The Next Xbox has LEAKED

The Next Xbox has LEAKED

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Next Xbox has LEAKED”.
This is one of the biggest leaks in gaming history. The entire 2030 Xbox lineup has been leaked., We’re talking about a brand new Xbox Series X, updates to the Xbox Series S a brand new controller and what Microsoft are planning for the next generation. We’re talking 2028. An all new generation of Xbox – and it is all fully leaked in this – absolutely wild document.. So this stems from the FTC.

(. Ambient music continues ), So Microsoft have been trying to purchase Activision for a while now and as part of that, they have given over an enormous amount of documents, planning documents and just a lot of stuff. That has been a little bit. Embarrassing emails all this kind of stuff., But the thing that really jumps out to me is this document, which is gone accidentally live this morning.

Now I’ll say that this document dates from May 2nd 2022. So it is a little bit over a year old, which means that some of the details might be slightly out of date. Today, but largely speaking, there is a huge amount of detail here that there’s just not gon na be time for them to change.. So the controller codename Sebile has been a massive massive point of an overhaul and honestly, it’s way more than I would’ve expected.. So this is targeted for June of 2024. So by around that normal sort of, I guess it used to be E3 timeline and the things that they’re going to be doing with this, I would argue, is a bigger update to the controller than when we went from the Xbox One to the Series X.. First of all, goodbye AA batteries, the rechargeable is finally going to be built into the controller which yeah about time.. There are also a lot of proper quality of life improvements., So there’s going to be lift to wake the controller, which is such a good idea.

I can’t believe that someone hasn’t actually done that already. We’re talking about updated Bluetooth, we’re also talking about the sort of two-tone finish, which looks a little bit more like an Elite controller in my opinion., And we also have modular thumb, sticks with improved longevity.. Now, a lot of when you look at this doc, a lot of what it seems like they’re aiming for here is not only an improved controller that can be used not only on-console but also, of course, mobile and cloud and whatnot., But also to make it a Little bit more sustainable right, So getting rid of those AA batteries having a rechargeable built in, of course, USB-C having the ability for you to fix your own thumb sticks at the very least.. Now what they mean by modular thumb sticks, I’m assuming is just like.

You could pop the stick off and replace it once you wear it out. I don’t think it’s something like oh hall sensor and something that’s significantly more. You know involved, but still a major update to the controller.. We’Re also talking about motion controls in this.. So there’s going to be an accelerometer built into the controller and the haptics are also going to double as speakers.. When I look at this controller, what I really see is this is Xbox targeting a much more DualSense-like controller.. I think that Microsoft were probably caught a little flatfooted when they saw the DualSense controller and just how far Sony had pushed that. So now, with a few years to work on it, they’ve really kind of revamped. This controller from top down and personally I’m very excited to get my hands on it. It seems like a pretty significant update.

And then there’s the brand new Xbox Series X, codenamed Brooklin., So everyone who was expecting a mid-generation pro console is going to be disappointed, because this is much more similar to a slim console. Although it is a lot more than just a slim Xbox., First and foremost, the design is being completely changed.. Now, when I first saw the Series X and specifically the components inside what struck me was it looks expensive.. So not only are there two individual boards, the motherboard and there’s a daughter board that are sort of sandwiched between this metal plate and then the entire thing is cooled by one large fan which pulls air from the bottom.. It’S a very clever design and it’s a big reason why. I think the Series X is so much smaller than the PS5, but it’s also a big reason why.

I would be absolutely shocked to find out that the Series X is cheap to manufacture right Like if you look at what’s inside the PS5 versus the Series X. It is clear that Microsoft has invested a lot of money in a very clever design, but a very expensive design to manufacture., So designing a slim version of it. There’S a lot of room for them to bring their costs down.. But one of the biggest surprises here is that this Series X is dropping the disc drive., So yeah you could see.

The Next Xbox has LEAKED

I mean it’s a cylindrical box somewhat similar to the Mac Pro and I think there’s some interesting sort of similarities there.. But if this leak is true – and I certainly believe it’s true, although again I do think there’s some details that likely have some room for change. They’re, targeting an all-digital lineup starting in 2024, so Series S, of course, never had a disk drive, but the Series X Is going to drop the disk drive and nothing I can see in these documents indicate that they are planning on offering it as an option.. Much like we’re largely expecting Sony to drop the disk drive but still have like an optional attachment or accessory or something.. That’S a tough pill to swallow, if I’m being entirely honest with you..

The Next Xbox has LEAKED

I understand that you know digital is clearly the future and it’s something they’re pushing more and more, and if any of these companies are gon na, do it between Sony and Microsoft. It’S gon na be Microsoft because they want you to sign up for Game Pass. They don’t really care that much about physical sales, but I think there’re gon na be a lot of issues if they’re just shipping purely digital consoles when it comes to retailers., Think about Best, Buy or GameStop like.

Why are they gon na really push your Xbox if they can’t make any money selling physical games? If it’s up to me – and this is just pure speculation – again – there’s no basis of these rumors as far as in these documents, but I would be very surprised if there’s not at least some kind of like disc drive attachment that you can purchase for the Xbox. There is now a USB-C port on the front of that new Series X. So to me it would seem like a kind of no-brainer to at least have some kind of disc drive attachment, but for right now, if we’re just basing it purely on their roadmap. Here for 2030 they’re gon na have an Xbox Series X in 2024, with no disc drive and no backup., And I like how the tagline here is “ The most powerful Xbox ever now, adorably all digital ,”, (, laughs ), I mean sure “ adorably, all digital”, We’Ll go with that.

The Next Xbox has LEAKED

Not “. Gamers are gon na, be real mad that they don’t have the ability to play their back-compat games without you know, buying them again or using Game Pass.. Now this will be shipping with that updated controller, and there are also some improvements on the inside.. So one of the ones that I think is kind of interesting is the actual processor., So they’re gon na be shrinking it from the original seven-nanometer chip, which actually have one right here down to a six-nanometer chip..

Now that actually seems maybe not particularly ambitious, largely because Sony already did that exact seven-to-six-nanometer swap and they did it in 2022.. So, with the 1200 model of the PS5 Sony secretly shrunk the size of the processor to a six-nanometer chip which gives them a little bit more power efficiency and importantly, it’s a little bit cheaper for them to manufacture.. Now that seems like a very straightforward and easy update for the Microsoft crew, but I will say that the efficiency and the gains on that are very small, like it is a technically better chip, more efficient, a little bit cheaper to manufacture. But it’s a pretty small difference, so the cooling requirements for this Xbox are likely not going to be enormously lower, which means that, while this is going to be a redesign, I wouldn’t expect it to be that much smaller.

If I’m entirely honest with you.. We’Re also talking about a new south bridge which again is going to help to refine some of the actual size and cost of these things is going to have faster, Wi-Fi 6E, that USB-C new Bluetooth, radio, a pretty sizable upgrade, I would say a very healthy slim Model and they’re still targeting it at $ 499. The exact same price of the Series X at launch..

Now, because this is a digital-only console and they’re, probably saving a little bit of space for the disc drive and packaging and whatnot they’re also going to have to offer bigger SSDs, and they do have that listed here in the actual list. As far as a two-terabyte option. Next up, we’ve got the update to the Series S codenamed Ellewood..

Now this is a more minor refresh because it’s not a physical redesign of the actual console, so we’re talking about still $ 299, but making that 1 terabyte SSD standard.. And if you remember just a couple of weeks ago, Microsoft released the 1 terabyte Series S. But at $ 350. I actually really like the Series S, as you would know, if you’ve seen that video but making the 1 terabyte model $ 300 makes a ton of sense. And there’s even a reference here that when this model comes out, they’re going to put The old Series S with 512 on fire sale $ 199 for Black Friday, and that is a deal my friends. Now.

This will also be packaged in with the brand new updated controller.. Now they do say that it’s got reduced power, although I don’t actually believe that this is going to be an updated chip, largely because I think that reduced power is going to be based on a better power supply and the better standby mode.. But still a very nice little update for the Series S.

Timeline-wise, we’re looking at the new Series S launching in September of 2024 and we’re seeing the Series X in November – and these are both – I would say – fairly nice upgrades.. Now. It’S certainly interesting to think about the fact that there’s not going to be a pro version of the console this time around.

But honestly, I’m not surprised by that.. You know Phil Spencer’s, already kind of gone on record, saying that he doesn’t really find that there’s a need for that.. I kind of personally agree, but also it’s gon na be a little bit of an awkward situation for the Xbox crew. When Sony are gon na be out here with a PS5 Pro for years and there’s really not going to be an Xbox counterpoint to that, except for the next generation. Yeah, my friends, it’s not just mid-gen updates. We’Ve also got ta. Look at what they’re planning for the next generation of the Xbox ( laughs ). I feel so bad for the Xbox guys that this leaked, but there is so much information here. It is wild that this thing is out here.

And we’re talking about options on how much they want to invest in these things. How many consoles they think they’re gon na sell it’s wild., But the thing that I think is also really interesting is the ideas for the future. Now.. This is clearly not fully baked. Specifically, they have Gen 10 investigations listed here.

So it’s something that I think they’re. Well into development, but there’s no way that that’s locked down yet. But they’re targeting 2028 for a brand new generation of Xbox. There’s a lot of other stuff in this current gaps slide, which I think is really interesting to pull up..

So not only a new elite controller as well as a luxury controller which is not currently funded as of 2022, but something they want to investigate. PC accessories. The ability to customize your Xbox via Design Lab, which I think would be really cool, they’ve already kind played around with that with some skins, but the ability to actually fully customize your controller would be really nice. And then there’s this Not in Scope for 1st party Kind of the off-limit stuff, which is like earbuds remotes controllers, handheld, which I find to be really funny, they’re, like hey, we’re, not doing an Xbox handheld., There’s also a sneak peek here at what the next generation would look.

Like. Now I will say out of everything that we’ve talked about. This is the thing that you have to have the biggest grain of salt for because it’s clearly Microsoft thinking about what they want to do., But there’s some really interesting nuggets here., First and foremost, is the idea for cohesive cloud gaming.. The concept is that you would be able to leverage not only cloud resources, but also your local game, to be able to play stuff that is bigger, that is higher fidelity.. I remember that there was a, I think it was Crackdown on the Xbox One that they had tried to do something similar, but it was a little too early.

Now what this really truly means, I think, still feels like it’s a little bit up in the air, But there are some really interesting nuggets for what we might expect for the next generation.. So there are some things that Microsoft are specifically calling out as far as does it make sense to go with an ARM CPU versus x64 and they’re, specifically calling out AMD Zen 6, which would be what they would be basing it on talking about big versus little Cpu cores co-designing the GPU versus making their own or licensing the IP having a neural processor, which is pretty much standard across the board for things like upscaling and whatnot., And then we’re talking about things like Next Gen Raytracing, a thin OS for super cheap, like less-than- $ 100 handhelds., Like obviously this is all just stuff they’re planning right. So it’s super super early. These are just the things they’re thinking about., But this is our first real look at what the 2028 future of gaming is going to look like and man. I feel like I got ta sit down after all this stuff.. Can we just all appreciate this moment in history that we have seen such an enormously comprehensive look at the current and next generation of gaming? Again, I want to give a sincere apology to the Xbox crew ,’cause.

The fact that this has leaked is brutal for them., But from a gamer’s point of view, this is good news that Xbox clearly are very, very much investing in the future., And this is not even counting a lot of the other stuff. I mean. There’S emails from Phil Spencer talking about how he wishes, he could buy Nintendo, but he couldn’t quite pull it off. There’S a ton of stuff from Bethesda there’s a lot of stuff in here., But I’m specifically talking about the console stuff ,’cause. I personally think that that’s the most relevant. And the fact that we are going to be looking at a very interesting update to the Series X and the Series S.

I’M very curious to see what you think in the comments., But also a sneak peek at what the next generation of gaming is going to look like is very, very exciting. Stay tuned, my friends, I think the console wars are starting to heat right back up and If you subscribe, you know that I’m gon na give you the play by play at six o’clock in the morning every time something leaks. .