Will EVERYTHING Be a Subscription?

Will EVERYTHING Be a Subscription?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Will EVERYTHING Be a Subscription?”.
Hello, fellow techs, with Nvidia being less and less interested to invest in the gaming space. How long do you think it will get before they start charging a monthly fee for using dlss like technology? Why do they know me so much so? Well, they know how to just make me not want to do this anymore. I know I not only don’t want to talk on Wow anymore. I don’t want to talk about that. I don’t want to face that. I actually almost wish that was never asked. I don’t want to have to make that video yeah.

Will EVERYTHING Be a Subscription?

I don’t want to cover it watching the the donut media team address the like subscription seat subscription seat. Warmers was like painful, for I think the exact same reason um. There is, I think, that sometimes I’ve seen it many times over the years. The general viewer, or at least some subset of the general viewer, seems to think that we have some kind of power that we don’t have.

Will EVERYTHING Be a Subscription?

You know whether it’s overpriced gpus or like under spec like oh, if only you guys complained about it more, you could get this changed. We can’t change anything and it’s honestly, it makes our impotence feel all the more frustrating because there’s at least a some a subset of you guys who want this from us who want us to wield this enormous club that you feel like we have for this. Industrywide change at the most. We can affect policy within a department at some of these companies or something like that, but you have to understand they’re publicly held they answer to one entity, the shareholder, that’s it so. If people will buy this sh, then they’re going to pump it out and it’s like sorry, I’m not meaning to like I’m not meaning to go off on this or anything.

Will EVERYTHING Be a Subscription?

But it’s so frustrating because we’re just watching this slow motion, burning, train crash and – and it’s like the extra weight of the expectation that we can do something about it is it’s it’s all the more frustrating. I hate it just as much as you guys, and I hate that you’re probably right. It is a matter of time until there is a subscription tier GPU feature, and you know what it’s not going to start on.

Geforce, it’s not going to start with D90 with premium, it’s going to start! Well, it’s it’s already, starting with the data center grade stuff and then it’s going to make its way into the workstation, and then it’s going to make it’s F way into consumer. It’S already. There, if you pay for a GPU as a service like GeForce now, but it’s a matter of time before it makes it into the card that you supposedly own sorry. This is a thing. Ah, anyway. Sorry, yes, go ahead.

Um. Do you think you can push a boycott yeah, I’m going to convince Gamers to stop playing games just like we convince people to stop paying for microtransactions. Just like we convince people to stop pre-ordering, it doesn’t matter crom welp on on X or Twitter uh. The director of publishing at laran Studios recently was in a thread talking about this, and I I strongly agree when it comes to uh Game Pass style subscriptions um.

So accessing video games, not not the Nvidia GeForce one but just like the Xbox One or PlayStation, one or or or whatever origin has one. I think up. Playay has one whatever um, where where they were basically saying, if you can afford it, which is a pretty big caveat, but if you can afford it just buy the games outright because one of the issues with these subscription services and – and I brought this argument up Recently to someone I don’t remember who, but they were like hey no like I know some, I know some game developers and, and they make some good money from if, if they get onto one of these services, like it’s a good Payday, the problem is when these Things become ubiquitous, then the four or five companies that run them run everything and now they can dict uh dictate all the terms. I I believe love that fre and slip.

I I believe recently, Microsoft and Playstation have cut their um payments to. I believe it’s just Indie developers, but it might be developers overall, like the only reason why they can do. That is because they’re not worried about it. They like upped their prices and cut their payments to Indie developers at the same time, and you saw Microsoft, um change the terms of their trial for games pass in the lead up to um Starfield yeah.

So it’s like, and it’s like yeah, that’s well within their rights to do and what, if your favorite game gets taken off of it and at the same time, what if it gets taken off of one of these subscription Services years after proof, it’s it’s in gamelink. Go watch gamelink, I’m sure it’s cited there, somehow um, but the uh, if this game that you love, is taken off of these services and also isn’t currently for sale on any of the stores. It’S just gone we’re seeing this happen with uh with with web video web movies right now, um like Netflix style platforms, where they’re they’re taking things off of the platform in order to get a tax write off on it. But that means you don’t have access to it anymore and yeah sure it got taken off the platform.

Maybe it wasn’t that good, but maybe you liked it so like man that sucks, I I don’t know I I don’t subscribe to any of these things and I know I’m a I’m a old school. I want physical versions of my games person, but this is almost a different argument. This has actually nothing to do with physical versions of games. This has a mixture of things to do with wanting uh the the de know, hoping that I’m taking a little bit less control away from the subscription services and making it so that developers have a little bit more because I think that’s important. There’S a relationship there right they need the platform. Steam is really important. These other things are really important. They need a storefront to be able to sell their games through everyone.

Just selling their games through their own websites is not going to be great. It works for some people, it’s not going to work for everyone, and but the cuts are rough and to people saying that piracy is the answer. Here’S the problem with that argument. Piracy is the answer as long as formats exist, that can be pirated. All they have to do is basically decide as an industry. It’S all game streaming now, yeah, you know what these games um we’re just never going to make the files available for anyone to download there will be nothing to.

There will be nothing to reverse engineer and there will be leaks. Occasionally I mean we saw that giant. Dump out of Nintendo, but almost literally everything that came out of that was like 20 years old, like you are not going to be just playing pirated games that were only ever installed in a data center that was NDA up the butt um.

You know 6 months after release or anything like that or or they can collectively just decide. You know what it’s just not worth it. If people are just going to Pirate this stuff and people might turn to piracy if they start making everything a subscription, so it becomes this arms race right where they kind of go okay.

Well. Well, then, we’re just only going to develop games that are hyper reliant on the always online uh, always online sort of community features, and that’s something we’ve already seen where you’ve got. This, like multiplayer, is kind of cloud functionality.

That’S just kind of shoehorned into games that honestly didn’t need it, but then suffer a degraded gaming experience. If you are, if you don’t have them at Le, at least for some people, you know, even if it’s something as simple as you know, people just like leaving comments behind that you can find um yeah. I don’t know it’s just like we talked about. I think we talked about this last week. How I was saying I’m like worried about the future of movies did. Did we talk about that? I think I think so I think so.

I’M worried about the future of gaming too, which is which is like kind CRA, because we’re like getting we’re coming out of a rough era into a very good ERA. Right now – and I will also say one of the great things about this current ERA is a lot of these games have very acceptable, monetization setup, which is interesting because for a while there, like remember the Battlefront era when like who was it, it would cost you Like a 100 Grand to unlock all the characters or no it’s like 100,000 hours of gaml, I don’t remember what it was. I don’t remember the quote, but Pride: an accomplishment yeah.

It’S like one of the most upvoted things on Reddit ever or down, voted down. Like 600,000 or something yeah sure, whatever I don’t know, it’s been a while but like we came from that into where we currently are, which is great, but because we’re in a great spot right now doesn’t guarantee, will be in a good spot in the future. Yeah – and I don’t know everything about the games industry – I’m not in it – it doesn’t even mean that we’re in as good a spot as we think we are now.

I mean one of the first things that you were saying about the the SP, the splash screen. When you jump into Starfield is that they’ve got that box sitting there, that is obviously a placeholder to get you used to seeing something there, so they can start selling you horse armor. Let’S not forget who started this whole bloody thing.

Yeah horse armor, never forget Bethesda. I know like Mark kerran popped off on this um. I don’t. I don’t know if if it was because of um here, I don’t know if it was because of what it looked like or or if it was because of this thing in the corner cuz. I honestly didn’t pay attention to that conversation CU. I didn’t care CU.

I think it looks fine, but this welcome to Starfield Square in the corner, uh mark my words will be used to sell things. I like I, like. I hate that you’re right.

I hate that. I promise you it’s going to happen. Some DLC is going to come out or something something’s going to be available.

I don’t know just mod it out yeah, it’s the solution to everything, add a loading screen to it. Yeah yeah. Can I just shout out twitch chat, someone is gifting Subs to people who have uh usernames. That insult me. If that’s how you guys want to express your hate, I’m super into it. That’S pretty [ Laughter, ] funny.

You guys really are something else. Twitch chat, .