The Ultimate Test: 5800X3D’s Power Analyzed for Gaming, Multitasking, and More — Tech Deals

The Ultimate Test: 5800X3D's Power Analyzed for Gaming, Multitasking, and More — Tech Deals

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “The Ultimate Test: 5800X3D’s Power Analyzed for Gaming, Multitasking, and More — Tech Deals”.
Hello and welcome to the Rogue Tech show I’m Tech. This is rug and you are all awesome will comes in with a CPU question. This is related to a recent one that we did. If we remember we’ll link that down below will says, he currently has a 5800 X, 3D CPU and a 6950 XT GPU. He plays Rust and Call of Duty, mainly at 3440, by 1440p 165 Hertz. So that’s an ultra wide and he has a second Ultra wide. 34 40 by 1440p, monitor for multitasking.

He feels his GPU is fine, but he see his CPU seems to struggle he’s running two ultra wide monitors will and everybody else. Let’S take a walk, buy Windows, 10 professional for 15, activate instantly online with Microsoft and keep it forever don’t pay full price. Get the best deal from our sponsor urcd Keys, using our Link in the video description below full details on how this amazing deal works. At the end of the video, we recently had a question asking about upgrading a 5800x to a 5800x 3D in a similar situation, and my generalized advice is not really worth the trouble.

It won’t be as impressive as you think it is when you watch all of the benchmarks, most 5800x 3D reviews, including from some YouTubers who post chart after chart after chart with all due respect, they test at 1080p, High detail with a 40 90.. That is not a real world use case and I’m sure there’s three people out there who do that. But that is absolutely ridiculous. A 40 90 at 1080p High detail is not what you are likely to be doing and of course we’ll here is not John.

The guy who asked the previous question is not, and the vast vast vast majority of people are not and what happens is people see those benchmarks and they proudly Proclaim on the internet. Oh, the 3D chips are the best gaming CPUs in the world, all they’re, so amazing and credible they’re, so much faster than the non-3d chips they’re faster than until they’re, the best things ever. Everybody should buy them, no matter what? Yes, that’s all true with a 40 90 at 1080p, but those results do not translate into this to 1440p ultra wide, two of them, two of them at 165 Hertz, especially with a 6950 XT, which is not a 40 90. so interesting.

He says his CPU is struggling and not his GPU. I didn’t feel he’s got enough GPU for those monitors. It’S an 8 core 16 thread. Zen 3 CPU, it’s good, but it’s not that good and it and rust is a challenging game to run and while 3D chips Call of Duty is too isn’t it.

The Ultimate Test: 5800X3D's Power Analyzed for Gaming, Multitasking, and More — Tech Deals

Yes, the 3D chips help Call of Duty, but with all of that on the screen in his video card, I’ll bet, his CPU is just tasked capacity. Um will has good monitors. He has a good graphics card that, let’s be honest, with your monitor, configuration you kind of need to just always be upgrading. I’Ve said this before I’m going to say this again, the upside to buying a premium monitor. Is it could last you a long time you buy a Ultra wide high resolution, High refresh rate quality, monitor, maybe 4K, maybe 1440p or 1600p Ultra wide.

You get a high refresh rate IPS super speed panel with one millisecond true greater grade response time. You could keep that thing for the next 10 years and have an awesome experience. The downside is, you are committing yourself to upgrading your computer constantly, because trying to drive that screen is so demanding you basically have to buy the next top end graphics card every generation.

Every two years, you’re doing well that’s crazy, who upgrades a graphics card every two years. Your use case does people who have dual Ultra wide High refresh rate monitors and want to play games and not stutter you’re multitasking, you are, you are playing demanding games, you’re playing them at high refresh rate there’s only two CPUs. You should buy. First of all, if you want to stay with AMD, skip the 7900 XT go straight to a 7900 xdx. You are the person who should get the XTX on the GPU on the GPU, with the 24 gigs of vram versus the 20 gigs. I normally advise people to buy the 7900 XT, but he’s his case.

Yeah go straight to the top. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 pay. All your money for the card, thankfully they’re not available for under a thousand bucks, at least in the United States, or go buy a 40 90.. It’S crazy, expensive.

As that sounds. It really is not its next level. You’Ll you’re, the 4090 buyer, buy the top card from either company. It doesn’t matter which now you have a 6950 XT, which is the best 6000 series card. You need to replace that with the next best card and I hate to tell you, but when the 8000 series comes out or the 50 series comes out, you’re buying that too. And that’s your future from no one. And if you didn’t know that when you bought those monitors now we’re, I need to be clear on something we are talking about people who want to keep up with the newest games who want to play the newest AAA games. Oh, a new Call of Duty is coming out.

Oh a new, whatever cyberpunk expansion pack is coming out. Oh starfield’s, coming out, okay, oh this is coming up. You are always upgrading now so graphics card, meaning upgrade yeah CPU. You need a new machine, yeah yeah and here’s the tough one. Do you go with an I9 13900k or a ryzen, 9? 7950X. 3D. Then the only two ones you should consider and before everybody goes screaming to the comment section, oh by the way.

Please do we appreciate the engagement but to anybody who says that a 7800 X 3D is all he needs, because Gamers don’t need more than eight cores. He has dual Ultra wides. He is doing more than just gaming, multitasking gaming and a 7800 X 3D is just his current chip with a 20 boost of IPC and clock speed, it’s the exact same chip with a slight bump. It would be a very sad depressing upgrade. A 7800 X 3D is 450 right now, a 7950x3d is about six hundred dollars.

That’S a hundred and fifty dollars more for 150, more you glue a 7700x onto your 7800x 3D you’re you’re. Getting the extra course for half price. It’S a no-brainer or you get a 3900k at 1440p. There is no practical difference in performance between 3900k and a 7950x3d. I have both my home gaming machine is a 7950x. My work machine is a 3900k at 1440p.

The Ultimate Test: 5800X3D's Power Analyzed for Gaming, Multitasking, and More — Tech Deals

Ultra wide pick your favorite. It does not matter, but that’s a new motherboard, that’s new RAM and for your use case, ddr5 do not put a 13 13 900k in there with ddr4. There are cases where it’s okay, yours isn’t one of them. So new Ram new motherboard new CPU house flying build a new computer. Keep your current computer sell your computer, that’s where you’re at there’s, nothing else to be done. You can then keep that for three years and you’re doing it again and then you’re doing it again.

The Ultimate Test: 5800X3D's Power Analyzed for Gaming, Multitasking, and More — Tech Deals

You can, if you do that now, you can probably skip 15th and 16th gen, which is 2024 and 2025. arrow Lake comes out next year. It’S on the new, socket LGA 1851 and then in 2025, lunar Lake comes out also on that 16th gen. Also, on LGA 1851.

skip that wait for Beast Lake in 2026., three years from now, so basically you’re skipping every other Intel socket. If you go the Intel route, that means that three years from now after building a brand new 1300k or if you wait till October, the 1400k same thing, 200, megahertz, faster, 14, 900k you’re, keeping it three years and then you’re replacing the entire machine. Again, if you don’t like that answer, then you need to change your monitors, yeah or don’t play new games, new games or or scale back your games or except 60 hertz and and frame lock. Your games to 60 frames a second yep, and this is a message that is not shared, often enough, because you can buy High refresh rate monitors for very little money.

There was a deal on Prime day recently for 4K 144 Hertz 27 inch monitors for like under 400., but 4K 144hz requires a lot of the best mankind has to offer in the computer. You buy a 400r monitor and you need four thousand. You don’t need a four thousand. You need three thousand to our computer to run it.

That’S missed so much. It is. What would you add to all this? If he’s using it for work, then it makes sense to go ahead and do the upgrade if it’s more just to play, games and just to kind of hang out on the weekend, then, while it’s late in this to say it, you do not need a 13900k And a 40 90 to play Rust in Call of Duty. I mean an Xbox series s for 200 bucks.

Does that a ryzen 5 5600 and an RX 6600 we’ll do that at 1080p. High detail just fine, but he doesn’t have 1080p. That’S the point! He wants a premium experience, it’s going to cost money, it’s a new, build, there’s nothing to do with it, except replace it, and it’s everything’s new Rams new and also, unless he built that very recently storage. If you built that a year ago, you’ll be shocked when you Price Storage right now right now, you can buy a two terabyte Samsung 980 Pro one of the best Gen 4 nvme drives on the market for a hundred bucks flat. That’S incredible! Those things were in your 300 bucks 18 months ago.

It wasn’t that long. You can buy decent gen 3 drives for less, but these prices yo – you wouldn’t do anything less, so you may want to do a storage upgrade take whatever your current boot Drive is maybe and move it down, except wouldn’t you kind of keep his current machine intact As a machine and just leave it either sell it as a complete machine or unless he’s got kids or a nephew or something it can, it can go down the line. Somehow it would also be the best backup machine ever. Oh, my gosh. Could you imagine, hopefully that helps you? Will it may not be the answer you wanted, but we’re here to we’re here to give you the truth, looking for a Windows 10 or 11 product key, but you don’t want to spend 100 to 200 for it. Our sponsor urcd Keys provides discounted Windows, keys at amazing prices, 15 for Windows, 10 professional 21 for Windows, 11, professional and just sixty dollars for Microsoft. Office, 2021, Professional Plus these product keys, are the real deal.

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Huh, uh, dead BC and Jet says sounds like this. Pc gaming thing can get expensive. You can’t the monitors need to match the computer, which match the games which matches your experience and our kids at home have 1440p 144th monitors, but they play Minecraft. Fortnite OverWatch just cause Terraria. Those things play great Roblox. Those things play fine on less expensive, CPUs, less expensive video cards, because they’re not trying to play cyberpunk at 4K, 144 Hertz at Ultra Ray tracing detail.

If you want to do that, you’re buying the best video card forever. Thank you. .