I have a challenge for Samsung – Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5

I have a challenge for Samsung - Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I have a challenge for Samsung – Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5”.
Today, Samsung has one job actually two jobs. First, they have to convince me that upgrading to the fold 5 is going to be worth the hassle of moving all of my apps and settings and logins, and all that crap over from my full three daily driver. Second, they have to convince me that I’m gon na go to all that effort. I should go with the full five rather than the pixel fold, which is going to say one of the hottest devices on the market right now, but that’s a little on the nose.

So let’s have a look wow. That is a lot heavier than I was expecting. I’M a handy, Jerry rig everything knife available on lttstore.com.

Is this an actual hard hat to get glitter bombed by dbrand? Whatever this is, is in a lot of pieces, those appear to be glass, shards did different, actually ship me a box of glass shards. This is not the smart way to do this before one of these days. Dbrand is gon na like mail me a corpse or something you know, they’re gon na they’re gon na. Take it too far the Galaxy Z fold.

I have a challenge for Samsung - Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5

Five. Then it’s got everything the z-fold four had, but more better. So all the latest goodies from Samsung, including the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 for Galaxy processor, which means that essentially it’s a little bit overclocked compared to a regular Snapdragon, 8 Gen 2 up to 12 gigs of RAM Android 13 up to a terabyte of storage. That is, if you have a burning, a hole in your pocket, no included accessories to speak of that’s right. We not only don’t get Chargers, we don’t get cables, we don’t get. Oh, we do get a cable.

Oh look at that ha a USBC charging cable. That, probably won’t even do data transfer thanks Samsung, I should say thanks Apple for the industry Trend that you started. It also won’t do any data transfer if the phone’s not on. Let’S get this thing fired up, shall we speaking of which charging is a strength for this device? It charges from zero to 94 in an hour according to our data from the lab that is how’s that work out to 17 percent more than the pixel fold in the same amount of time, which is pretty cool, and that’s not the only thing about it.

I have a challenge for Samsung - Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5

That’S better than the pixel fold. We measured gaming performance that was anywhere from 20, faster than the pixel fold to nearly double, which is flipping impressive. Oh, that would have been a great plan, if only I was uh covering a completely different phone. Okay, it’s a USB 2 data, transfer, cable, so good job.

I have a challenge for Samsung - Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5

I guess before we get into any more performance stuff. I just want to take a closer look at this right out of the box. I can say it is significantly flatter than the pixel fold was even similarly right out of the box, although Samsung’s hinges have not always had a perfect track record for me for staying flat. This is my fold three, and this is how flat it is now.

You might actually be able to see this better in the top down yeah yeah, not that flat, you kind of can give it the old you know, but even then see. But of course this is a new hinge design that, hopefully is more durable and stays flatter longer, but most importantly, is zero Gap. Now I mean where I’m from that’s not zero, but I will give them credit. That is a lot smaller than the gap on the older phone, so this is the three in my hand, and this is the five and that’s going to help with ergonomics when you’re using the external screen. As someone who actually daily drives one of these things, I can tell you you’re going to find yourself using the external screen a lot more than you probably think that was one of the biggest issues with the first gen aside from the super dim inner screen. So for the outer one we’re looking at a 6.2 inch HD Plus display it runs at anywhere from 48 to 120 hertz, an Adaptive refresh rate mode that helps both make it feel more smooth and helps it save power. They claim it’ll do up to around 1700 nits Peak brightness in HDR mode. Unfortunately, we don’t have a way to do HDR testing just yet, but we were able to measure it in SDR mode, which is pretty flipping bright and, of course it’s got a pinhole camera.

Just like we’ve seen on the last several Generations. As for how good it is, I suspect it’s fine. Hello here is myself there.

Well, one thing to note is man: Samsung is applying a lot of processing to their selfie pictures these days by default, Yvonne took a couple of pictures of us at a wedding recently, just like you know, taking selfies she’s like wow. That’S a really good picture. I’M like yeah because it applied makeup it embed in our eyes it reduced all our wrinkles, so I turned all that stuff off. She had just reset it to default and we took another picture. We’Re like yeah we’re pushing 40 pretty quick anywho, let’s slip open to the internal display.

This one is 7.6 inches 2176 by 1812, also 120 hertz, and also apparently capable of 1700 nits Peak brightness. Now one of the biggest differences between the pixel fold and the Galaxy fold series is, of course, the aspect ratio of the internal display. The pixel fold is meant to be open more like a wallet. You know it opens up into landscape, whereas the Galaxy fold goes from portrait to slightly less portrait.

Personally, I’ve got to say I kind of prefer this approach, just because I find myself more often than not. If I am watching video content kind of reading comments and scrolling down below which is one of the main benefits of having a gigantic screen – and I also find this aspect – ratio really great for remote desktop pretty much, no matter what aspect ratio the monitor of the System you’re remoting into is this fits reasonably well all right, um she’s bright can’t come from wow. Those whites are eye searing. One thing I can tell you hasn’t improved over previous gens is the screen protector.

It has the same, if not quite glass kind of feel to it, but that doesn’t mean that I would necessarily recommend removing yours. Mine started to peel at the hinge, and so I did eventually peel it up. It’S not like the first gen, where you can’t do that you can and it does have a nicer glass feel to it, even though it’s still not in glass, but what eventually happens to mine is, if you look closely, my display is actually cracking so here. Let me just see if I can open something, not incriminating here sure Alpha cools website. You can actually see there’s like micro cracks. Can you hear it? That’S a bummer. It seems to be the very top layer, either cracking or delaminating a little bit and hopefully they’re continuing to improve this display technology Generation by generation. But it does mean that, even if you really like the phone, I would have to caution you, and maybe I don’t even know how long to tell you guys to wait, because this one was over a year before it started to do that.

So it’s not like you could just wait. If I mean there will be a new one and then you won’t even know if that one has any game breaking issues. One thing that has been good online, though, is the IP rating. I regularly use it in the shower accidentally get water on it, glowed in the rain, all that kind of stuff, and I have had zero issues with it other than it warning me not to charge when there’s water in the port and the fold. Five is rated at ipx8, meaning that all of those same use cases should be fine, but don’t take it into the ocean. I have high hopes for the rear. Shooters, though, that’s something that could potentially convince me to move on from my full three: are they really going to be much better? Oh, we have different Zoom levels. Now, though, what are we looking at for cameras, so the mains 50 megapixel 12 megapixel on the ultra wide and 10 megapixels on the telephoto? Oh, we got some. We got some significant improvements here.

Yeah. Look at that. Okay, I mean yeah Bell’s interesting, but forget about Belle for a second. You can’t even make out these stitches here. Huh, definitely capturing more detail hard to say if it’s a significantly better sensor, if it’s just better processing but wow, that text is way more readable. Another improvement over the fold: four, let alone the fold three is that, even though the processor is faster and the battery is the same at 44 milliamp hours Samsung claims that they’re able to get another hour of battery life out of it just due to improved efficiency.

Let’S see how that kind of shook out for us, we do have some Labs data, but, like I said we don’t have anything for fold4, because we don’t have one on hand right now. What we did have for comparison is the pixel fold, though, and uh that does not tell a very compelling story for the fold: five’s efficiency. It got walloped, I’m talking an hour of extra time in the stress test for the pixel fold. With that said, using the external display for video playback, we got an extra four hours on the fold, five compared to the pixel fold, so it’s a mixed bag at best and the same goes for performance. We showed you guys some gaming numbers earlier that have the fold five absolutely walking all over the pixel fold, but when it comes to productivity, actually their app launch times were surprisingly close when you consider how much slower, theoretically, the pixel fold is compared to Samsung’s latest.

I mean realistically, if you want the absolute most in performance, you’re, probably just going to get an iPhone, that’s a whole separate conversation. I mean we can sideload, we can side load baby. Ah man, I guess that’s just general ergonomics. They haven’t really changed.

Much. To be honest with you, it’s exactly as handleable as the previous gen device. In fact, if you didn’t tell me that I was holding a different one, I probably wouldn’t notice like yeah, it’s a little bit shorter, but so was the last gen that was already the case. I guess just to help it be a little bit less top heavy.

Oh how’s, that pinhole camera actually I’m very curious about that, both from a transparency standpoint and from an image quality standpoint. Okay, it’s poo poo, just like it was before awesome, basically looks like there’s something smudged all over the screen, which there pretty much is all your pixels. As for how noticeable it is, that’s better, I don’t know how to describe it other than to say that the the mesh is noticeably finer on the new model. Oh yeah, we never really talked about the buttons on the outside, so you got your lock button, which has a fingerprint sensor.

I cannot say how much I love having a fingerprint sensor button compared to an on-screen fingerprint sensor like especially Samsung’s. It uses ultrasonic Tech rather than a camera, and it’s just slow. This is so fast. I mean okay.

Obviously I can’t show you on this one, but I’m sure it won’t be any worse than this, so you basically just unlock the phone and it’s it’s on. It’S great it’s great volume, rocker SIM tray, nice, canceling, mics other more different mics stereo speakers USBC for charging. I like the feel of the hinge, but I always like the feel of the hinge out of the box. So I’m, like I’m, gun shy about saying it’s good right, because I said this one was good and I loved it and then it turned into a piece of um cracked piece of cracked other than the camera. I’M not really seeing a whole lot to upgrade to here. I’M definitely not going to go with the pixel fold, not with some of the issues that have been coming out around it.

First gen lows you know, but for me it basically just comes down to. I really like having a phone that I don’t have to worry about, just like whatever it’s so beat up already, because I’ve accidentally dropped it so many times that has a value to me, because I can just give it to my kids, knowing that they’re, probably gon Na drop it – and I could you know whatever, whereas this it’s all pristine and I feel like, I don’t think the Gap is a big deal to me. No, I don’t, I don’t mind the gap.

That’S that’s why I fall on the subway. It’S sorry. What are we talking about? Watch short circuit subscribe, .