14th Gen Intel CPUs: What to Expect from the Upcoming Launch — Tech Deals

14th Gen Intel CPUs: What to Expect from the Upcoming Launch — Tech Deals

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “14th Gen Intel CPUs: What to Expect from the Upcoming Launch — Tech Deals”.
Buy Windows 10 professional for $ 15 activate instantly online with Microsoft and keep it forever don’t pay full price, get the best deal from our sponsor Ur CD Keys, using our Link in the video description below full details on how this amazing deal works at the end Of the video I talked about this a couple weeks ago, you did, and at the time the rumors were, the entire 14th gen was going to get an increase in core count. It turns out some of it is getting an increase in core count and some is not. Unfortunately, it’s more of the not than the yes is Intel Core i7 14700 K CPU with 20 cores, spotted running at 6.3 GHz on MSI, z690 Motherboard. Actually just came out today, yeah.

These are freshly leaked benchmarks that have enough detail that says: yes, they, the this really is a thing, so the i7 14700 K is getting four additional ecores and if I scroll down to the Chart here, you can see. The 12 700k is 8. 4. The 13 700k is 8 8 and the 14 700k is 8. 12. 28 threads. Here’S what’s cool about this! On the 13th gen the i7.

14th Gen Intel CPUs: What to Expect from the Upcoming Launch — Tech Deals

I’Ve not recommended the i7 as a general rule. Now the 12700 K on sale on Prime day was different. Yes, but that was on a deal that 200 bucks I mean. Okay, sure you know you make anything the right price, I’m interested a 7800 x3d for 200 bucks would be my number one recommendation.

I know everybody’s shocked so with the 13th gen $ 300. Now I understand some of you watching are outside the United States yep, these my advice and prices are based upon us prices and I I get so many comments on YouTube from people saying. Well, I just don’t agree with you, because the XYZ is too expensive. What country are you in uh Albania? Oh okay, um, fair enough, but I don’t give advice based on Albanian prices.

Nope, I’m not even sure where Albania is on a map. I I know where a lot of countries are, but it’s vaguely southernish European is maybe South. It’S it’s not in America! That’S what matters! No! It’S not so I’m terribly sorry to everybody who lives in Albania $ 300 for the 13, 600k yep $ 400 for the 13700 K and $ 550 for the 13900 K. So 300. 400. 550.

It’S a $ 100 jump to go from the 13600 to the 13700 and I have gotten dozens and dozens of replies on YouTube comments on Twitter from people saying dude. Why don’t you recommend the 13 700k? It’S got eight performance cores. It’S 400 bucks! It’S reasonable! That’S really the deal and I’m like. I don’t agree because the 13600 K has six P cores, but 0 e cores and the 13700 K has 8 p cores and AD e cores they’re only two P cores difference, but they both have 8 ecores and as many people love to forget, those ecores are Faster than a ryzen 720 2700x, they are almost as fast as a ryzen, 7.

3700X. So anybody who says the ecores aren’t real cores um. You should try using them. Yeah made a comment in the last stream. Somebody said that quote everybody.

14th Gen Intel CPUs: What to Expect from the Upcoming Launch — Tech Deals

They know disables their ecor. What did you buy Intel for then? I mean that anyway, so it’s $ 150 more to go from the 13700 K to the 13900 k, but you go from 16 cores to 24. So it’s a two core gain from I5 to i7 and it’s an8 core gain going from i7 to I9.

Now I am fully aware that those are ecores, but for $ 150 you are essentially gluing a ryzen 7 3700x onto your CPU and buying yourself future you’re. Buying yourself another year or two at some point in the future, where you don’t have to upgrade where other people, how many comments sweetheart, have we gotten from people over the years who bought like an i5 9600k 64e 6 thread, and they said if I had just Bought the I9, I wouldn’t have to have upgraded yep a lot and they upgraded to like a ryzen, 7, 3700x or 5800 X, because the I9 was too expensive because the top end Intel chip never doesn’t lose its value. Those are still going for for 300 bucks. Correct so they bought the I5 because all the reviewers said you don’t need more for gaming.

Well, I actually don’t necessarily agree even back then, but let’s say we did agree mhm great, so it lasted like a hot minute like spoiled milk before you needed to replace it correct. So if you just go ahead and spend the extra money now, what’s the price difference between the i7 and the I9 150 bucks, but we’re talking about 450 to 500 anybody in the market for a $ 450, you should at least consider the $ 500 chip. Yes, that is not a reach. It’S it’s more money. It may not be worth it, but that’s not like, oh God, it’s double the price. Now motherboard RAM, storage, you’re, building a PC correct. Is that $ 150 to buy you the best chip of the generation, to buy you, eight additional cores higher overall clock speeds without having to overclock relative to the machine You’re Building, really that big of an ask? No, my argument is, if any particular user says I just don’t, think I’m the kind of user that needs all that that’s a bit. Much for me. I say: okay, that’s F! No, absolutely not not! Everybody needs an I9 correct by the I5 for people concerned about money, people building, mid-range machines, MH. The I5 13600 K is a killer deal, and so I have found that the i7 13700 K has been sort of like a a CPU in search of emission. Buy the I5 buy the I9 skip the middle. Now that changes with the 14700 K, because now they’re Bridging the Gap with more ecor correct, assuming the prices are the same 300, 400 550 for the 14th gen chips.

14th Gen Intel CPUs: What to Expect from the Upcoming Launch — Tech Deals

I actually now would recommend the 14700 K save the 150 and go for 150. Bucks for extra e cores would not be worth it. It’S not exciting. No, except there’s one little detail.

What is an i79700k worth versus a 9900k? What is an I9 109 10900k worth versus an i7 10700k? You mean resale on the other end, if you resell some people, don’t so yeah, if you thank you you’re right, if you resell, if you sell your stuff later on what is an i77700k worth today versus an i57600k? How many of you would be shocked to know that right now, an i77700k 4 core 8 thread? Chip from 2017 is still worth nearly $ 150. It is which is ridiculous. It is ridiculous. It is so depending on price, maybe buy the I9 anyway, because it’ll be the last and best chip of the platform and then just well, then there’s that so, if you resell, it just depends on what what’s important to you, but to anybody who says well, I I don’t really sell my parts, I give them to a friend or I I I downgrade it to my second machine or I’ll make it my media PC.

If you, if you’re, going to keep it like 10 years, and it’s going to like move down, your list of computers buy the i7, it’s fine for. Does that make sense yeah? What do you want to add to that entire Spiel of chips? What do I want to add? Oh, my gosh is the whole chart down there. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah you’ve got you’ve, got every, I mean look at them. They got K’s kfs, dear God, Intel I mean this is stupid. Overclock, no integrated, Graphics, wow! That’S just! Why would you I know why they do it, but an I9 14900 nonk, and then they have a non KF. There are four different yep there’s, not even a 100 bucks difference. Three four there’s four yeah there’s four. 1. 2. 3. Four here, let’s have a 65 watt 24 core chip. That makes sense not that these wattages mean anything they don’t.

But you know I’ll give you a guess. I’M sure you know the answer. Oh, why do the nonk i9s exist the non K? Yes, why does an I9 14900 nothing exist to hit a price point: they’re, not even 100 bucks difference for people who don’t want to overclock Dell. Oh, the Dell Intel sells more CPUs to Dell than they sell retail box, we’re showing our age by laughing. At that joke that you know that that that spiel’s, almost 20 years old, there’s some people out there that appreciate that, though Intel sells more CPUs to Dell than all their box boxed chips combined. So why have the F? Why take the integrated Graphics out? Who needs that defective chips? Oh, if they’ve got a chip that has working cores but a non-working igpu. If Dell is going to build one of their lovely craptastic, alien wear boxes, it’ll, they don’t need integrated, Graphics, gotcha, and so, if intel sells it to them for $ 5, less D will take the $ 5. True, okay and then the k have over clock it.

But don’t have anyr Graphics, it’s got more letters, it must be better okay. This is just I’m 20 for KFC ooh food, so we’ve got 20 cores 28 threads. Sadly the i5s. This I’m really disappoint.

I was really really excited to see the I5 get 8p cores. That would have been pretty cool and guess what an I3 it’s still just four cors a threads wow and then they’ve got the Intel 30024. That’S the uh Pentium chip, which why I mean is it the dels again what why there’s a larger market than the West? Oh IND, Asia exists. India exists, that’s why people just have to stop buying them. Those can be had very cheaply overseas and in a different economic environment than we exist in choices. Everything looks different 80 bucks well, and it won’t be that much over there I mean they’ll, make deals in various places to move fair enough, but why, even I don’t know I mean I hear you yep.

What else do you want to say about this? There’S nothing else to say we’ll just have to wait for the pricing and then here’s an interesting question coming down to the comment section. It would be nice to upgrade to 14 700k from my 12 700k on the same motherboard people. If you get a 12 700k, I argue go to the 14 900k or don’t bother, but I mean okay, all you’re doing is adding the ecores and it’s a little faster um. Why would you have to upgrade your ddr5? Why? Why? No you? Don’T that’s just it’s! Technically, an upgrade path, don’t know looking for a Windows 10 or 11 product key, but you don’t want to spend $ 100 to $ 200 for it. Our sponsor Ur CD Keys, provides discounted Windows, keys at amazing prices $ 15 for Windows, 10 professional $ 21 for Windows, 11, professional and just $ 60 for Microsoft, Office, 2021, Professional Plus these product keys, are the real deal. They activate directly with Microsoft online, linked to your Microsoft account and they work forever for Windows.

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