The Internet of Hot Garbage

The Internet of Hot Garbage

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Internet of Hot Garbage”.
Uh Geo media ends with machines. Owners of Gizmodo have laid off the editorial team of the site’s Spanish equivalent, who used to translate articles and write their own original content. The site is not shutting down. Instead, it will be populated with machine translated articles from the English site during the transition. I’M sure you guys know that hilarity will ensue. This is very sad for the people who lost their jobs, but it’s funny that geomedia is basically having this turn into a PR disaster immediately. That’S the funny part during the transition.

Some readers have complained of reading articles that start in Spanish then switch to English part way through here’s an example and I’m about to butcher this so get ready. Oh no um! Oh no, La impresa, no respond! Okay, it doesn’t matter. The point is that’s probably why the form asks you to give your country of residence. It seems that nete is granting some people limited rights to what is this? What the heck? I really I don’t know.

I understand that like gpt4 and some of these other things are surprisingly good at translation, but I really think there’s. Oh no Spanish would like a word with you. I don’t speak Spanish uh. I think, especially once you get into the nuances of language and when you get into like Advanced levels of writing and people trying to get something across through indirectly referencing something and all these little subtleties that happen in in natural language. I find it really hard to believe that uh AI translation is going to be able to keep up with this super well, especially over time like if models are not being retrained and updated, they’re still going to need people like we talked about using AI translation for Um for for dubbing, for our videos and even then like even at ours at our scale there there was no. There was no possibility of us not having a human check them.

Of course, you’re going to have to do that because otherwise, you end up with this. In fairness to me, okay, my accent – probably wasn’t much worse than this translation. I was just reading. I mean the translation, just quits and starts reading English, so realistic, that’s what I did.

They were pretty similar uh Geo media has been experimenting with AI generated articles since at least July, which initially ran without oversight or input from gizmodo’s own writing staff. It is unclear if these algorithmically produced articles will then be subject to machine translation and republished. Oh, my goodness, the dog’s breakfast you would end up with. If you have an AI generated article that then gets AI translated into Spanish, oh no, oh! No! All right line is with big translated by AI Spanish energy, heck yeah .