt, like some rumors suggested. It’S USB 3.2 speeds, which is still insanely fast uh to have, and I was really excited for USB type-c and I talked in videos how it needed USB type-c and I’m a few weeks into Now, using this phone and quite honestly, I have not really used USB Type-C, I me use case, hasn’t come up yet uh. We used it for recording to external drives a few times that was nice, but I’m not charging with USB type-c uh, often I’m not using my phone to power other things, but now I could.

I think I just like, knowing that I have uh that option to do it. I also haven’t traveled. Yet since I got the 15 Pro Max so being able to carry just one cable with me, uh is awesome. So, like I said at the beginning, it’s tail of two sides: there’s good and there’s bad, let’s flip that coin over, because this is not a perfect phone and for the first time I’m not sure apple is as trustworthy as it has seemed. I think Apple’s and rightfully so traditionally been known for really good quality control and build tolerance, and since my experience, the iPhone 14 Pros battery Pro Max battery, specifically uh, which is not unique to me. I am feeling very hesitant about the iPhone for the first time.

For those you don’t know, I had a 14 pro Max when I got to about month 8 with it the battery started to grade incredibly fast uh. It went from high 90s down all the way to I think 84 %, where it was when I finally traded it in and I started to notice battery life degrading. I never thought to check my battery health before I never really thought about my battery life at all. It just lasted as long as I needed uh, but with the 14 pro Max, I was very aware battery life.

It wasn’t getting me through a full day and every week, or so I lose a percentage of battery health and apple, never said anything about it. I brought it to Apple said I had to have below 80 % for them to replace it and didn’t acknowledge an issue existed and, judging by a number of comments on tweets like this, there very clearly was an issue with not all 14 pros and pro Maxes. But certainly a lot of them and that’s giv me a lot of pause now, my 15 Pro Max that is appearing to have very good battery life for the first time with the phone. I am incredibly paranoid about my battery.

I used to never think uh. Much of it I had optimized charging on. I didn’t cap at 80 %.

I would just plugging it at night if I was driving I’d put on my wireless charger and that’s the way I’ve done things with phones for years and for every other phone except the 14 pro Max. That was fine. Now, I’m like babying.

This thing, like I, don’t want to put it on the charger at night. I don’t want to put it on the wireless charger in my car. I want to make sure that I’m not charging it all the way.

It’S made me just more aware of battery and battery health, and maybe that’s better in the long run uh, but also I don’t trust this phone as much as I’ve trust other iPhones, because I’ve been, I got, hurt last year anytime, a new iPhone launches. You can count on a few things happening, so people excited people, stress, testing it and people sort of poking holes in what the phone can do and finding issues and the 15 pro and pro Max have not been immune to that. Uh we’ve seen a lot of widespread issues.

A phone is getting very hot and overheats. In fact, when I was restoring the phone from iCloud and I first got it, I got a warning that I should stop charging because things were starting to get a little bit. Warm I’ve never seen any of those warnings ever again with my phone, but my first hour with the phone. I did see it now. I don’t know if you want to credit Apple, but they had acknowledge. There’S a heating issue claiming a bug that was found through. Third party apps, it might be to blame, but again brand new phone didn’t have third party apps running when that happens, as this filming Apple just released, the update and supposedly will address those overheating issues, but all that goes to say. I never used to worry about the stuff with apple in the past, but now I kind of feel feel like I’m starting to worry about these things again.

Uh We’ve also seen issues with the back glass cracking incredibly easy, uh good friends of the channel is Jerry. Rick everything he’s a i if you’ve met him, but that dude is yolked, uh cracked, the back very easily more easily than in previous generations. Iphones, maybe due to S titanium, banding glass on the back now being its own piece and not sort of part of the entire back rdge of the case, but again something that I didn’t used to worry about with apple, something that are starting to come up with. More recent iterations of their phones.

Now none of this we should give anybody a pause. I think about picking up an iPhone 15 Pro or 15 Pro Max uh. They are still amongst the best Fones out there, but it’s the same thing every year, if You’ got last gen, you don’t need this gen.

If you got a 13, it’s going to be a nice upgrade or anything earlier than that. I love my 15 Pro Max because I like having the zoom, but I also really lik that Zoom when I was on Android 2 there’s not a huge mus have feature I can try to sell you guys on or apple can sell you on. They can pick any marketing language they want and it’s still a slightly better version of last year’s phone. I think we have to accept that that’s the way phones are always going to be not just an apple and for an update. That’S now slightly better than last year seem to have made changes that I think are going to matter to a lot of people.
