A Lot Has Changed

A Lot Has Changed

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “A Lot Has Changed”.
Have things felt different for you or your staff now that it’s been a month since the week uh plus break? Have you realized noticeable improvements from your new processes and content schedule? I don’t know why doesn’t the team answer that there’s a couple members of the team? I don’t know if Luke’s gon na have a lot to contribute to that. Actually, I don’t know if Dan’s gon na have a lot to contribute to that. Okay, I guess I’ll talk um. That is exactly what my response was going to be too.

Like nothing changed. Nobody talked to me as much. I was more productive, yeah, yeah um. I think that there’s been changes, but I also think that the public perception of the changes has been much greater than what the actual changes have been. I think not to diminish the effort. That’S gone into the changes effort before I think. That’S one of the things that people are kind of there was a lot of changes you would have asked for that were already in motion.

A Lot Has Changed

It’S like hey, you guys are not doing good enough. Hey you’re like working the team too hard and I’m sitting here going: okay, which one is it? Yes, we’re working really hard and we’re trying to do better, and that’s that was already what we were trying to do. Um – and you know it’s obvious – that there were some communication breakdowns that were taking place. I think that’s.

A Lot Has Changed

The biggest thing is we. We broke down a lot of barriers in inter-team meetings and we’ve we’ve added a lot of um. I I’ll also throw in here yeah. We absolutely have our Communications problems and I know of a few that I’m working on as well yeah um.

A Lot Has Changed

But if you ask like anyone that works at any company of a size, that’s more than like five people and you ask them like what prompts does your company have? Oh communication’s hooked, it’s like yeah things happen, and I think that there are a lot of things that we can do better yeah. Of course, there are for sure, I’m not trying to like. You know Dodge that.

There’S things no and and that’s the thing is like we’ve, I don’t think we’ve ever pretended that we operate perfectly smoothly internally. I think that one of the things that we do do sometimes to our detriment, is we are extremely transparent about our problems. Um, and so you know yeah here I am here.

I am talking about yeah some of the challenges and uh some of the things that we’re doing to improve and I’m gon na tell you guys up front like it’s, not perfect. It’S it’s gon na take a lot of time, um, the the first week back honestly, I think we had some of the most disastrous shoots that we had had in many many months um and not because we didn’t have enough time just because we had a lot Of new processes to work out – and it is not simple trying to do what we do believe it or not. If you know the solution and it’s super easy and obvious you don’t know the solution, it’s not that easy. It’S not! That obvious! There’S a lot of moving parts and um.

You know it’s it’s one of those things that um, you know I feel like people have to people have to experience. People have to live to understand, and so I don’t expect everybody to understand it, but um overall. I I think that you know it’s been motivating. I think it’s been exciting for people to spend more time talking to other people, um, which has been a personal source of frustration, because it’s something that I had been advocating for a lot and then all of a sudden.

Now it’s everybody’s idea so now we’re gon na do this like, okay, sure it’s like you should be talking to this team regularly. It’S like okay, but we need like a week shutdown in order to like internalize them like okay, yeah, and you know what you know. Part of it, too, is that it’s yeah.

It’S not that simple. It’S just like a lot of the times, and sometimes it’s process change, yeah yeah. I want to do this yeah and, and sometimes someone can say something you go yeah, that’s a good idea and I should do that. But until there’s like a hey, you know wake up moment. You’Re, just you kind of keep doing things.

The way that you did them before right and that’s especially when people are heavily tasked yeah exactly and I’m and I’ve never claimed that we don’t work hard, never um, and we do so. I’M optimistic, that’s what I’ll say in summary: yeah yeah .